Obviously pick an alcohol--tolerant yeast, maybe even a wine yeast recommended for especially high alcohol tolerance. Then maybe borrow a trick from winemakers who add sugar, concentrate or baskets of botrytised grapes as fermentation proceeds, so that the sugar level does not get too high. Dilute part of the wort until it's well within the range the yeast is supposed to tolerate. When the beer is at high krausen start adding the remaining 1.165 wort, and continue adding increments. When fermentation seems to die down in spite of the additions, stopping or continuing towards gooey sweetness is your call.
You won't get 22 per cent, but winemakers get up to 17 this way.
Sanitation could be a challenge. Reheat and rechill wort? Trust your cube? Dunno. Winemakers work with lower pH than beer has. If you have lactic or some other food-grade acid you could lower pH a few tenths. Some sourness would balance the sweetness anyway.