So when do you stop being noob an start to become part of the furnitur

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Ducatiboy stu said:
19 X number of times you mixed your hops up...but brewed on anyway
20. X number of times you ran out of a prticular grain
SMSH 60 minute IPA. Foolproof.

22. X 'Yeah, yeah, nah. Its suppose to taste like that'
sp0rk said:
When the mrs stops complaining about you looking for good beer when you're on holidays and actually starts planning your trips around good bars/breweries/homebrew shops...
My Lady is a true beer lover now...... and my happiest client! :)
Lord Raja Goomba I said:
When you read a list like this to SWMBO and she 'gets it'.
Ha! Yeah, the other day I was talking with my wife and mentioned boil hops vs whirlpool and she said I should add more whirlpool for aroma. I hadn't mentioned aroma. She drinks solely sweet Riesling.
23 When SWMBO no longer cares when you steal anything made of stainless from the kitchen
Mardoo said:
Ha! Yeah, the other day I was talking with my wife and mentioned boil hops vs whirlpool and she said I should add more whirlpool for aroma. I hadn't mentioned aroma. She drinks solely sweet Riesling.
There is something she is not telling you :D
24. When SWMBO has put up with so much of your brewing talk that she can quote the style guidelines and doesn't even drink/like beer.
When your friends actually want to drink your beer and you don't want to give it to them.
Wolfman said:
So when does one stop being a noob and become part of the furniture?

1. X years as a brewer?
2. X amount of batches of beer?
3. X amount of time you have been a member of this forum?

Pick your number and your reason as to your choice.
Part of the furniture?
Answer: 3.

but as for being a noob I think is another question.
No matter how much I could possible brew I would still think of myself as a learner.
When you find yourself crossing the lines you always said were too far:

"Learning about water chemistry is taking it a bit too serious, I'll never do that"
"Different glasses for different beer? I'll never be that ******"
"Who needs more than three fermenting fridges, that's just excessive"
"I don't need stainless"
"I'd know when someone isn't actually THAT interested in brewing, and would stop the conversation at a respectable point"
30: When you realise that higher efficiency doesn't make you a better brewer
31: When you pitch your first "sour" culture

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