So Why Does Homebrew Never Give Hangovers?

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I dont beleive for a second there is any justifiable reason or evidence to suggest homebrew not causing hangovers in any different form to Industrial lagers. ...

All the jerkyboys at litle creatures saying how its so good "cos its got no preservatives", its up there with my dismay at the term "Handcrafted ales"

In the past I have had a single stubby of megaswill give me a headache.

At a recent bucks party & wedding I went to, the groom bought a heap of LCPA. Lightest hangovers I have ever had. Better than any homebrew I've had sessions on, let alone any megaswill.

You can call bullsh!t all you want, everyone is different and I know what works for me. I have my own anecdotal evidence.
I still get a hangover............but I think that's related to the amount I drink, rather than what. What's more, I (vaguely) remember mornings after Stamtisch at Grumpys where all I'd had had to drink was homebrew, and you can't tell me I don't have a hangover while I'm hugging the big white bowl in the morning, scowling at the light of day and wincing at every loud noise........:(
So I for one can drop my vote in the "no hangover? What a lot of cobblers" box. :)
Do I mind getting a bit of a reminder in the morning? not really, it tells me I had a good time......:lol:
if i hit my beers hard i just wake up drunk.
rarely get the colossal kill me now kinda hangovers like the old days sessions in the pub.
I haven't had more than a couple of glasses of homebrew. get rotten hangovers from overconsumption of just about any alcohol these days, but I heard HB can give ladies a yeast infection in the clacker, is that true?
I haven't had more than a couple of glasses of homebrew. get rotten hangovers from overconsumption of just about any alcohol these days, but I heard HB can give ladies a yeast infection in the clacker, is that true?

:lol: I dont know? How long have you been drinking HB? :lol:
I just bottled my first K&K brew yesterday. Hope to have many years of HB drinking before me!
beernography, you will have years of drinking before you, and get used to all of us, once you are in here you never get out, NEVER!

Welcom to the Hotel California..........


Im not an alcaholic...... im a brewahoilic.

and on subject..... i havnt had a hangover on HB ever.

I have been smashed........ sluring and falling over and no hangover. tired the next day... probably still pickled but didnt feel sick at all.

Home Brew rocks :)

Hangovers are definitely one of those mystery creatures that doesn't have one pure cause but a myriad of influences that can add up to feeling like death warmed up the day after the night before.

Personally I would say that dehydration is one of the biggest factors but preservatives, fusel alcohol, amount consumed, regular drinking level, not only how much but what you've eaten prior to drinking and what it is that you're actually drinking are all part of the puzzle.

As for HB being hangover free I think it might address one or two of the above mentioned factors but overdo it and you're sure to pay.



preservatives, fusel alcohol, amount consumed, regular drinking level,

posibly...... but questionable
definatly a factor. brew cooler and slower
i consume heaps so major factor.......... tollerance factor!

all true but i think the fusils are a big one

I mad a belgian that won awards but was fiemented hot and gave me a bit of a headache. nothink like a night on the new though

posibly...... but questionable
definatly a factor. brew cooler and slower
i consume heaps so major factor.......... tollerance factor!

all true but i think the fusils are a big one

I mad a belgian that won awards but was fiemented hot and gave me a bit of a headache. nothink like a night on the new though

Exactly my point Tony,

it's questionable and debatable about what all of the factors are and until someone in a lab-coat can do a definitive study we're stuck with debate and anecdote "HB never gives me hangovers" - "never mix your drinks - thats a hangover for sure" - " I can't drink red wine - it gives me a hangover" and the list goes on....


alcetylaldehyde - a fascinating chemical structure responsible for many a headache and not just for organic chemistry students trying to draw the structure!
nothink like a night on the new though


Tooheys New is bad News. It's kryptonite for me. When I was still a swiller, I used to avoid it like the plague!

This whole think with preservatives in commercial beer being one of the causes of hangovers... it kind of smacks of conspiracy theory.
I think the only preservative you are likely to encouter regularly is SO2, and since many beginner homebrewers still sanitise with metabisulphite, they'll also have SO2 in the finished product.

Most if not all studies into hangover causes have shown them to be usually just three: dehydration, hypoglycaemia, and increased acetaldehyde concentration in your bloodstream.

Just my opinion.

agreed mfdes - acetaldehyde will do it, as will sodium/potassium metabisulfite (preservative reVox)

and maybe yeast nutrient - Di ammonium phosphate)...or anything over 10 pints and a nagging missus!
Most if not all studies into hangover causes have shown them to be usually just three: dehydration, hypoglycaemia, and increased acetaldehyde concentration in your bloodstream.

Just my opinion.

agreed mfdes - acetaldehyde will do it, as will sodium or potassium metabisulfite...and anything over 10 pints and a nagging missus!

Alright there rocket-scientists, how do we work your hypothesis into common speak, to prevent hangovers?

dehydration = drink a volume of water for every volume of beer consumned during session and follow with as much water as one can stomach at the end of evening? I would assume quality of water is important?

hypoglycaemia = a vitamin B tablet before session/bed or juicing of fresh orange or ?

acetaldehyde concentrated = you got me there. don't be genetically prone to this enzyme?

sodium = cut back on the salt (dietary)?

potassium metabisulfite = just don't use it on a HB scale?

Not poking fun, poking for everyday solutions for everyday ;) excesive ;) drinkers.

well sat arvo / night i ended up drinking about 13 stubbies of carlton draught over about 9 hours watching footy at a mates who dosnt drink homebrew...blamsphemy yes but thats another thread.

woke on yoday feeling *********. did the same thing when i started this thread on homebrew and felt fine, thats all the proof i need.
Tooheys New is bad News. It's kryptonite for me. When I was still a swiller, I used to avoid it like the plague!

Have to agree I don't drink much Tooheys New but a few years ago i went hard on it,
The next day it felt like my head was getting ripped open by a crow bar, one of the worst headaches in my life.