Terror suspect shot dead in Melbourne suburb.

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Maybe the cops thought that there was a chance to talk some sense into this blokes head without the heavy stuff.
They could be real top guys.( I know a couple.)
I am also pissed off with some of the ******** being put on here.
If the idiot had tried to kill two plumbers and one of them killed him with a pipe or a brickie got him with a trowel,
would the outcry be the same?
Good on the cops and good riddance to the rubbish.
The cops didn't arrest him in a dawn raid because there's no such thing as a thought crime in this country. Without a specific plot to carry out an act of terror, all they could do is key him know they'd be watching him.
wombil said:
Maybe the cops thought that there was a chance to talk some sense into this blokes head without the heavy stuff.
They could be real top guys.( I know a couple.)
I am also pissed off with some of the ******** being put on here.
If the idiot had tried to kill two plumbers and one of them killed him with a pipe or a brickie got him with a trowel,
would the outcry be the same?
Good on the cops and good riddance to the rubbish.
So long as the plumber didn't kill him with the brickies trowel. Demarcation issues are taken very seriously.
Don't forget this "terrorist" was only 18, and while 18 may be legally adult I remember when I was 18 I thought I knew everything and could rule the world, turns out I was a ******* idiot with a lot of growing up to do. I'm not defending him, and I'm sure not saying the cops were wrong to defend themselves, but he was young and impressionable. The really horrifying thing is somewhere some adult filled his head and his heart with ******** and hatred, and that adult is more responsible for his death than the police.
Here is my biggest worry.
I have just heard on the news that the guys muslim family migrated o Australia ten years ago.
So he was eight years old when he got here.
That would indicate that all this **** that he had in him was learnt HERE.
I am in full support of an Anti terrorist task force but if its not done properly and by highly trained professionals then this is the result, one dead suspect and two injured police. The operational side of this case appears to have been ill prepared, if he was a suspected terrorist then he should have been raided without notice not asked in for a chat, who does that ?
Tony has done the talk but has not prepared the forces to back this up, smells like another home insulation quick fix to me.
Terrorism is a very big threat to World peace at this very moment, probably now more than ever and Australia's participation in sending personal over there to combat it leaves us wide open as a target on the home front.
Don't kid yourselves that we're ok over here, Don't kid yourselves that we're untouchable, because believe me bro we are not!
99% of people with Muslim or Islamic backgrounds are great, law abiding people, they love their adopted country and their new friends in it.
But sadly with that we have the insanely mad fanaticals hiding behind religious beliefs and with no respect for our country, people. or our laws and just want to, and will create terrorist activities around this Australia.
Just remember....it's just not a matter of if terrorism comes to Australia.... But a matter of When it comes to Australia , probably with the beheading of some poor innocent bastard who was in the wrong place at the wrong time!
This guy in Melbourne had 2 knives on him, one he used to stab the officers and a larger one he had in his sock for other purposes, he also had an islamic flag in his back pocket and had full intentions of taking the coppers down then beheading and draping the flag over them, but fortunately by the grace of god he was stopped.
Some people think they are victimising people and that by shooting him the coppers went over the top! Personally I would much prefer that the authorities play hard on the side of caution by tough questioning etc on people of interest about their activities.
I would want them to be fully vigilant on the matter rather than being polite trying not to offend people and tiptoeing around the matter! I wouldn't give two hoots if I was questioned about my activities by police because I have nothing to hide, in fact I'd be happy because I would know that they were on the job!

Some of the posts I have have read on this topic on this forum convinces me that most of you are great brewers but when it comes to matters such as this a few have missed the mark a bit.
So let's stop all this ******** about conspiracies, heavy handed police activities, who was right an who was wrong etc. and be aware...VERY AWARE of what's going on around us, because my friends terrorism isn't a figment of the imagination, it is real and it is a danger to our way of life!
You know which demographic kills more people in this country than rabid Islamists? Men killing their partners & kids. No hasty broad stroke legislation there, though.
Online Brewing Supplies said:
What have they charged the other people they have raided with ?
This guy is being reported as a lone wolf with a desire to kill Westerners, not a party to a specific & organised plan to do so. Like I said, can't arrest someone for a thought crime.

Edit: lone wolf, not "love wolf". I'm the love wolf.
The really horrifying thing is somewhere some adult filled his head and his heart with ******** and hatred, and that adult is more responsible for his death than the police.

That's true. Mind you the kid had a larger knife in his bag and stabbed one of the officers in the throat. He also had a larger knife on him. It seems probable that he intended to cut their heads off, in imitation of various other horrors that have happened around the world. How in the hell do you get to the point where you think cutting a person's head off is okay?

Read a story the other week about some of the idiots going over to Syria and Iraq from Australia who are horrified/terrified by what they see. The rest of the jihadis over there call them the 'cream puff brigade' and they've been locked up. I feel kinda sorry for those guys: they've made a really idiotic choice, and who knows what's stopped them - a glimmering of conscience, or more likely outright terror that they're going to end up killed. And now they find themselves in a situation that they can never go back from, might not even escape alive, much less make it in one piece back to Australia. Complete *********.
Kid got what he was looking for. You can't think you can stab anyone without putting yourself in the line of a defensive response. Doesn't matter what race or religion you are.

The issue I have with the political response to this situation is the suspension of due process of law. That is among the primary things which make "the free world" free.

According to all my friends in the States - from the most to least radicalised - is that the terrorism-related changes to US democracy since 9/11 are bringing the country lower and lower and eroding faith in both American society and government. Australia is one of the countries in the world where the populace enjoys the most freedom. I don't want to see that eroded. At all.
I'd also like to see Australia climb the ladder of the worlds least religious countries. Last time I checked we were at a respectable, but modest 10th.
Forget sport, now there's a competition worth winning.

And **** Barrack Obama every time he alludes to god. God bless America, May god bless and keep troops, god..god..god..
I cant help thinking of Sisyphus rolling that boulder back to the top of the mountain every time the most powerful man on the planet invokes a supernatural being to bestow good fortune and favor on his country.
Dave70 said:
I'd also like to see Australia climb the ladder of the worlds least religious countries. Last time I checked we were at a respectable, but modest 10th.
Forget sport, now there's a competition worth winning.

And **** Barrack Obama every time he alludes to god. God bless America, May god bless and keep troops, god..god..god..
I cant help thinking of Sisyphus rolling that boulder back to the top of the mountain every time the most powerful man on the planet invokes a supernatural being to bestow good fortune and favor on his country.
You can't be PoTUS with out sucking the church's proverbial.
Just once I like to see a pres who worshiped Norse gods. He could summon Odin to smite his enemy's.
But that'd be silly. Those gods are obviously just made up.
Prince Imperial said:
You know which demographic kills more people in this country than rabid Islamists? Men killing their partners & kids. No hasty broad stroke legislation there, though.
And bees (average is 3 deaths per year in Australia). No laws against them
Dave70 said:
I'd also like to see Australia climb the ladder of the worlds least religious countries. Last time I checked we were at a respectable, but modest 10th.
Forget sport, now there's a competition worth winning.

And **** Barrack Obama every time he alludes to god. God bless America, May god bless and keep troops, god..god..god..
I cant help thinking of Sisyphus rolling that boulder back to the top of the mountain every time the most powerful man on the planet invokes a supernatural being to bestow good fortune and favor on his country.
And it would be so easy to become atheist. Most religions already reject most gods and are only 1 more god away ...

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