Eagleburger said:
Thats what the somewhat sexy lady who was driving the bus said today. She said "remember the last time monkey mans better half wanted to invade Syria? but Putin made him look like a war mongering douche bag? Well he went back to the golf course with his tail between his legs and with the help of X plotted his next move.
It went something like this;
Steal an airliner, use it to deliver some nasty biological agents to those friends you despise. Blame it on the Syrians and those unruly Muslims, public will be outraged and carpet bomb Syria, Muslim buddies with wads of cash are happy and everything is right in the world".
Well, Russian and Chinese intelligence were all of it and nipped it in the bud. The Chinese ditched the MH370 before it got to Afghanistan
and Putin persuaded Syria to give up its WMDs. Damn new plan needed. Obama was stumped, because you know he is plain stupid. So he calls up X, who was all delirious on hash and getting a blowy off his 32nd wife. X tells him " just behead a few people, it always gets the locals excited around here".
So Obama organizes the beheadings and like obamacare, are of poor quality and be eventually proven maladroit. Public is outraged, billions spent to carpet bomb poor Syrian civilians. Fathers, mothers and children, most living day to day just to put food in their mouths, blown to smithereens if they are lucky.
So if Putin had only kept his mischievous hand out of X and Obamas plan, them poor Melbourne police and a hundred thousand Syrians folks would feel no pain today. Of course the Syrians would be already a year dead, But they would be in no pain, Right?".
I was stunned, I said " you are fucken crazy" She smiled. I said "wanna ****?" She undid the buttons on her shirt to reveal her speckled cleavage. Obviously spent a many summer on the gold coast. I looked down the empty bus. All the usual patrons drove their cars today, too paranoid to catch public transport. Couldnt stand the thought of a bearded man taking the seat behind them. I took her hands and pulled her to her feet and into my embrace. Go to redtube for the rest ya pervs!