Should I Rack?

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Wheat Beer (with 500g LDM and 300g Dextrose) OG: 1040, currently gravity is 1011. It has been two days and no change in the gravity. It's been 5 days since pitching and it's been around 22 degrees for the most part. Should I rack? Or do you think it is better to leave it? I just don't want it to go bad.
shouldnt go bad if left unless it was for more then a few more weeks. I would give it a day or 2 see if the gravity changes if not just go about it like usual I would say 1011 is about where you want to be at but I have never done a wheat so cant really say to much on that
It wont go bad from leaving it on the yeast cake for a few weeks. I've left brews on cakes for up to a month with no ill effects. I leave all my brews for 2 weeks regardless of when it's finished so the yeast can clean up after itself a bit, especially fermenting that warm.
Based on the minimal info you've given us on the recipe, Slightly, I'd say no, don't rack it. How much lower than 1011 are you expecting a kit beer with extract to go? Just give it a swirl and a few days if you're really expecting it to go much lower.

Based on the info your sig gives us (and the million different threads you've personally made asking about the one issue), Slightly, I'd say yes rack it on to your raspberries. Yeah?
Forgive me for being a learner at this and having a million questions.
A million questions is all fine and dandy. You had one question and a million threads.

Regardless, my answers above are genuine.
yeah would make a difference if you are racking for a secondary ferment on raspberrys, other wise I dont think its worth it. I have racked 1 beer and cant really tell the difference if you have to go away and cant bottle it within a few weeks I would suggest racking but otherwise leave it. I prob wont rack again till I get set up more then I will prob just rack to CC to get another brew off quicker.
yeah would make a difference if you are racking for a secondary ferment on raspberrys, other wise I dont think its worth it. I have racked 1 beer and cant really tell the difference if you have to go away and cant bottle it within a few weeks I would suggest racking but otherwise leave it. I prob wont rack again till I get set up more then I will prob just rack to CC to get another brew off quicker.

I only rack to get it off gross lees before bottling, and then I rack into my priming bucket/bottling unit anyway. One caveat, I rack my lagers and give them a week to rest and clean up a bit before bottling.

Leaving an ale on the yeast cake won't do it any harm. Brew more worry less!

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