Supamix Gas Mixutre

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Hey guys...
My mate owns a bar so im going to start using his cool room and his Co2 for carbonation (why not right, its free!).
But he runs supamix bottles with are nitrogen and Co2....Does anyone know if you can force carbonate with this mixture, or does it have to be straight Co2??

I'm pretty sure the supermix is used instead of straight CO2 when the kegs are refrigerated - just saw on one of the sites posted today in the retail. It prevents overcarbing or something. So if you're refrigerating your kegs there too, it should be preferable.

Not a kegger myself, but that was the basic gist.
I think those descriptions of the different mixes were more so to do with dispensing the beer.
i could be way off here, but i was also under the assumption that the nitrogen mixes give a tighter creamier head too...

i thought that was why kilkenny and some other beers have that nitrogen "widget" thing in the can....

happy to sit corrected though...
the way I understand it there is considerable difference in solubility of the two gasses, which is why pubs use a mixture, as the pressure they require due to line length would result in a slow moving beer becoming overcarbonated if they used co2 alone. If you were to carbonate your beer with this there could be some difference to mouth feel etc if enough nitrogen disolves into the beer, but there may not be depending on the mix. Have a read of this for a start. I'm sure there is some more detailed info out there somewhere (and more knowledgable folks :rolleyes: )..
BYO Nitro article
my mate who works at a farily big micro brewery.... tells me that they gas kegs before they leave the brewery...

so i'm thinking the nitrogen mix is only for head/mouth feel not for carbing... i dunno i'm sure someone will though

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