Storing Kit Tins

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Hi all,

I store my yeast in the fridge, but have never bothered to store the kit tin in the fridge. Is it ok to store it in the fridge? and if so, is it simply a case of warming it up just before use?

afaik normally you put the tin in hot water so you can get the extract out easier anyway.
Yes it's fine to store kits in the fridge, but not really necessary IMO. Mine live in the pantry.
I've read a few times that when a kit gets old, they can develop a "twang" which is a kind of stale metallic taste. This is why they have expiry dates. Subjecting them to excessive heat can make this twang develop faster, therefore, it's not really recommended, that's too strong of a word, lets say suggested that the kits be kept in the fridge.
I've read a few times that when a kit gets old, they can develop a "twang" which is a kind of stale metallic taste. This is why they have expiry dates. Subjecting them to excessive heat can make this twang develop faster, therefore, it's not really recommended, that's too strong of a word, lets say suggested that the kits be kept in the fridge.

Sorry but seem contradictory. You are saying that heat is no good for the kit (I agree) yet the next sentence you say it is not really suggested that kits should be in the fridge....

The few I have left are on a bookcase with their yeasts in the fridge. However, I know people who store theirs in a fridge and they swear by it.
I made a hash of that sentence. Let me try again:

raw meat=required
kit tins=suggested

It's not the end of the world if you haven't the room, or the swmbo bans them from the fridge, but if you can refrigerate them, then do it.

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