Shane Warne launches Moa Beer.

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Woof Woof
If it tastes Like Liz Hurley, I'm in.

Warney's beer.

Warnie, the only man in the world who can stay up all night with a couple of randy kiwi nurses in the middle of a match and still take a michelle after a night on the job.
Will it help a beer drinker loose weight ,so then we can all look as anorexic as Warney or will we still need a surgeons help?
Sounds like a weak watery version of a true pale ale, brewed for the masses, marketed for the masses and only drunk by the die hard Warnie fans.
Moa CEO Geoff Ross told TheShout that he and Warne conceived 99 Not Out after meeting through a mutual friend.
“We struck up a friendship and talked about potential business opportunities,” he said.
Shane’s actually a bit of a wine buff, so we started talking about craft beer and he got a real interest in that.”
As compared with Moa’s existing pale ale, Ross said 99 Not Out is “more of a sessionable pale ale”.
After reading that article I will be very surprised if this goes as far as a second run.
If they were clever they would have also launched a Liz Hurley peak cider at the same time!
Moa is top beer! Don't know how this will go to be honest but the other range is great stuff
Shocking name. Warnie made 99, but he was out. Had a rush of blood and was caught swinging for the fences.... off a no-ball.

What about The Flipper?