Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Immitation Og=1068!

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Banging it in the fermenter is called 'dry hopping'. Various, slightly different ways to do this but just chucking them in works fine. This method will only give you the hop aroma - and the hops you have are the same aroma hops as in SNPA so you're on the right track(ish). If you want flavour out of them you will need to do a boil in wort. As you say, there's plenty of info around about that. Ask here if you're not sure.
Well I re-sampled this arvo, second sample was full of hops so I disgarded it, third sample was clear and came up at 36. The airlock was already going nuts so I would assume the true gravity would have been 38 - 40 perhaps.
So, lesson learned, ditch the first sample
Only my second brew, first one didn't have hops, this one does and smelly very nice through the airlock!

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