I have really enjoyed reading this thread. I have been brewing for three years now and all grain about 2 1/2 of that. I have "progressed" to a Brutus 10 type single tier system. I use natural gas and jet burners. I recently purchased a panel box and other components (Pids, SSR's, heat sinks, sensors, RIMS tube etc) and added a 50 amp GFCI breaker and outlet to make the switch to electric. I have been looking at these Braumeister units for a while and wish I would have found this thread before making the aforementioned purchases!!
I still may look into selling my existing unit and going with the 20l version.
Thanks for all of the good information.
...My old rig used to average around 80-85% eff with a 3V HERMS
Am I reading this right - it's cheaper to buy a german made unit from the US than either here or Germany? Go figure.Ordered it from a Florida dealer one week ago on the 21st. Two weeks to go, I'm so excited!!
schooey - you gotta stop calling it your old rigits the rig that went to a better home :lol:
By the way - she's had a paint job, the plug is wired up, and still punching out 80-85%
cheers mckenry
Well, I decided to sell my existing unit and buy the 50L version. Ordered it from a Florida dealer one week ago on the 21st. Two weeks to go, I'm so excited!!
From what i have read you order in the USA and they order and sent from Germany.....some how i think you may be a little wishful with a 3 wk turn around as it will still have to go through customs and you get notified by mail then you pay customs then they release it to Aust post.
But then you may be very lucky.
I was under the impression yambor44 was from the U.S. So I don't think he/she will have to worry about Australia Post.
For me I have decided the saving is not worth the hassle or lack of support.
Mark is a big ugly dude and I have total faith in him and his after purchase service. Great decision.
(no affiliation to MHB .. just reckon support a lhbs and reap the rewards)
Agreed, I'll be using my Braumeister for many years to come, so the bit of extra cash now should be worth the years of service/helpful hints to come (Mark you lucky boy). He's also a Braumeister brewer so he has first hand experience getting the most out of these machines. All of this helped me make the choice.
But one of the main worries was "what if I get a dud?". Maybe a small risk, but shipping back to the US would obliterate any savings in one go. And as Mark said in an earlier post, he's had to replace one computer out of 6 sold. Thats a 17% chance going by those stats. So duds aren't unheard of even from a good German company
The Braumeisters we saw at ANHC 2010 were beautiful things and if readily affordable, lots would buy them. I'd have one. Hope all goes well and you make great beers for years.