I think you guys have to realise that your question is very much a 'how long is a piece of string' question... The answer will lie in what your grist consists of, what you are trying to achieve in your mash, your brewing process, your , milling regime, your mill and how it's powered, what speed it turns...... blah blah
It's going to be very much a suck it and see for your first couple of brews. The first brew I did with the new machine I had the grist similar to what it would have been for my old rig. I made copious amounts of stuff ups and still managed 75% Brewhaus Eff. With a few more brews under the belt and a finer grist I get low 80's consistently with good clarity.
It's part of the fun...
edit: Oh and as far as the remains, I kinda crafted an add-on pick up tube but I won't go into too much detail. Apparently the peeps at Speidel don't like it so much.....h34r: But it allows me to get pretty much everything but less than a litre... I'm happy with that. Gimme twenty minutes and I'll post a pic
Having read the instructions twice have put it through a test run to make sure all is running smoothly and i understand the set up and processes.quite easy.so now just need to nail down a recipe and plug in the times and temps and will be away.All things being even Thursday is
Are you saving up for one Haysie?How did it go? Interested in the can the cant and the want to brew opinions. Pro`s n Con`s etc etc
Are you saving up for one Haysie?
Hi mate, just wondering why you want to program in your own settings to do yr first brew? I was quite happy to sit back and marvel at just how cool these machines are.Having read the instructions twice have put it through a test run to make sure all is running smoothly and i understand the set up and processes.quite easy.so now just need to nail down a recipe and plug in the times and temps and will be away.All things being even Thursday is
It seems to me that you've just about already talked yourself into it; you don't need my help...pretty much everything you mentioned is why I made the choice to buy one. The two pumps have two brass elbows each and that's pretty much it...they don't operate when the wort is boiling, so the tiny bit of wirt that is in contact with the very minimal amount if brass in the system is the least of my worries when it comes to poisoning my body with heavy metals.
IMHO ...dollar for dollar there is no better system for functionality and compactness and ease of cleaning.
Also, other than the expected drop in efficiency, and the difficulty in producing high gravity worts; are there any other limitations you've found?