Stick Mixer To Aerate Wort.

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Just wondering if its possible to use one of these to aerate my wort in the cube before pitching?

I was going to soak the stick in some defender for 5 minutes then put it on the surafce of the wort at full power to stir it up and aerate it.

Give it a good visual inspection first Truman to make sure there are no built up food deposits in any nooks and crannies. It will work a treat. I use to stick my plastic mash paddle in the battery drill and aerate with that.
Why not just pour the wort from the cube vigorously?
Why not just pour the wort from the cube vigorously?

Because I ferment in my no chill cube.

I usually just shake the **** out of it but that can be hard work with 18 litres of wort. It gets heavy quickly..I thought my stick mixer might do a better job and be easier to use.

@ Razz....Yeh will check it out first to make sure its nice and clean. Will scrub it with perc and hot water first then soak in defender.
I'd be pretty wary of sticking something with so many moving parts and potential crevices in to my wort post-boil. You might find it works, and that it's the best thing ever, so go ahead.

That is my concern, though.
I'd be pretty wary of sticking something with so many moving parts and potential crevices in to my wort post-boil. You might find it works, and that it's the best thing ever, so go ahead.

That is my concern, though.

Good point...Maybe I will try Razz idea and use my mash paddle in the drill. Less nooks and crannies for bugs to hide in the paddle.
If youa re thinking of buying the mixer to be solely used for brewing then a better investment would be another fermenter. Cheap ($16) and easy.
I like the drill and paddle idea. I'll be using that next time myself... :beer:
If youa re thinking of buying the mixer to be solely used for brewing then a better investment would be another fermenter. Cheap ($16) and easy.

No I already have the stick mixer...Wouldnt buy one just for that.
I sit the cube on my knees and shake it for ~5 mins, works alright.
I usually just shake the **** out of it but that can be hard work with 18 litres of wort. It gets heavy quickly..

Try resting it on a footy (or other suitable semi spherical soft surface :ph34r: ) and rocking back and forth. A cruisy laid back way to aerate wort without electron munching buzzing tools!
Good point...Maybe I will try Razz idea and use my mash paddle in the drill. Less nooks and crannies for bugs to hide in the paddle.

How the hell can you fit a mash paddle or paint mixer through the hole of a cube?

I am used to cramming big things into small holes but geez. :lol:
I would have thought that the shaking or the football roll method would be more effective than a stick blender anyway.
I used to use a paint stirrer to aerate my wort, until I moved to better bottles as fermenters - now I just let the wort fall in from the neck of the bottle and "jiggle" the hose to increase the splashing in the bottle - that seems to do the job nicely for me.

Just wondering if its possible to use one of these to aerate my wort in the cube before pitching?
ive just re-read the op. are you pitching/fermenting in the cube? if so why? why not dump into a fermentor?
I ferment in the cube. Why? Because there's no need to transfer into another vessel. Because it's easier. Because cubes are great fermenting vessels. Because the infection risk is reduced. Because cubes (jerry can style) fit easily inside fermenting fridges - many have room for two. Because you only need to clean half the equipment.

Why not?
I ferment in the cube. Why? Because there's no need to transfer into another vessel. Because it's easier. Because cubes are great fermenting vessels. Because the infection risk is reduced. Because cubes (jerry can style) fit easily inside fermenting fridges - many have room for two. Because you only need to clean half the equipment.

Why not?
just asking if he had a particular reason he didnt want to ferment in a fermentor. I know some people prefer it. I was more asking him to clarify if thats what he was meaning or whetehr I was misread the post.

my cubes are always too full to ferment in. except when i got an infection in a 3/4 full cube once and it started fermenting in the cube.... I added more hops and fermentables and suprisingly it came out ok
I wouldn't use a stick mixer in my wort. If you read the reviews on them there are so many of them that hold food scraps in places you can't clean.