Skunk Fart Ale

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hopefully with this thread we can kill a few birds with one stone. basically this is a lcpa type clone thread but i hope to help the first time allgrainers with getting there techniquie and system fine tuned and discuss the finer points here rather than pm back and forth so we can get all the info documented for everyone.

this is the flag ship brew i do. it all comes about from my very first allgrain some 50 brews ago with a few partials under my belt in a bucket in bucket system.
(now iam in stainless heaven)

the first few where based around this which comes from many sierra nevada recipes i researched.
its for 23 litres at 75% effiency for around 65% use another 500g-700g of pale malt.
jayse's skunk fart pale ale. og 1.053 fg 1.015
5 kg amc pale malt
250 g 80-90 ebc crystal malt
250 g carapils malt
mashed at 66c at 3 litres to 1 kg.

28 g northern brewer 60 mins 30 ibu the real one calls for perle.

14 g cascade 10 mins

14 g cascade 5 mins

wyeast american 1056 fermented at 22c

heres the lastest about 15 a.p.a.s' down the track with more than twice the cascade and crystal malt.
it is for 75% effiency just add another 500g-700g pale malt for 65%.
no need to get into full on details here just post your questions.

skunk fart pale ale 0g 1.055 at 75% total potential 1.074
4.5 kg amc PALE MALT
225 g MUNICH
125 g WHEAT
mash 66c

39 G CASCADE pellets 5.7% 60 MINS 30 ibu.
this was calculated using 30% extraction so although it made a wicked lcpa clone from my experience since this brew i would use 25% which gives you 52 g of 5.7% a.a.
anyway anywhere between 40-50 g will get you in the ball park.


14 g cascade 10 MINS

28 g " 5 MINS

28 g " 1 MIN

wyeast 1272 american II ferment at a fruity 22c
f.g 1.015-1.017
i used my hop back with two plugs. i have just been advising others to just ignore that. all though i would love to give you the recipe of your dreams it really is up to you to taylor it to you system and taste etc.
basically how much aroma you get out of the hops takes practice.
the flavour is dead easy.

so basically i just want to put together a thread thats gets into the guts of these a.p.a's like this lcpa, sierra nevada brew so all could read and post how theres went and discuss the finer details.
also a few people are using this as their first allgrain brew so it will be good to doco there work for other first time allgrainers to read.

if your doing this as one of your first brews you can calc you effiency by dividing what your og is by the total extract potential of 1.075
so say you got 1.050 then 50/75 = .66 you got 66%.

a few other AHB.s' have done this brew so i hope you guys will posts you notes here, snow, jasony and ben.
and i know bigd is going mad waiting to try one of these brews.

the actuall lcpa and sierra nevada have a lower og and fg but the attenuation is not far off anyway i hope to cover all these finer points here later.

How are yours going snow, jasony and ben?
anyway i leave the latest recipes till another nite all typed out.
the main difference now is iam using real pale ale malt ie. imc and joe white traditional.
the amc is meant to be a mega lager malt disigned to be used with a 15% sugar adjunct.
to be honest i have found it works wickedly on its own. anyway that can wait till later.

cheers jayse
I've never been a big fan of APA's or IPA's because all the ones I've tasted have been crap.

However, yesterday I poped in to see Leon at ESB at Randwick in Sydney and he gave me a sample of an IPA he had racked a couple of days earlier. It tasted really good because he had the balance of malt and bitterness just right.

So I have now been tempted to give one a go (I usually brew Oktoberfests, Pilsners, Porters, Wheats and Stouts with the odd Belgian/Strong Ale thrown in).

I will give your recipe a go Jayse and report back.

My brew is still only on its 3rd day of life. I will rack to a secondry after one week, then store a week cool before kegging. Once gassed i will sample daily :) giving a indication of the aging.

I was low on OG because its my first and i was all over the place, my sparging tech. needs work, and a slower run off next time will help. also maybe crush may need work (again first time)

I used American ale 1 it brewed at about 20-22 deg but now is cooling down somewhat as the brew slowes down.

cant wait to sample it as it smells great at the moment. mmmm cascade
I was so happy with the first one I now have two fermenters full to restock! Very happy with this one and will no doubt keep a good stock handy, best tasting beer I have made to date. Used IMC pale malt throughout.

First one: Worked a treat I even managed to jag 1.060. bottled and started drinking after 2 weeks.

Brew notes from QBrew :
Grains crushed the night before. Mashed at 68 deg C for 1.5hrs, check after 30 min added 1 L boiliing water to bring to 66 deg C.

Boiled batches of wort and added back to bring mash to 76 deg C for mashout.

Sparged 21L of 76DegC water to collect about 30L wort.

Boiled 15 mins before hop additions began.

Cooled to 20degC using floating frozen pot + extra ice.
25L at approx 1.060 gravity!!

Final Gravity 1.012 (WYeast 1272), big floating yeast cake that looked like leather, had to peel it back during racking!

Bulk primed with 160g dextrose to get 65 stubbies.

After the first few stubbies I thought I had over done the hops but now I would be tempted to go further! :rolleyes: I now quite like the hop balance. Really nice drinking beer with a punch. Gave out a few samples to some friends and they were very impressed (boss wants a carton for xmas ... I think stocks could be tight). Only issue is that it was a bit cloudy but I'm working on that.

THe second was one of those brews that just went wrong, broke my thermometer and hygrometer and only managed 1.040. Put this one down to experience, I went grocery shopping during the mash so my mash temp may have been crap and I didn't collect enough wort from the sparge. Wasn't about to waste 23L of brew so I will see how it comes out with a bit less alcohol. I only had 5 plugs as well so I skipped the 10min addition. This will be bottled tomorrow. Noticed that the yeast cake sunk in this one, probably didn't have enough goodies in the brew to build itself up like the first one.

The third and latest attempt went pretty well. Managed to hit 1.055 and the wort is very clear thanks to a hop wedging itself in the tap inlet of the boiler :). Only change with this one was bittering hops were 20g cascade/ 15g northern brewer as I ran out of pellets. Used the 6 plugs for late additions once more. Still broke another farken hydrometer during this brew and now watch that sucker carefully. Racking this one tomorrow also.
im getting there jayse.
still yarning with the grumps sorting out the freight company they deal with.
im hanging out like the proverbial dogs balls

big d
thanx guys for your posts. that is exactly what iam after.

the boiling for 15 mins first before the hop additions is what i now always do. this is to get all the hot break out of the way basically first.
you would think the more you learn the shorter the brew day gets. wrong wrong wrong it ends up taking longer.

EDIT: Your on the right track to getting better effiency ben another thing you can do is mix up the grain during the mash and sparge. if you do it during the sparge just recycle a bit again. or you can just mix up the top layer during sparging like the comercial breweries.
anyway for your next one i would go with using the 65% effiency adjustment ie. add 500-700g pale malt and pay more attention to the mash and sparge.

Sounds like you got a wicked attenuation on the first brew mashed at 68c jasony. The 1272 doesn't have has much attenuation(73%-75%) as 1056(75-77) and 1272 is more flocculant which i guess plays a part in the lower attenuation.
also with the 1272 it does remain floating on top off the brew forever after fermention finishes just about but the beer still clears very well even though the yeast floculates to the top instead of the bottom. so its a real top cropping strain.
if you have never seen a yeast like this before it will amaze you.
this yeast was thought to be the 'rogue pacman' yeast but wyeast now state this is not correct.

EDIT AGAIN: looks like you weren't paying enough attention to the second one Jasony, still 53% effiency isn't tottally rooted and you left out some hops so hopefully you'll have a good ice cold beer for summer.what was the final gravity.

these ones have a much better balance.
i think you could go as high a 50 odd ibu and still be well balanced.
if you went that high i'd cut back on the 15 and 10 min hops though.
i havent done a wheat yet but iam of to get some bavarian wiezen slurry from the bottom of a grumpy micro brew.
iam thinking 50/50 malted wheat and pils malt and 15 ibu tettnanger and 1/2 oz 15 mins.

cheer jayse.
oh yeah carefull with this beer you'll find everyone will rock up after work if they know you have some.
so i give the swill drinkers a pint of warm flat english ale then i don't see them for awhile and i have my a.p.a all to myself.
thats what i noticed with the 1272 jayse.thought i had done something wrong.the thing just keeps to the top .
this post of yourse has put my mind at ease.its the first time ive used it.

big d
i doing a snpa clone now simailair to jayse first but different hop additions and amount more hopped with csacade will let you know how it goesa it is fermenting
with the 1272 i give it a swirl around a little on the last days of fermention to help drop the yeast back in.

like jazman did if you do the first recipe use 28g for 10 mins 28g for 5 mins instead of only 14g each time
i only posted it like that to show where i started from.
the 80-90 ebc crystal in the first recipe is the same caramunich as in the other recipe.
Hey Jayse

Recently taste tested the partial mash version of one of your APA recipes against LCPA.

It is VERY SIMILAR to LCPA, but better. The bottled LCPA I have at the moment is more malty and less hoppy than the LCPA I was drinking on tap the other day.

Tasting notes for that brew are at log.htm#Brew83

I have one fermenting now which uses your same malt profile but I went for 50% IBUs from Chinook and 50% from Cascade as I am really getting to like that Chinook grapefruit flavour. (Brew 87)

I'm still using Wyeast 1056, but it is pretty clean, I cant really tell the difference from Safale S04, except maybe a bit less attenuation. Maybe I should switch to 1272 for the next one?
Nice tasting notes simon. sounds exactly the same as mine. More fruit flavour from both the hops and yeast. I think they(LC) would ferment at a lower temp but i love the smoother fresher fruit flavour rather than the dry, sharper hop flavour. The other yeast is even better for the fruit flavour at 22c.

as far as the exact colour goes i would only use 250 g of caramunich and carapils for the rest you could even totally leave out the carapils if you wanted to get closer to the fg of lcpa and drier etc.
i haven't calculated the actuall colour i'll work that out and post.

I noticed you have something written about your numbers for the mash potential. iam using 309 for the joewhite. the same as the imc pale ale.
314 for munich malt. 315 for wheat and around 280 for crystal.
they haven't put up the trad malt yet.

cheer jayse.

edit; i would try and get the o.g up to 1.054. also simon for a unreal version.
here's a couple of the skunk farts less potent brothers.

this was inspired by various comments on grumpy andy's part mash clone.xlcr
jayse 's XLCER 23 L o.g 1.048 at 70% effiency
brewed 14 aug

14 G goldings 60 MINS
14 g cascade 60 mins

28 g cascade 10 MINS

10g cascade 1min
10g ekg 1 MIN

1272 from primary ferment of livingstoned IPA
spot on brew--beer -----beer---beer-------beer
its around 25 ibu.
cascades were 4.5% a.a plugs
goldings were 6.1% a.a plugs.
anyway make what ever adjustments you need for 20 ibu for the 60 minute additions.

mountain goat pale ale (done july 2) very good brew
o.g 1.042 at 23litres at 70% effiency.
4.5 kg amc pale malt

18 halertau 60 mins

23 hallertau 30 mins

1 0z ten mins

1 0Z 5 MINS

1 0z 1 min

same again aim for 25ibu. all up.
around 10ibu each at the 60 and 30 min additions.
for this brew i would use 5 kgs of pale instead of only 4.5kgs if you want to get a og. of 1.048.

as you can see the 1272 american yeast has its pride of place in skunk fart pale ales.
here's the ;atest a.p.a/ i.p.a

little critters ale 20 litres 0.g 1.055 at 70% effeincy
potential is around 1.079
3400 g joe white TRAD malt
750 g munich malt
750 g wheat malt
300 g cara munich

30 g northern brewer 9.8%a.a 35 ibu 60 mins

14 g cascade 15 mins
14 g cascade 10 mins
30 g 5 mins
30 g 1 min

mashed at 69c

wyeast 1272

mmm this brew rocks.
i did a i.p.a with the same bill but up't the joe white by 2 kilos and added another 14 grams of chinnook for 60 mins.
and used notingham ale yeast that brew also rocks.

cheers jayse in malt and hop heaven
Nice one Jayse. Have cut and pasted to the recipe file and will give it a go as a partial, or more likely the ipa version with some Chinook and maybe a couple of grapefruit thrown in as well. The recipe above based on Grumpy Andy's Excelsior, you like? I did the Excelsior, really cant get to grips with the combination of hops. Love Goldings, love Cascade, really dont like them in the same brew. Having trouble getting those bottles empty for the next brew. Describing it on the Grumpys site as having an uncanny resemblance to LCPA is a bit misleading I think, or maybe I used too much Goldings.
your right the lcpa discription is not correct it is a great brew but in its own right. i love it.
i also loved the hop combo. to me the brew was very lager like in some ways for one the hops are sharper.
anyway i can't wait to do the next variation of this.

here's the actuall i.p.a recipe
jayse's october india pale ale. oct 9th 65 ibu 6.5%abv.
o.g around 1.064 at 70% effiency
60-65 ibu

.5 kg wheat malt
.25 g cara munich.
.5 kg munich

16 g northern brewer 9.8% 60 mins
16 g chinnook 60 mins 12.2% 60 mins
16 g cascade 60 mins 5.7% 60 mins

14 g cascade 15 mins
14 g cascade 10 mins

28 g cascade 5 mins
28 g cascade 1 min

dry nottingham ale yeast 50g.

oz , grams
come on Jayse one or the other :blink:
yeah yeah.
you all get the idea.
28g = 1 oz
14g= 1/2 oz

i'll edit that recipe for everyone later.
Don't mean to be pedantic Jayse, but what exactly are you referring to when you say Joe White TRAD Malt?

I've been looking at the Joe White spec's page but can't see one....

What brands are you using for the rest of your grain bill - I've noticed that there is a fairly wide variety of colour grades for different maltsters

i don't know why the trad malt isn't on the malt craft site yet.
anyway its a TRADitional ale malt around 81% extract potential and 6 ebc.
it is a true english style ale malt.
the munich is imc munich at 82% potential.
caramunich is a trade mark of weyermann at around 75% potential and 80ebc.,
wheat malt is joe white 4 ebc. and around 83% extract potential..

also note that ALL malt from everyone can be 20% either side of the specs as far as colour goes from batch to batch.
so some malt colour is given in very wide numbers ie. 110-180 ebc.
so really if you don't get the exact numbers for the batch you cant' do exact calcs.

anyway now there some brewers reading this thinking what the furkin bejeesus are we talking about.

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