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Why support a LHBS if it supplies crap and gives crap advice.

I'm lucky that I have quite a few within easy driving distance and the one that is actually the closest is the worst.

I believe that you have to provide a good service to retain customers and if that means buying online from Aus or overseas because local is crap then so be it. :beerbang:
ANyway, if you click on 'leaf hops' instead of 'pellet hops' you will see that they have just harvested a heap of stuff. So i'm assuming they will have all those varieties pelletised very soon for us all to start using. :)

I'd be a bit careful about buying the leaf hops, apparently there are some on this forum who have had their leaf hops removed from their shipping parcel and replaced with a note from quarantine... I have only purchased pellets from them, and this is apparently approved by customs and quarantine, but people have mentioned before that they couldn't get the leafs approved.

My parcel with pellets was opened, and a small incision in one of the bags so they could test the contents, but they resealed them and sent them to me, so all must be okay with pellets...

having said that, if it's is definitely okay to get the leaf form, then i might need to put in another order!
Otherwise, much rather a drive to Craftbrewer.

For sure. I spend a lot of money at Craftbrewer, because they have awesome stuff and range. I'm quite happy to pay a premium for their goods. They are not my LHBS, and it's a 200km round trip for me. My LHBSs are awful.

I'm not supporting them though; I'm shopping at the best place for some products I use. If I can find the same product elsewhere cheaper I will respectfully take my wallet elsewhere.

A friend of mine brews AG beer in Bahrain. He works for an airline and lugs stuff from London and Frankfurt back to Bahrain to brew. He goes to the CB website and weeps tears of jealousy at the wyeast range alone.
I live 10 minutes from greensborough home brewing, dave is fantastic and stockes a huge variety of grain, hops etc for a small store.

He is cheap too (for a LHBS), with grain, hops and yeast costing under $30 for most brews :beerbang:
+1 for Dave. I drop in once a month to get my batch of grain. Apart from a full range of grain, its a good social spot for a drink. I usually take a few botttles of home brew and drink them with whoever is in the shop, and Dave will usually have a keg going as well. You can always swap a few stories and a few recipes while having a beer, and you can't do that on-line.

But admit i'm lucky to live near a real LHBS. I have been to a franchise store in Heidelberg (when i was starting out as an extract brewer) but would never go back again unless I needed something urgent - last time I needed a hydrometer because I smashed one on the bathroom floor before i could measure OG.
Glad to see I'm not the only smasher of hydrometers, $12.50 a pop, onto my third. Decided to cut my losses and buy a Refractometer.

+2 for Dave. For such a small shop he has everything.
Another word up +1 for Dave at greensborough home brewing. Even though I just tried to call before remembering he's closed Monday's.

Been buying from Dave's for about three years since I first went there looking for CO2 rental. Great range and whenever he hasn't had something on my list he's been able to recommend an alternative (and it's always worked). And just the other week I picked up the grain etc for my first all-grain (BIAB).

I'll remember to use the phone-ahead service next time though. And maybe I'll leave the kids at home so I can take a sample along :icon_cheers: .
I didn't realize refractometers bounced. Must get one....


Glad to see I'm not the only smasher of hydrometers, $12.50 a pop, onto my third. Decided to cut my losses and buy a Refractometer.

+2 for Dave. For such a small shop he has everything.
The walk in physical store has something going for it...... now! With internet if a physical store wasnt taking on the online shops, I believe their doomed, they need to be online!
My LHBS dont or have hardly got a website. I reckon its complacency on their part but during my recipe formulations I am looking for AA`S, EBC`s, ATTENUATION, dont list it....... dont get my order.
thread title should now be changed to " how good is dave at greensborough homebrew "

he's going to get a massive nork now from reading this thread, well dave'o all the praised is deserved!

always willing to help, teach, share a beer...if he hasnt got what your after he'll do his best to get it or suggest an alternative. and i've meet many a champion AHB'er down there.

also has a massive xmas party every year for his customers and also home of the worthogs.

oh and he brews a pretty **** hot selection of his own fresh wort kits now, cracks your grain on request and will help you with any recipe you come up with.

enough smoke blown up his ass for now.

The walk in physical store has something going for it...... now! With internet if a physical store wasnt taking on the online shops, I believe their doomed, they need to be online!
My LHBS dont or have hardly got a website. I reckon its complacency on their part but during my recipe formulations I am looking for AA`S, EBC`s, ATTENUATION, dont list it....... dont get my order.

Dave's survived OK without one.

I tried to build a site for him in wordpress, its ***** and i cant do any better. im always in daves ear about online orders, unfortuantly he cant afford a wizz bang website. If any kind AHB'er is up for building him a site gratious, give him a bell or whatever, im sure he would chop you out a brew or two in return.
Dave's survived OK without one.

I tried to build a site for him in wordpress, its ***** and i cant do any better. im always in daves ear about online orders, unfortuantly he cant afford a wizz bang website. If any kind AHB'er is up for building him a site gratious, give him a bell or whatever, im sure he would chop you out a brew or two in return.

I did make the comment Fents. Time will tell. Daves/Greensborough sounds like a super store! Means absolutely nothing to me out here, and he has no on-line presense.

spelling... and living in the sticks allows me to bypass the ???????? and head straight to the site sponsors! I love a good bulk buy!

Craftbrewer, is he a pom? saw a market and went for it............ good on him! Grain and Grape...... improve your website. ......Others, Catch up!

I shop exclusivly site sponsors and bulks
If your LHBS sells **** products or gives crap advice, you can always open your own LHBS store and give the prices, products and advice you wish to receive.
The walk in physical store has something going for it...... now! With internet if a physical store wasnt taking on the online shops, I believe their doomed, they need to be online!
My LHBS dont or have hardly got a website. I reckon its complacency on their part but during my recipe formulations I am looking for AA`S, EBC`s, ATTENUATION, dont list it....... dont get my order.

+1 - love going into CB, but can't always so sometimes order online as well.

But when I want to formulate a recipe, the site gets hit from me as I go through the options in terms of IBU, EBC, AA%, attenuation and the like. I formulate using the site and then purchase either in store or online.

Sorry to those who think it's unfair, but I want to know what I'm buying and how it will work for me. Going into a shop blindly and sight unseen buying ingredients because I'm formulating on the spot doesn't work for me, though I understand it may work for others.

I don't want to brag, i have 5 brew shops in 30 min drive of my home. My prefered HBS is the closest one to home but thats not the reason why he's my favourite, he doesn't have the biggest range, thats cool im not at that stage in brewing yet. He has good advice, likes a chat and remembered my after a break from brewing.

I went to another one near by and vowed never to go back cause I reackon I got ripped off. When I need more specialised bits and pieces I'll get those bits and pieces Craftbrewer.

have to drive over the "daves"its 1/2 hr on the freeway..Sunbury home brew has a limited supply,he is a keg man..always willing to help
Here in Pt Mac we have one HB shop, catering solely to K&K and spirits enthusiasts. It seems to be a peripheral business to another one happening at the back of the store front.
They sell teabags of hops and dried yeast, but none of it is in a fridge.
I use them only for stuff like bottle tops, or LDME if I happen to run out of either of those.
Quite frankly, if they shut down, it wouldn't bother me.

For all my other supplies, I wait for one of my twice yearly trips to Newcastle to have a deep and meaningful with our financial people, and call into Marks Home Brew (MHB on here). I can also call in by way of a small diversion from our trips to Sydney to see the daughter dear, son, and grandkids.
Mark has everything I need, is very helpful, enthusiastic, and knowledgeable.
I'm happy to pay for anything I purchase from Mark at whatever he asks. I look on it as an investment in a great hobby. Having said that, he's offered me some bargains at times. Can't complain about $35 or 40 (if I remember correctly) for a 25 kg bag of base malt, or $5 for a pack of Wyeast.
Big Nath- what i meant was that they have this seasons flower hops which means that they have harvested them. Which means they will be processed into pellet hops soon for us to buy and use to make delicious beer. I wouldn't buy flowers, pretty sure that ordering in flowers isn't cool at all with aqis.
The walk in physical store has something going for it...... now! With internet if a physical store wasnt taking on the online shops, I believe their doomed, they need to be online!
My LHBS dont or have hardly got a website. I reckon its complacency on their part but during my recipe formulations I am looking for AA`S, EBC`s, ATTENUATION, dont list it....... dont get my order.
Now here is a great case of complacency or double standards, because I am strictly an online shop a company called Brewcellar in QLD forbids me to buy their products such as Coopers products and dry yeast range etc basically any product they have is not available to me or my customers through me. I complained to Coopers they directed me to Brewcellar , then F all has happened (18 months). Its hard enough doing business with out being Black Banned for being an online shop yet a shop front HBS with a web site is OK :blink: . Looks like Fair Trading is not what it should be.
Now here is a great case of complacency or double standards, because I am strictly an online shop a company called Brewcellar in QLD forbids me to buy their products such as Coopers products and dry yeast range etc basically any product they have is not available to me or my customers through me. I complained to Coopers they directed me to Brewcellar , then F all has happened (18 months). Its hard enough doing business with out being Black Banned for being an online shop yet a shop front HBS with a web site is OK :blink: . Looks like Fair Trading is not what it should be.

Sounds like a potential restraint of trade to me.
Have you had a quiet word with the ACCC?
It just might stir things up.
Kegs are only for alcoholics....

No my friend - kegs are for those who have the ***** with washing bottles, or those who want the wow factor of pouring a beer like a pub.

Meetings are for alcoholics! :icon_drunk:

BTW, I am a strong advocate for supporing yout LHBS. If my "local" closed his doors, I would be devastated. Great range, sage advice, and always willing to offer a taste test. What more could you ask for?

Fester Out.

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