Ss Post Mix Kegs With Cola In Them

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Hi All..

[I have done some searches on the forum and haven't found an answer]

I have been mixing cola/dry ginger ale with NOTHING in my kegs then gassing it.

First I gassed at 10psi (3-4days in the fridge), when the mixer poured out from the tap it fizzed a bit then went flat quickly (taste great though).

On the next batch I gassed at 30psi (3-4days in the fridge), when the mixer poured out from the tap it fizzes and foams nicely but it flattens out a bit too quickly.

Question is: How can I gas the kegs so that they pour from the tap with a steady bubble beading in the glass like the commercial soft drink products do?

im only new to kegging but ill give it a shot.......

i fill my keg with whatever........ fridge it for at least 24 hours to get the keg cold ( at least 4 degrees ) pull the keg out and force carb. i then wait till it settles down ( bout an hour ) then i will carb as normal ( bout 300kpa ) for another 24 hours and after that set the serving pressure at 12 psi ( which is best for me )

im sure members here will have other options but this is how i was told and also i read the thread on force carbing which also helps quite a bit.

hope that helps

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