Storage Temperatures

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My house is nominally 25 deg and if i cool and ferment an ale say at 20 deg then bottle it, what temp should it be stored at? Same goes for a larger if it was fermented at 15 deg. Would this ruin the beer like when a commercial beer goes in and out of the esky?
Overall temp isn't that critical. It's the stability of the temp that's important, and lagers like being stored a bit cooler. Basically, the higher the temp, the faster it'll condition, and the faster it'll get past its prime.
If you are bottling, after the beer has been primed say, two weeks at ambient temperature, try to keep the beer at lower temperature then room temperature if possible.
The aged beer which are 4-6 week will taste better for two reasons.

The yeast would have settled to bottom firmly and the hop aromas are still alive and kicking.
The beer is still good for another 6 months but the hop aromas would have mellowed.

With a lager there is no substitute to cold storage.
The lager yeast is very dusty and will take a long time to settle to bottom of flasks and the yeast is working for a long time after priming is finnished. The yeast will re absorb the unwanted flavour to a degree.

But in short: A dark place with constant temperature is bext best thing even of room temp.
I put mine under the house and on the shady side of the garage summer time.
The beer seldom goes past use by date at my place.

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