A quick update to the list - more people paying -
We've past half way! Woohoo! Thank You! It is great to see everyone's enthusiasm and excitement for the project.
If you are not on the list and would like a kit, PM me and I'll try to make it work.
If you are on the list - please pay as soon as you can so we can get this order under way.
If you need to pull out of the buy, please PM me and let me know so I can open up the spot for others.
I've received the final version of the PCB today, still waiting for the temp probe. The PCB looks amazing and works as expected. I'll run it through a final test when I receive the new temp probe.
I've ordered parts - received buttons, screws, nuts, nylon standoffs so far! Ordered SSRs and Arduinos yesterday, ordering Power supplies tomorrow.
The list below indicates what I have received. Please don't edit this list as it contains payment information. If you have paid and it is not indicated on the list, wait a few days. I will try to update it regularly. We should be out of the holiday season, so payments should be coming through overnight from now on. Thanks Everyone!
1. Lael (x2) - paid
2. natdene - paid
3. Belter - paid
4. gap
5. kingy - paid
6. barneey - paid
7. ArnieW - paid
8. The Judge - communicated
9. Mitch_76
10. tateg - paid
11. LiquidCurrency - paid
12. rafinus - communicated
13. crazyhorse - paid
14. marksy (x 2) - paid
15. JB - paid
16. Neo__04
17. Masters Brewery - paid
18. Cervantes -paid
19. Rogermellie
20. sipahono -paid
21. BobCharlie - paid
22. jubilakka - paid
23. CoxR - paid
24. Capnk - paid
25. breakbeer
28. micbrew
29. Screamadelica - paid
30. pats
31. claypot - paid
32. redlegger
33. slyt - communicated
34. lynchman x 2 - paid
35. Bigbern - paid
36. real_beer
37. stux - paid
38. Shaunous - communicated
39. jonasbegood - communicated
40. havebeer
41. Tassiehopper - paid
42. GrumpyPaul - communicated
43. Misterwilson - paid
44. jonnir
45. parktho
46. MrDave
47. Brutusb - paid
48. Luisdepaula2001
49. tommy160 - paid
50. bigmacthepunker - paid
51. nainsook - paid
52. BazzaB - paid
53. zwitter - paid
54. glen - paid
55. kiwisika - paid
56. sluggerdog - paid
57. smokomark
58. SBOB
59. Marc280 - paid
60. Dug
61. rhart00
62. Malty Cultural - paid
63. MitchD
64. camelbak28 - paid
65. 620rossco - paid
66. Nick R - paid
67. Cavemanbrew - communicated
68. Seemore - paid
69. Eucyblues - paid
70. Wort - communicated
71. Lluisdomene
72. Rambo - paid
73. Seamad
74. LarsjohanS - communicated
75. fortmonty
76. zappa - paid
77. Pugwash - paid
78. Catcher - communicated
79. Dean1639
80. Mardoo - paid - (clear unknown price unpaid)
81. BlueMutt
82. poggor
83. AndrewF - paid
84. BigwillyAus
85. dropbear85 - paid
86. Fabrizio - communicated
87. Silverbrew
88. Drunk Az - paid
89. freelander2002 (x2) - communicated
91. Guysmiley54 - paid
92. Crozdog - paid
93. conjob - paid
94. Chris_O
95. Brendrage - paid
96. Guidos - paid
97. TheMechWarrior
98. CoW77 - paid
99. MarketLane - paid
100. mojonojo (parts) - paid
Details about this kit if you want to know more:
Hi Everyone,
The costing came out to $245AUD per kit + $15 postage (AusPost express) once all the parts and exchange rates are accounted for.
If you haven't seen this post:
http://aussiehomebre...46#entry1251289 It has more details on pricing etc.
If you are outside Aus, the kit is almost exactly 1.5kg, which means that the calculation needs to be for 1.5-2kg to allow for packaging (appx 150/200gr I think). If you are international, the price is $245+Intl postage+$5 for packaging materials. Go to:
http://auspost.com.a...calculator.html and select Overseas (parcels) and check out weights. Generally better value can be had by combining weight - eg: 2 kits =3-3.5kg and usually makes shipping cost per kit half. I apologise in advance for the expense. I guess Aus is a long way away from everywhere.
I've put together a quick (actually, it is 30mins...) video showing what is included and how it all goes together so if you are trying to figure out what is included and how difficult / easy it is, give it a watch. It is so beautifully simple to put together. Take a look:
If you are ready to pay - the information you need is here:
Based on the first survey I did, I'm looking at getting heating elements and stainless plates to make the build process easier. So there is a quick survey about that. The only question you have to complete is the one saying - Yes I will be responsible for the kit I build, not Lael (basically - you build it, you are responsible for it). Once you submit that, you'll get account details to put the money into, and I can start ordering parts! (I'll actually wait a little until we get enough people paid for this to go ahead). I'll add payment status to the above list once it starts coming in.
A BIG Thank You! to Austin and the Admin crew for giving me supporter status to allow me to handle all the messages coming through. Super appreciated!