Can any Mild experts browse my recipe and make some suggestions?
OG 1.032
IBU 20
71% Ale Malt
11% Light Crystal
8% Amber Malt (no biscuit malt at LHBS)
8% Dark Crystal
2% Chocolate
Goldings @ 60 to 20IBU
WYeast 1968 London ESB Ale Yeast
Mash @ 68 for 90minutes
Any suggestions would be great!
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8% Amber Malt (no biscuit malt at LHBS)
For me this is going to be far too sweet/cloying. And that much Amber would put many off this recipe.Can any Mild experts browse my recipe and make some suggestions?
OG 1.032
IBU 20
71% Ale Malt
11% Light Crystal
8% Amber Malt (no biscuit malt at LHBS)
8% Dark Crystal
2% Chocolate
Goldings @ 60 to 20IBU
WYeast 1968 London ESB Ale Yeast
Mash @ 68 for 90minutes
Any suggestions would be great!
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Northern brewer yes, centennial no.
Never used magnum but it is often praised as a neutral bittering hop. Chuck the styrians in for a flavour addition at 10-20 mins out.
Why not centennial. I've tried a beer at Ross' joint that has it and love it. I'd love to hear it from someone who uses it (and further the debate).
It's not unknown for milds to be dry hopped in the cask.I use Northern Brewer to bitter most of my English beers, German Northern Brewer.
No disrespect Goomba but dry hopping a Mild? IMO Mild is a malt driven beer.
I'd be using the 20gm Styrians at 15 minutes and as much NB @ 60 mins as needed to give you 18-20IBU in total.
I use Northern Brewer to bitter most of my English beers, German Northern Brewer.
No disrespect Goomba but dry hopping a Mild? IMO Mild is a malt driven beer.
I'd be using the 20gm Styrians at 15 minutes and as much NB @ 60 mins as needed to give you 18-20IBU in total.
Can any Mild experts browse my recipe and make some suggestions?
OG 1.032
IBU 20
71% Ale Malt
11% Light Crystal
8% Amber Malt (no biscuit malt at LHBS)
8% Dark Crystal
2% Chocolate
Goldings @ 60 to 20IBU
WYeast 1968 London ESB Ale Yeast
Mash @ 68 for 90minutes
Any suggestions would be great!
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Brew as is would be my recommendation if you already have the grain crushed and mixed.Considering the malt bill will leave the beer quite cloying, shall I still mash high or would I be best to drop it back a couple of degrees?
Hear hear, BribieG, I haven't used it for all that long however it is one of the few Americans I can say that I quite like, for both bittering and late additions.May have posted above somewhere but I'm out of Northdown and seriously thinking of Willamette as the bittering hop. Made a SMASH-SHA with just base malt and Will. and you wouldn't pick it for an American Hop, almost Fuggly. It's on tap at the moment.