Super Stout

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Nothing like a stout fermentation going of its head and making a mess everywhere,,,,
London Ale yeast is the only thing I use for anything English. (I do have a spare pack of S04 handy though)

Lots of good pointers mentioned here.
Goldings & Fuggles go well in a stout.

Coopers Stout & Dark Ale cans go well together.
Assuming it's a 23 litre brew, use a decent amount of yeast (min. two packs) and avoid the worst effects of volcanic fermentation by making the brew up to only 18 litres at first (gives more head space for the foam to expand into instead of climbing out of the fermentor and trying to take over the world). Then, after the foam subsides after a few days, top up with cooled, pre-boiled water to the 23 litre mark.

Also consider substituting one of the cans of stout for one of dark ale.

Good luck.
This is on the Coopers website as an RIS. Looks huge

1.7kg Coopers Stout
1.7kg Coopers Dark Ale
1.7kg Coopers Lager
1kg Coopers Dextrose (or table sugar)
Hootsmon said:
This is on the Coopers website as an RIS. Looks huge

1.7kg Coopers Stout
1.7kg Coopers Dark Ale
1.7kg Coopers Lager
1kg Coopers Dextrose (or table sugar)
that one works nice I just subbed IRISH for plain stout and HERITAGE for the lager tin all the kit yeasts plus a couple of packs I had spare runs to about 9.5 abv after bottling
petesbrew said:
I made up a belgian inspired RIS from a 3 can brew in 2010. Used up some very out-of-date brewferm kits. (long story)
The beer turned out fantastic! About 11.5%

Had some fun digging up the recipe, but here it is.

You may not find the same ingredients but we're all brewers here, just use your artistic flair. :)
Cheers but link doesn't work.
Hootsmon said:
Cheers but link doesn't work.
Okay, Try searching the recipe database for "Soul Glo Dark Strong Ale".
Easier than trying to fix a link

I entered it in a Special Case swap the following year and most guys seemed to like it.
I've got a toucan going at the moment. I started it last Wednesday.

1 can Morgans Stout
1 can Coopers Dark Ale
250 grams Dark Malt
250 grams dextrose
11 grams Nottingham yeast

I've got it in the garage with a heat belt on via a STC1000 @18C.
I've only got 21 litres in the FV at the moment. There's still a large krasuen
and I'll top up to 23 litres when it subsides.

How much dextrose should I use for secondary carbonation when I bottle it?
Or should I use something other than dextrose? And if so how much per litre?
Graculus said:
I've got a toucan going at the moment. I started it last Wednesday.

1 can Morgans Stout
1 can Coopers Dark Ale
250 grams Dark Malt
250 grams dextrose
11 grams Nottingham yeast

I've got it in the garage with a heat belt on via a STC1000 @18C.
I've only got 21 litres in the FV at the moment. There's still a large krasuen
and I'll top up to 23 litres when it subsides.

How much dextrose should I use for secondary carbonation when I bottle it?
Or should I use something other than dextrose? And if so how much per litre?
this much
Yob said:
Bribie, 1 kit yeast is a huge under pitch.
Anything over 1.065 is in 2 x pack Territory..
What are the risks here? Assuming it ferments out eventually, how would underpitching affect the flavour of a RIS?
Without trying to get into Brulosophy territory here... :ph34r:

I brewed a FES at 1.079 a couple of days ago but my 10 month expired Wyeast Irish Ale didn't fire up despite pitching it into 1040 oxygenated wort and keeping above 20 degrees for three days.

So last night at around 10 pm I pitched a rehydrated 10g pack of Mangrove Jacks New World Strong Ale (formerly Nothern English Brown Ale) yeast.

Photo of it at 6pm - going seriously at 16.9 degrees after just over 20 hours and I'd guess I'll have to keep an eye on it in case of volcanic activity. I'd also be pretty confident that a 7g of Coopers Kit would have done something similar but probably not till the wee hours tomorrow.

FES fermentation initial..gif

Not rubbishing yeast calculators in general, but the fact that the Wyeast "direct pitchable" pack didn't step up to the plate but the underpitched Mangrove Jacks has taken off like a bulldog illustrates that in the real world, especially yeast, cell count ain't necessarily as predicted.

That's why I suggested one kit yeast as I've had success every time with that particular recipe, and when I got familiar with it I sat the FV in the bath tub for the first two days.

postscript: This morning, the Wyeast was chucking up a krausen in the Schott bottle, so I'll brew a Dry Stout for the comp season to make use of it. :beerbang:
Just on the yeast.
For my RIS, which is AG, but same principle essentially for the yeast.

Start with a good English yeast in a standard stout of say 1045 SG. use the slurry into the RIS. Try to get as much oxygen as you can into the RIS before you pitch your yeast.

And yes get a blow off tube set up. I had the angriest fermentation I have ever seen on my recent RIS. Even the blow off tube was making a mess into a 10L bucket

Cheers Steve