So Why Does Homebrew Never Give Hangovers?

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That which does not kill us makes us stronger.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Warren -
im going with a combo of all these.

IMO: sugar, preservitives and other ingredients (ie to make dark liquors) = hangover.

If I drink cheap megaswill = massive hangover. If I drink say becks (good old recechbolt) = v small hangover

If I drink HB = well im yet to have a massive session in recent times but even after 4-5 longnecks of HB im fresh as a daisey.
ive never had a headache in my life,when i think ive got one it goes away.

saying this i still get hangovers but they are more like dehydrateovers. Where i cant even stand up bcoz im going to pass out and get light headed and stuff. (reminds me when i was younger on the following days after a rave party) but with the home brew it is no where as bad.
Well basically i dont get them from HB. Ive found that if i stop drinking 12 hours before i have to do something sober. eg. work or shopping with the missus im generally ok.This rarely stops me tho.

I always have a can of kilkenny when hungedover and im usually sorted.Well after a few more of them anyway, after i get the taste.Ill just worry about it tomorrow.Then ill sort it out :beerbang:
hangovers are mainly dehydration and vitamin b deficiency. no matter how drunk I am if i skull a litre of water and have a berocca before crashing ill wake up feeling 90%. do the same again in the morning to make it 100 :p
I've been to enough case swaps now and seen (and been) the hard men that stayed up till two, looking very seedy indeed after drinking quality home brew all night. I've also seen them (aka Frogman) get straight back into it in the morning like they have just turned up for a big one.


I think the whole "you can't get a hangover from homebrew" claim is a bit of an urban myth.
I've had many a killer hangover from drinking nothing but my own homebrew, along with a mate of mine, and the vast majority of my brews contain no adjucts of any sort. Although I don't recall any "homebrew hangovers" being nearly as nasty as the result of a night on commercial beer, spirits, mixed drinks, etc.
A hangover seems to be such a personal thing though...some people can drink until they passout and wake up as fresh as a daisy, whilst others can have a couple of beers and wake up to living hell.
The root cause of all hangovers is, of course, drinking alcohol. If you drink enough and end up with a hangover, it means you've ingested more alcohol than your body can metabolize efficiently. The toxins in alcohol build up in your body and make you feel sick. A chief culprit is a chemical called acetaldehyde. This is an alcohol by-product that research suggests may cause the worst of your hangover symptoms.

Stretching my memory but last year at the Ballarat Uni brewing course we did taste testing and I recall VB had a distinct green apple (acetaldehyde ??? correct me if i'm wrong) aroma which would account for part of it's hangover artillery according to Fents quote.

Cheers, Andrew.
My take on this is that you most definitely can get a hangover from HB but...

a) It takes a lot more effort.

B) They never seem quite as bad.

I have been to several of the case swaps browndog mentions and the next day, Xmas 06 particularly, I have felt fairly tender, but not death warmed up like I have felt on much much smaller nights on commercial beer.
I usually escape hangovers to a certain extent on HB, but after drinking megaswill at a wedding on the weekend, was not well at all in the morning. I get really bad hangovers from nearly all megaswill, but if it has anything to do with acetaldhyde, then I pity all the Bluetongue Lager drinkers out there - that stuff tastes like a granny smith!
Anyway, if ya drink megaswill, though, ya probably deserve what ya got coming. And Warren, what the hell are ya doing turning big belgians into session beers ya mad bugger!?!
Howdy all,

An excellent resource for finding answers to questions like these is Google Scholar.

Just keep in mind that words or phrases like 'possibly', 'probably' and 'some researchers' usually mean that the "answer" is open to debate.

Happy searching,

hangovers are mainly dehydration and vitamin b deficiency. no matter how drunk I am if i skull a litre of water and have a berocca before crashing ill wake up feeling 90%. do the same again in the morning to make it 100 :p

If U can seriously consume and retain a full litre of water after a session of "beering", you haven't really had a session.

Seth :p
After a car ride/walk/whatever home, I'm usually ready for a decent slash. Out goes at least 1 litre, then I top myself up with water.

I think of it as a digestive batch sparge... without the vorlauf! :blink:
After a car ride/walk/whatever home, I'm usually ready for a decent slash. Out goes at least 1 litre, then I top myself up with water.

I think of it as a digestive batch sparge... without the vorlauf! :blink:

:lol: Hook up your March and a ballvalve. You could be a HERPS. Heating Element Recirculating Pissing System.

Warren -
my standard hangover prevention is lots of water before bed, and a pint of water next to me, as i usually wake up a few hours before i plan to with hellish drys. skull that, hour or two more sleep and im fine.

but i tend to agree with everyone though, homebrew is far far far nicer on the head than megaswill. honestly dont remember the last time i had a hangover to be honest, and i doubt it was with homebrew.

i think its more to do with the sugar levels and the fermentation temperatures (ie. less fusel alcohols)


vegimite/promite on toast the next morning if you arent feeling 100% always does the trick for me as well
Funny the general perception that homebrew leads to less hangovers. I think homebrew can be said to have improve vastly from what it was a few years ago.
It used to be the complete opposite. I remember my first experiences of homebrew leading to the worst hangovers I can remember, even though I was not drinking that excessively. I think the main reason for this is that your average homebrewer (numerically speaking) has never read a book or forum on homebrewing, brews from a can and kilo of sugar, and does it according to the can instructions. 24-27 degree fermentations lead to huge levels of fusel alcohols (one of the worst offenders other than ethanol). Thus bad hangovers.

I think this thread should be more like "So Why Does My Homebrew Never Give Hangovers" :beer:

I dont beleive for a second there is any justifiable reason or evidence to suggest homebrew not causing hangovers in any different form to Industrial lagers.
The hangover is quite simply due to both the alcohol and sugar intake form said drinks, as well as on a big night, the sleep deprivation, change in routine. Unless one ahs a particlaur allergy to @preservatives@ in the beer, I thik the whole concept is a load of twaddle.

Nevertheless, I am begining to believe that the higher in IBU' S,and hop content to easier it is to get a hang over.
All the jerkyboys at litle creatures saying how its so good "cos its got no preservatives", its up there with my dismay at the term "Handcrafted ales"
JUst to clarify alittle,
I woudl like to say that I do think beers with alot of acetylaldehyde would seem to promote hangovers, or at least execerbate/amplify them.
To me the Billabong Porter unforutnaltey made here in WA, "tastes like a hangover" its surley 75%alcetylaldehyde

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