The Australian National Homebrewing Conference

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Congratulation all winners and participants.

But the biggest well done goes to Kabooby.

Your Vienna got the 1st and the Weizen got a second.
MacArthur rocks.

Congratulations to all participants and to all who placed, well done. Cheers and special congratulations to the QLD contingent and AHB-Qld members, State Champ AndrewQLD 1st (Dsseldorfer Altbier) and Browndog 2nd (American IPA).

Congratulations to all participants and to all who placed, well done. Cheers and special congratulations to the QLD contingent and AHB-Qld members, State Champ AndrewQLD 1st (Dsseldorfer Altbier) and Browndog 2nd (American IPA).


Hey Screwy, you forgot someone there,
Michael carter (Screwtop) 1st place Belgian French & sour beer catagory. Well done.
And William Steudler too, 3rd in the Wheat and Rye cat.
Qld rocks.
Same goes for all the place getters, a very proud moment I won't forget.

Hey Screwy, you forgot someone there,
Michael carter (Screwtop) 1st place Belgian French & sour beer catagory. Well done.
And William Steudler too, 3rd in the Wheat and Rye cat.
Qld rocks.
Same goes for all the place getters, a very proud moment I won't forget.


Thanks Andrew, the entire QLD scorecard below

Cat 3. Pale Ale: 2nd Tony Brown (American IPA)
Cat 7. Pale Lager: 3rd Lyall Cotram (German Pilsener)
Cat 10. Wheat and Rye Beer: 3rd William Steudler (Weizenbock)
Cat 11. Hybrid Beer: 1st Andrew Clark (Dsseldorfer Altbier)
Cat 12. Belgian French and Sour Beer: 1st Michael Carter (Belgian Strong Golden Ale)

Well it wasnt a dream after all second highest scoring beer at 126.4 pinch, pinch. Nope definitely not dreaming
Best Conference Ever.

Congratulations to all the organisers, participants, speakers, comp participants and place getters, anyone who had anything to do with it at all really.

Great to put some faces to names and meet the people I've chatted to over the years.

The beer and food matching dinner was absolutely brilliant!

Loads of great beer on every night but the club night reinforced that there are a lot of excellent homebrewers out there! Great work folks.
Awesome conference, great people, great beer.
I particularly enjoyed Jamil and John, Jon Herskovits, Jess Caudill, Phil Sexton. Also chatting to Mick Jontef on the way to the gala dinner. And all the beers, especially the Wig and Pen stout and Ron Feruglio's golden ale.
I didn't get to meet or talk to a lot of you, but those of you I did meet thanks very much for making this kiwi tourist welcome. I'll be spreading the word back home, hopefully we can send a bigger kiwi contingent next time.

Barry the kiwi.
Wow! Fantastic weekend! :super: Many thanks to Andyd and the rest of the crew for putting on a great conference. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, even though I lost my voice on the Thursday night and it still isn't back!

It was fantastic to meet so many fellow AHBers there from all over the country. I can't list all the people I met because I've forgotten some of their names, and there are so many of them. It was great talking to John Palmer and Jamil on club night and at various other points throughout the weekend. Standout beers for me were the Temple Golden Ale (of course!), Bling IPA, and I was really surprised (I probably shouldn't have been, but was anyway) how good the O'Brien's Pale Ale was. Fantastic work Millet Man, and it was great talking to you.

And the brewer I talked to at the Gala dinner from Tamworth (sorry, can't remember your name :rolleyes: ), please get in touch when you move up the Queensland. We'll have a few beers. :beer:
Fully endorse all comments on the conference. The organising commttee went in with a solid game plan and I have found little to fault them for. The committee people and their worker bees can be very justifiably proud cos they pull off a great success. The amount of work they did behind the scene must have been emormous and what problems occured looked unforeseenable and was handled as best they could under the circumstances.

I didn't see anything that anyone could criticise the organising committee for except not showing the Cox Plate, for that matter not having a TAB there !!! And a pool table. A swimming pool !!! :lol:

My thanks to the clubbies who put the Friday night club beer on. Those who were there knew I had a good night. What made it a great night apart from some lovely beers and completely avoiding the cherry lambic was meeting and greeting all the club members.

Being beer judges ;) the conference would rank at least a 35 out of 50. Good to style, some minor faults and blemishes that could be corrected, a nice effort. When they get back their scoresheets, the commitee will say, I need to tweak that, maybe change this for that and be contenders for Best of Show in 2009.

Just make sure you all come in 2009.
What a great event and I'm glad I was able to make it along. Chatted with heaps of passionate home brewers and drank some bloody good beer. How nice a guy is Jamil? Well done to everyone involved and it was great to see such a big crew from WA. Good one.
Well finally woken up after passing out soon after arrival home.....why are my feet & kidneys so sore? :huh:

I attended the conference with Andy (BYB) and Kingy(Moculta Masher) and I'm very glad I went, it was an awesome event. I've now had my level of knowledge about the nuts and bolts of brewing expanded thanks to the speakers and all of the other brewers there, and I'm sure there will be a corresponding improvement in the beer I'm turning out too! You guys even managed to give me a few ideas to implement in the workshop on the equipment....

It was a pleasure to meet John and Jamil, they're both great down to earth guys with a lot to share (yes I got some books signed too ), and it was great to put faces to names/nicks from here on AHB, the email inbox and elsewhere finally, too many of you to mention and I can't say how much I appreciate the positive and constructive feedback I had from the guys who've got bits and pieces off me in the past, you've given me loads of motivation to go home and carry on with. I even managed to meet a couple of people my opinons have burnt a bridge or two with over the last couple of years, and left hopefully as friends. And that to me is absolutely priceless. Bloody brilliant.

We really do have a great brewers community here in Australia, and it's something we all should be very proud of. To tell the truth I was a little overwhelmed to begin with - it was almost like a great big family re-union. I left wishing that there had been more time, and wondering if it should have been a week long event instead - although based on how long it's taking me to recover I'm not sure I'd survive a week of it.....

The organisers, and volunteers on the floor have a lot to be praised for, friendly welcoming faces and a level of organisation to be commended on. The show went on pretty much seamlessly regardless of some small challenges and even one organiser having personal circumstances that would have for many (me included) made it difficult hold it all together and smile in the first place, let alone continue to tie it all together for the rest of us. An incredible example of the professionalism at work with this event - you know who you are, my thoughts are with you.

So thanks to the organisers, sponsors and to everyone who attended. You made it what it was, something to look forward to next time and I for one would encourage everyone to attend next time and make it even better. I'll be waiting for the ANHC ticket shop to open with baited breath next time, and will be working towards us hopefully being able to make our own contribution to the event. Might even bring the missus with me.

I'm pretty sure that some of us who didn't attend will manage to make it next year, and just like this year any differences that we manage to have here on the board will be put aside like the adults we are MR POO.... <_<

I took a few snaps while there, here are a couple.

John Palmer presenting

Jamil Zainasheff presenting

The 'South Aus' table at the food & beer matching dinner.

Beer, late nights, dimmed lights the gentle soothing tones of brewing info and a womb like warmth in the conference hall was a little too much for some mid afternoon....... :lol:

Thanks to everyone. Highlight of my year.

PS. A special congratulations to all the SA guys who took out places in the nationals, bloody well done. I wasn't at the presentation, but I was sitting across the table from Back Yard Brewer at the Taphouse in St Kilda when he found out about his made for a wonderful evening and a wonderful hangover in the morning...

That Taphouse!!!! Geez you Melbourne guys are lucky.......20 beers on tap and a book like menu for the bottled offerings.....didn't want to leave. That Hargreaves ESB, absolute magic.
hehe, yes Adam - you definitely missed out :lol: start saving your pennies mate, you're coming with next year.
hehe, yes Adam - you definitely missed out :lol: start saving your pennies mate, you're coming with next year.

next year though he isn't sharing a hotel room with anyone ! Sleep on the plane going home too ?
next year though he isn't sharing a hotel room with anyone ! Sleep on the plane going home too ?

:lol: uhhh, yeah as a matter of fact I did :)

I'm only likely to be sharing a room with the missus next year spectators allowed :ph34r:
Everything was great, fellow brewers, presenters, sponsors, MC's, food, the chats the beer and especially the Crew :beer:
I nearly dropped myself in it by mentioning to Michael Day (while in a relaxed state after the AABC presentation dinner) that Scott (Goatherder) and I had been inspired by his talk on English Bitter, to buy and sample a couple of "Ordinary" Bitters between the close of ANHC and the presentations.

The look on 'is face when I mentioned the "O" word, and the look on Scott as well, and maybe even Mark Hibberd.
O my goodness! :unsure: Kill me.

I promptly excused myself by stating that it was absolutely "anything but ordinary".
Then there was a general sense of relief, but the enduring shame is mine for mentioning it in the first place.

Apologies and respect B)

In honour of Michael, and his feelings for the definition of the style for competitive purposes, I am currently drinking (as I compose this) a London Pride clone made to the recipe in the CAMRA-produced "Brew Your Own Real Ale at Home". Dry, yet malty, with caramel and some fruit. A little hazy due to its youthful age, but generally a superb drop. Not fizzy, but well-attenuated and my best attempt at this recipe. I'll save some for ya, Scott.
Cheers :beer:
In the words of Sky hooks "Ordinary not a dirty word" :lol: Call it what you will its still the same beer.Please excuse my lack of politically correct beer terminology.

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