Haha. Yeah, to be honest I think neither are the way to go (Braumeister or Sabco). Just thought I'd put it out there.
I think with shipping the weight on the Sabco would put you well and truly out of pocket unless you know someone with a shipping container doing regular rounds.
$3k for a Braumeister or $6k for a Sabco you can buy a lot of stainless steel and welding expertise and with that you can pretty much customise your own rig to suit your space. Plus I agree that you'd want something that can brew more than just 50L.
My vote would be save your hard earned and make something from scratch that works for you. But I can understand some folks want something that off the shelf 'just works' and don't have that sort of time to faff around. Sounds like the appeal for many with the Braumeister is the space saving factor too, which is interesting.
Good luck to those that want the 'urn', and each to their own, but I'm passing. My gravity fed 3 tier does me nicely for now.