Storing Grain

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Couldn't find a specific topic on it (admin, feel free to smack me if I'm wrong. The phone search isn't great) but.....

How do you store your grain?

I'm talking bulk grain buy participants and those that buy whole bags of base grains/specialty malts etc...

What's your longevity like and how long have you kept grain before it went bad?.... And anything else you feel like sharing on the topic.

*edited for phone auto-correct correction issues
Never had it go bad. about 2 years being my experience but always stored in air tight containers and no light strike.

Depends on your usage - note to self: Dont take full bags of specialties because they seem romantic...
Sorry, should have been more specific....

What kind of storage containers do you use?

And yeah, best thing about Matt's Sydney bulk buys is he does 2.5/5kg splits of specials..... Doesn't help with the 25kg bag of Torrified wheat I once bought though ;)
Crofty, I use an old chesty which was my first keezer until it died. Only a tuckerbox but it fits 3 or 4 sacks (it does have a collar though) and keeps the grain nice and dry and pest free. I try and open it whenever I can because it smells so good inside. Spec malts I keep in handy pails from Bunnings and still have some quantities of rye and wheat from Cucko's grain BB that must've been well over a year or so ago? From memory the 20l pails will hold half a sack, the 10l about 5kg and the small 2l around a kilo (perfect for small quantities of spec).
Cool :)

I've been collecting buckets from The bulk buys (from Jody) which seem to do the job, just interested in other peoples storage options...

Anyone got anything cool? Like a grain storage system?

what do some homebrew shops use?

Anyone got grain storage bling to inspire the rest of us?
I've been storing mine in those blue plastic tubs, like they use for storing olives but smaller, with the same lid and metal band clamp to seal them tight. The ones I have hold a full bag of grain (inside the original bag) with a bit of jiggling and seem to keep it fresh for years. I've also had some (bagged) crushed spec malts in one for about 2 years and they still seem pretty fresh when compared to newly crushed grain, and definately fresher than stuff left in a bag for the same period.
Was in masters on sat of the way back from a pick up at Barleyman and they had 40l tubs on sale ( or didn't as they'd sold out) with lids and all. Too far to go just to see if they're in stock and they do t know if they have any when I calked ( WTF, it's the big f&@$&@$&@ display area as you walk in the store). But recon they'd homed a bag or close to
In brisbane there's a few places you can get the 60L food grade barrels with metal locking rings for about 25 bucks
Basically anything that has a good lid to seal it from moisture. Metal garbage bins work well as the mice cant chew thru them.

Baby formula tins are awsome for storing spec grains as the neatly hold 1kg and have a tight fitting lid
Plastic 2L drink bottles and 3L fruit juice bottles takes some time to clean and fill but convenient to use.

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