Strange Taste Coming Through

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just cracked an Aussie ale that i brewed a few months back it was just a really simple recipe for some of my mega swill friends. I haven't opened one in a few month and thought that i would give one a go. It seem to have developed a almost wheat beer flavor to it which would be a problem if it was a wheat beer the recipe was

4.2kg BB Ale
500g Wheat
50g Med Crystal

22g POR 60min

Mash at 67 deg

Aimming for CPA'ish beer and the last time i tryed it it was around the make. Any idea's what it might be


Sure you didn't toss in a little cane sugar, that'll do it every time especially with a little wheat malt.
I recently got a really srong Phenolic taste when using stuff all of Joe White Wheat Malt in a couple of recipes. Since then I've avoided it like the plague (Weyermann rocks !). I believe PoL had some similar dramas, though not sure she was using JW.
It was JW wheat but could be a infection i'll keep a few and see if it continues to get worse
Infection in 3 different brews ? It's possible I guess though I don't think likely as the brews in between them were fine. Got paranoid and cleaned all the keg poppets and gas lines. Still there, but only for brews with JW Wheat.
Infection in 3 different brews ? It's possible I guess though I don't think likely as the brews in between them were fine. Got paranoid and cleaned all the keg poppets and gas lines. Still there, but only for brews with JW Wheat.

I use heaps of JW products including wheat and don't have any problems. first thing to do is taste the raw ingredients, you should never use something without tasting it first, you never really know how fresh something is until you taste it, especially with home brewing the rate at which I use my malt is not so fast so it does tend to sit around for a while and you never know how long it sat at the home brew shop before you purchased it.

pretty hard also for microbes to survive the mash and then a 90 min boil, must be some mega strain of thermotolerant bacteria. but most probably you have an on going infection that shows up more in the beers you put wheat in because they tend to be the lighter less hoppy beer styles, so lower alcohol and lower hopping rate is not retarding the growth of what ever microbe it is that you have in you beer. don't get upset it happens to the best of us, I have spent weeks looking for a small back ground infection, my theory is when in doubt turn it up, so caustic the shit out of everything in sight, cook the shit out of it at above 80 for longer than 20mins and acid wash after woulds, chemicals, heat and time kills them 60% of the time every time (sorry about the anchorman quote). plus through out every rubber gasket and replace with new ones.


Yet doesn't happen with Weyermann Wheat ;)

I buy the grain direct from the LHBS, so how fresh that is...don't know. Presume a fair bit of it gets used.
Yet doesn't happen with Weyermann Wheat ;)

I buy the grain direct from the LHBS, so how fresh that is...don't know. Presume a fair bit of it gets used.

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