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Oh no.......he`s got out again :unsure:

143 posts and not a single whisper from the man himself.
That shows admirable self control and restraint.
3 cheers for Ross!
I hope this goes forever! I have had some fantastic laughs!

Good on ya pumpy........ the world is a better place for your presence within it!

I just laughed so hard, I need another beer to settle me down.
It's just as well mrs warra is in Sydney doing the family thing with the offspring. If she heard me laughing, she'd have me committed.
Classic thread. Great move, Pumpy.
I just laughed so hard, I need another beer to settle me down.
It's just as well mrs warra is in Sydney doing the family thing with the offspring. If she heard me laughing, she'd have me committed.
Classic thread. Great move, Pumpy.

He can`t hear you Warra.
I`ve got him nailed down tite in that box with a 2 ton block of granite on top :lol:
