The 2006 Nsw Homebrewing Championships

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The 2006 NSW Homebrewing Championships - Call for Judges and Stewards

The NSW homebrewing Championships will take place on Saturday,
21st of October at the Potters Brewery in Cessnock. We are looking
for Judges and Stewards to help out on the day. If you would like
to do either, then please go to the comp. website
(, click on the "register here" link and
fill out the form.

If you have never been to a homebrew competition before, but want to be
involved, or just want to know how it works, consider signing up as a steward.
Being a steward is a great way to learn how to judge beers! If you feel
up to judging, don't let lack of any formal qualifications or experience
stop you. We encourage new judges to sign up. New judges will be paired up
with more experienced judges. Its the best way to learn!

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to PM me directly.

The 2006 NSW Homebrewing Championships - Call for Judges and Stewards

The NSW homebrewing Championships will take place on Saturday,
21st of October at the Potters Brewery in Cessnock. We are looking
for Judges and Stewards to help out on the day. If you would like
to do either, then please go to the comp. website
(, click on the "register here" link and
fill out the form.

If you have never been to a homebrew competition before, but want to be
involved, or just want to know how it works, consider signing up as a steward.
Being a steward is a great way to learn how to judge beers! If you feel
up to judging, don't let lack of any formal qualifications or experience
stop you. We encourage new judges to sign up. New judges will be paired up
with more experienced judges. Its the best way to learn!

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to PM me directly.


Hi All,

It is just under a week to go until entries close for the 2006 NSW Brewing Championships. Entries have started to roll in, so get your's into your nearest dropoff point before next Wednesday. The entry form and other details are available here.

We also need more helpers. Judging will start at 9AM on Saturday 21st October, and there will be an awards dinner on Saturday night.

Accomodation is available in multishare rooms at the YHA Hostel for Friday and Saturday nights at a subsidised rate of $15 per person per night. The hostel is a few minutes walk from Potters Brewery - Full details can be found here.

If you would like to arrange your own accomodation (Potters have a courtesy bus available), there are all prices/styles of accomodation available in the nearby vineyards, although vacancies will be at a premium due to a major 'opera' event that weekend.

Looking forward to seeing you (or your entries) at the Comp.
Is a single Coopers plastic bottle ok instead of 2 smaller bottles? and is there a preferred mailing address for out of state entries?

Is a single Coopers plastic bottle ok instead of 2 smaller bottles? and is there a preferred mailing address for out of state entries?


The 2 bottle requirement is to ensure that the beers progressing to the 'Best of Show' judging round use fresh bottles. If you don't have 2 bottles than we can still judge your beer and will re-seal and keep the single bottle cool in case it progresses.

Entries can be mailed to Mark's Home Brew shop - details on the entry form.

Good luck ....
Filling out the forms right now and I notice there is no number associated with Category E. Austalian Ale.
Extrapolating from all the other category numbers it appear it should be '16' but can someone please confirm.

Filling out the forms right now and I notice there is no number associated with Category E. Austalian Ale.
Extrapolating from all the other category numbers it appear it should be '16' but can someone please confirm.


Doc, I suggest just write something like (eg):
E. International Ale; B. Australian Pale Ale.

and don't worry about the number. 16 is the BJCP cat. for belgian and french ale.
but if you have the style name written down, it should be nice and clear. If the form *requires* a number, just put down "10" but make sure you're clear on the style - thats what is important.

Cheers Berp.
No probs.
Hope the Cellarmaster and Chief Steward are on their toes :p

Well the day is here :super:

The best of luck to all people entering and a big thunbs up to all those that organise these events and show up to help out and judge.

I would have been there with bells on but moving house has priority at the moment.

The suspense is killing me......... i dont care if i come first or last (first would be good though) i love the comps to see how my beers are going and get some positive and negative feedback from judges.

It is one of the best ways to learn i recon.

I have entered my:

Belgian trippel
English strong (old) ale
Robust porter that never made it to the mash paddle
and a roggenbier.


So how did it all go?

Are there any comments, reports, sketchy results from the day?

God i wish i could have been there ;)

It was a top day out Tony, it's a shame you couldn't be there.

It was a really well organised and run day. I met heaps of great people and drank plenty of good beer. The venue was most excellent - there's no better place for a homebrew comp than a brewery I reckon!

As for the results, we will have to wait for the official announcement from the organisers...
The results won't be long in coming, we know that a lot of people will want to get entries organised for the nationals.

The BJCP exam that is on today at Potters Hotel and Brewery is I think the only reason for any delay, well that and the need to double check the paper entry forms against the spreadsheet (sorry about the typo, no doubt I will live it down eventually).

As well as to those involved in the organising, judging, stewarding and logistics of the competition I want to send a special thanks to the team at Potters.

We couldnt have been better looked after; the venue was sensational as were the beers that were very generously laid on. The couple of jugs of the soon to be released Red Ale, matured in Hunter Shiraz Barrels, couldn't have found a more receptive and appreciative audience.

So Luke and Josh - Thanks again.

If you are in the Hunter Valley, I would urge you to call in to Potters and enjoy a couple of fine beers.

The one feature of this years NSW State competition that I would like to draw particular attention to is the judging standard.
To the best of my knowledge this was the highest concentration of trained or in training judges ever to examine beer in a state level competition, I believe all those who entered will be pleased by the consistency and quality of the judges reports.
High quality feedback from our peers will give all of us the opportunity to improve our brewing.
That is I think the best reason to enter a competition.

Cant agree more !
What a top Venue and the guys really looked after us ! :beerbang:

As Goathearder said, it was great to meet some of the most enthusiastic brewers around.
Some of the entries were really speacial, and great to see a really well run comp.

I too sugest you all drop into Potters a try their selection and take a few bottles home with ya!
Im glad i am not sitting the exam today, as i am a bit under the weather,must have been something i ate :p
Congrats to all the winners,
G'day all,

I just returned from the beer comp, in which I judged (as an apprentice), and sat the BJCP exam.
Just tidied up some bottles and crates to be returned to MHB, and rushed inside to check AHB.

I hope I'm not giving too much away by stating that a few categories were won by AHB members, including some Hunter people.

There will be some coverage in the Newcastle Herald tomorrow, after a brief interview with the Scoreroom Organiser (David Lamotte) and the Grand Champion (??) by phone from Potter's Brewery this afternoon.

I saw many very happy brewers and judges at the NSW competition and I give thanks to all the organisers, judges, the invaluable stewards, the sponsor, the cellarman and the host (Potters).

Good luck to all the brewers whose beers now qualify for the Nationals.

:D Seth :D :p
A big cheer for Potters brewery For a great venue for the comp and there hospitality. Truly a great day and well organised. :super: Definitely worth a visit!!!

I think a special thanks should also go to David Lamotte and Andrew Walsh for makeing the day run soomthly.

Congrats to the winners and well done. Good luck to all sitting the BJCP exam today hope you all did well!!

As mentioned it was great meeting some fellow AHBs and trading stories and a few beers.


Just to sound a bit like a cracked record, it did go very smoothly in excellent surroundings. Luke and Josh (the brewers at Potters) went out of their way to make sure everything was great. And this was on top of one of their busiest weekends due to Octoberfest and Opera in the nearby vineyards.

Their new Octoberfest beer was delicious. In fact I saw that there were a few 'helpers' still sampling this morning when we were cleaning up after the exam. The taps were still 'open' for our brewers.

So if you like good beer I would suggest that you signup to help at next years comp.

I am just double checking everything now and will publish the (long awaited) list later tonight.

Wow.... after reading this i really wish i had of been there...... next year when we are living down there.

Big thanks to all........ i wil also give potters a great word..... I poped in to sus out the steup and taste some produce and Luke and his beers were teriffic.

Man..... red ale in shiraz barrels, now i am going to have to drop in again.

PS.... happy Bday for friday Luke :)



Oh the suspense is killing me B)
Congratulations to all concerned in what sounds like an excellently run comp.

Did anyone take pictures of the venue and the judging?

(This is something I totally forgot to do at ANAWBS :( )

awrabest, in fraternity, stu

The exam faced us with some tricky beers and, as usual, a lot of questions to get through in the time.
So, no real surprises and no excuses for a bad result.
I gave some answers which lacked some specifics, and may have undersold some other answers that I knew more info and could have done better. It's a race against the clock as much as a memory test, but overall - a fair exam...

Wee Stu, there were a number of photographers, including Luke (from the brewery) and IIRC the Newcastle newspaper (Newcastle Herald) had a photographer covering the judging.

Happy times, good company and good beer.

Well done mate.
I do agree that its a race against the clock, thats my only gripe with the whole setup.
I would love to sit the exam again, but i wont be as i cant write any faster than i did last year.
I cant see why one must race against a clock for a beer judge exam.
Thread hijack not intended,
Anyway hope you are happy with your result,