lael said:
How does the pulled pork turn out? dry / moist? How much gas do you go through on such a long cook? Any recommendations on recipes?
I never rotated the pork, so one half was drier than the other half, which was perfect... next time, I'll rotate it in the middle of the cook, as it turns out the vent side of the cooker is hotter.
(But not dry like your normal over-cooked pork roast, just dry compared to perfect)
BUT the beauty of pulled pork is you homogenize the meat. The bark is dry and chewy... nice by itself, but when mixed through the rest of the meat its divine, almost like jerky bombs
You run it on as low as it can go... and perhaps even lower than that
The dial goes off->high<->med<->low, between off and high you can adjust the usage to anything between high and off, ie, lower than "low"
I did get a full gas bottle for this cook, just in case, but i totally forgot to check usage. But its very low. after all, just one small burner as low as possible.
can recommend amazing rib's pulled pork recipe, with memphis meat dust and kansas city bbq sauce (all three recipes on the website)
We're still using up the packet of meat dust we made for the ribs a few weeks ago... and the bbq sauce...
These cooks have been practise runs for a massive texas bbq I'm putting on in a couple of weeks