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Ringwood, Melbourne
are little brew assistants often amusing? do they help you on brew-day?

Do they fill the FV with crayons or kittens? the most entertaining thing on the couch today was a book... which book you ask? which other would be appropriate :lol:

First real book.jpg

Whose a proud Daddy?
Chuck them on the stir plate to help them grow big and strong Yob :p
Here's mine:
gta chick.JPG

Oh wait, that's what I play while mashing...soz... brats are 9, 8 and 5 so I'm in enough pain already....
Mine seems to be on her best behavior when it is brew day... Mum hates it that she is calm for me when it is my turn to stay home for the day!

She loves nothing more than a brew day and watching the cricket!

Mines just one and loves pulling air locks out of fermenters. Also I keep joking that we are up to chapter 3 in how to brew by Palmer for story time
I've got a 4 year old boy and 2 year old twins, boy and a girl. I'll put a picture up when I'm at my computer

The twins love helping with bottling. Big boy only becomes interested once the twins start helping. They're a massive pain in the arse! But they love dunking the bottles in the StarSan bucket and emptying.

Little boy eats grains out of the bucket by the handful so I've had to move the buckets up higher. All 3 of them saw that crown lager ad with the barley farmer and started saying "he's making beer" as soon as they saw the grain.

All are obsessed with doughing in, and my wife seems to manage to disappear at the exact moment. It's actually a source of tension because it's ******* dangerous to have 3 kids around close to 40 litres of 70 degree water while I have my hands full.

So I'm back to brewing when they're asleep and just bottling with the kids.

As chaotic as they make it, I love that they're interested in it.
Pretty amazing Pedleyr, I have exactly the same family setup as yours. Youngest boy loves it, also was engaged with the Crown ad.
My wife bought me a brewing book. I read it from cover to cover and it lived in the dining room. While at work the twins were outside and eldest mysteriously disappeared. He was inside reading the book, and when asked said "I need some strawberries to make beer". Champion. I upsided him when I got home for wanting girly flavours in beers though and made him skull a stout to teach him a lesson.

ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1389267041.983186.jpg
Three years old and the only way to keep him out of trouble in the brewhouse (garage) is to let him play in the 'little car'.
He's only tooted the horn once when I was bottling at the bench near the front end of the best vertical leap of all time.
Prince Imperial said:
ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1389300613.662956.jpg My little dude is no help at all. This is his idea of helping me to measure out the strike water.
That pic is a classic, the jug has magnified his head so it looks like his head is the shape as the jug.

Enjoy them while they're young gents. My kids arent interested in my brewing at all. The only interest my almost 18 year old daughter shows is wanting to taste my beer in case one of them happens to taste like her favourite vodka cruiser.

My other daughter is 16 and couldn't care less and my 2 sons 13 and 11 cant get their eyes off the xbox to even know what Im doing half the time. They occasionally walk into the brewery, ask a couple of questions like theyre interested then hit me with

Can I......

have some money
Go to a friends
Eat the chocolate etc in the fridge
meet Asher, he's 3 years old and loves everything and anything that daddy does...brewing, mowing, whipper snippering, cricket, golf, if Dad does it then he has to as well.

Suting up for a brewday - notice the brewing / mowing boots

Loves to have a spin on dad's turntables

Having a fish

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