Snuck a peek this morning, and there is a tan layer covering the surface of the whole tub. It's not thick like the pics of the uk squares, but I'm hoping by tonight or tomorrow it'll be nice and thick and creamy. The irony is I have 4 full cubes but none of them are uk ales haha, so I have nothing waiting to be fermented that would suit London ale yeast. I've got a beire de garde brune I suppose might suit but next time I'll make sure I've got something English waiting in a cube.
I suppose in the future I could rack to 2ndary, clean and sanitise the tub, whack it straight back in the fridge with the fresh top cropped yeast and a new cube of ale, back to back. Maybe a bitter, then a pale ale, or a mild, then brown ale, then porter. As long as it kept throwing up a good crop.
Probably getting ahead of myself at this stage haha. Will report back tonight.