Terrorist Killings in Paris

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The world must take much stronger retaliatory action against ISIL follows where ever they reside. Other countries must also understand the ever growing risk their citizens face as a result of the Islamic extremists that are spreading across the world like a cancer. It's unacceptable for these so called "peace loving moderates" and their extremists cousins to able to use western society laws and systems to remain in countries and wage hatred and murder.


Will be very interesting to watch how France and the rest of Europe responds

I may well be re-thinking my end of year jaunt to Paris given the events of the last 24h.
It's so hard to fathom how people want to do this to each other...
JDW81 said:
I may well be re-thinking my end of year jaunt to Paris given the events of the last 24h.
though in reality you're statistically more likely to suffer injury (or worse) from your drive to the airport than either the flight or a terrorist
After the 9/11 attacks in America I decided I wasn't going to let cowards like them ruin my life with fear and hate. Fear and chaos is the reaction they want so don't give them the satisfaction to feed off. Round them up and dispose of them quickly when their found guilty, 1 month tops before execution, you can't reason with someone who has no humanity in them. I can only imagine how terrible it must be for the normal everyday peace loving people living in the Middle East being overrun by them. Sadly they will be the main group who will now become the collateral damage when the west retaliates.

Heaven & Hell all comes either from the love or darkness of the human mind, these people are so much in the dark a Sun 1,000 times larger than Earth Sun couldn't penetrate their hatred!

I used to be a big fan of the SBS program Global Village and seeing all the different 'ordinary working people' cultures around the world in their everyday lives. It was great, all most people want to do is work and put food on the table for their family and enjoy life the best they can, sadly I think a lot of Australians will now close their hearts to innocent people like this for good and lump them all together with the ISIL pigs as people not to be trusted. It's understandable of course. Well the world has now changed for good and France will react like a rabid dog out for blood and maybe the rest of the world should unite and join them, Russia, China, Indonesia, Japan ........... everyone, once and for all take a united stand to stamp them out as much as possible. I hate thinking of war but it looks like we're well and truly stuck with it now :(
The war has already started. This planet is/has been going in the wrong direction for years. It's not to be focused/dwelled on tho. Must try to enjoy every new moment like its our last.
Wouldn't it be great if there was no currency and everyone across the planet were great friends and we all got along with each other with no dramas.
Ebony and Ivory, .....

Any words from the Grand Mufti yet?
Kingy said:
The war has already started. This planet is/has been going in the wrong direction for years. It's not to be focused/dwelled on tho. Must try to enjoy every new moment like its our last.
Wouldn't it be great if there was no currency and everyone across the planet were great friends and we all got along with each other with no dramas.
Yes it would Kingy, but there are so many nasty bitter people who you may even call your friends ATM. Such a shame some people find hatred their preferred emotion.
A sorry world we live in, lucky we can brew hey?
Gutless pathetic mongrels, scratch pathetic ...just gutless mongrels.

Add lower than whale shit.
Bribie G said:
Ebony and Ivory, .....

Any words from the Grand Mufti yet?
As his appointed spokesman I would just like to assure the community that these latest attacks are in no way connected to the religion of islam.
What I find hard to understand is what good this has done for these people. Has it stopped or slowed a war? Has it helped people to understand another religion? Did it help in anyway achieve your goals? Or was it just murder of innocent people?
I mean what did this achieve?

I think these people are just dumb **** arseholes.
Hatred will never help this world.

Batz said:
I thing these people are just dumb **** arseholes.

Look up the CVs of the 9/11 murderers, middle class uni graduates to a man, eight had degrees in engineering.
Be far easier if they were all dumbfuck arseholes. We could just parachute cheap android tablets into war zones playing loops of Keeping up with the Kardashians and pick them off while they sat there pre occupied by Bruce Jenners sex change.
Dave70 said:
Look up the CVs of the 9/11 murderers, middle class uni graduates to a man, eight had degrees in engineering.
Be far easier if they were all dumbfuck arseholes. We could just parachute cheap android tablets into war zones playing loops of Keeping up with the Kardashians and pick them off while they sat there pre occupied by Bruce Jenners sex change.
Do you think the people who did this in France where uni graduates? And if they were do you think that makes
them intelligent? Sad how some people see perceive intelligent.

9/11 murderers, middle class uni graduates to a man, eight had degrees in engineering.
Perhaps we should hand out some awards.
JDW81 said:
I may well be re-thinking my end of year jaunt to Paris given the events of the last 24h.
No offense, but that's just what 'they' want. My wife and I were there a month ago, and regardless of what occurred previously or what will occur in the future I'm a firm believe of wrong place, wrong time. Don't fly into Syria or Lebanon for goodness sake, but please don't be perturbed by visiting just because of recent events.

If you forever do this, people won't travel anywhere. Many atrocities have occurred over various sites, yet you don't see people avoiding the block where the Lindt Siege took place do you? People still ride the Tube in London etc etc.
Engibeer said:
Your closer than "middle class uni graduates"
Batz said:
What I find hard to understand is what good this has done for these people. Has it stopped or slowed a war? Has it helped people to understand another religion? Did it help in anyway achieve your goals? Or was it just murder of innocent people?
I mean what did this achieve?
Without wanting to state the obvious, they're terrorist extremists of a death cult.
The entire point of the exercise is to polarise communities. And I'd say they're about to be very successful, sadly.

They're not representatives of Islam or any other religion any more than the KKK are of Christianity - I don't want to sound like a bleeding heart liberal desperately trying to defend the perpetrators of horrific crimes, etc; but i'm just try to identify the root cause of the problem rather than be distracted by the symptoms.

They're like a pathological, insidious, death-cult social virus. Islam is the means of expression, or the means of an excuse. The sole "aim" is to polarise and spread it's destructive mentality - regardless of who is killing who. Kind of like a mass psychosis. As much as i dislike Abbott, i'd say the one thing he got right was describing them as a Death Cult. I'm not sure they're even fully aware half the time of their true nature. Maybe most of them think they're fighting some sort of revenge Crusade.

I'd definitely say they need excised and cleansed from humanity. But I'd just say the only thing worse than allowing them to live/spread would be to persecute innocents thinking they were part of the problem.
Religion is simply the vehicle used by savage murderers and psycopaths to justify their actions and recruit others into doing their filthy deeds.

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