Hi Fellas,
I have just returned to brewing after a five year break. It feels good to be back. Have a MSB Nut Brown Ale going at the moment, and after a slow start, problem with airlock, and slow starting yeast, I got thinking that there must been a way to control the yeast side of things. Answer: liquid yeast.
I am trying to get my head around this, I seem to be ok with the fermenter part, but the recultivation part, I'm not so sure about, so please correct me if I'm wrong.
You make up your first yeast wort, and do you pour the entire contents of this wort into 6 stubbies, for further use. Then use the stubbies as required, and when you get to the last stubbies, repeat the process again, make up and pour off into 6 stubbies. Is this correct? If so, how many times can you do this?
Sorry to drag the post down. Any help would be great.
Jase :unsure: