Selling My Homebrew

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They can always pay you for the ingredients and you hand over the final product *wink wink* :)
I know someone who was doing this....he stopped whilst he was ahead ...or got a reaming from the tax department. This is not to mention the health dept....or the coppers....he knew he was doing wrong before he started....
Simple answer is cannot sell yourhomebrew without turning yourself into a micro-brewery...and satisfying alot of govenrment departments.....otherwise we'd all be bloody doing
Sell them the wort and yeast, then allow them to ferment and bottle it at your place or where ever, you don't need a licence to sell wort or yeast, but then they could just go to woolworths.

Maybe sell them the wort and yeast so they own it, then they can 'pay' you to ferment and bottle it.

I think the maximum fine in (QLD anyway) for selling liquor without a licence is 2 years jail....imagine the recipes you could think of while in the slammer........
Simple answer is cannot sell yourhomebrew without turning yourself into a micro-brewery...and satisfying alot of govenrment departments.....otherwise we'd all be bloody doing

I thought that might be the case.
Ah, c'mon!

Where's the old spirit? Where's Danny Bailey?


A few dollars on the side and they might help you pour...
Sell 'collectible bottles' that just happen to be filled with liquid. That's what people on ebay do when selling beers. Dodgy, and probably not failproof but its a shot...
How many people are you looking at? If you mates come over for a beer and bring supplies to chip in; that is ok. My neighbor over the back fence used to feel bad about us drinking all my beer; so often he would come over with a kit or two as a gift; and also lend a hand on bottling day.

What if you "traded" it in return for getting them to do odd jobs around the house for you???

Mow the lawn, earn 15 longies.......Paint the house, earn a double batch....

Probably still technically illegal as it's using alcohol as currency though....
What if you "traded" it in return for getting them to do odd jobs around the house for you???

Mow the lawn, earn 15 longies.......Paint the house, earn a double batch....

Probably still technically illegal as it's using alcohol as currency though....
It's one of those things isn't it, technically maybe but not normally cracked down on, start charging though....
Same thing as recording TV shows/movie etc of the TV on video/DVD. Most people would do it for a mate if they were away, or let a mate borrow a movie taped the other night but if you started charging for it that's another matter.

These fine lines everywhere....

EDIT: Actually I'm moving house end of the month and a few mates are helping out, what are they getting in return? A keg or two on tap, a few commercials and some snags...
I suppose it would depend on the numbers here...

I have often paid mates with cases of beer for helping me move/other random stuff over the years.
Yep, and if I started charging well one I'd feel like an ass (as it's mates) and two it's asking for trouble.
Mind you it is the dream to sell your beers isn't it, if only mine we're good enough... :icon_cheers:
Don't even think about it
Last time I had a look at the penalties under the Excise Act (remember this is a federal tax act) the penalties were (from memory):-
Fines up to $ a mil
Up to 5 years in prison
Or both
What it cost to prosecute you
Twice what the court thinks you made as penalty (that's just in case you aren't convinced your total screwed)

Believe me the ATO has better lawyers than you can afford and people with guns on call to kick in your door.
They are also fairly familiar with most of the amateur ruses people think are so sophisticated and quite willing to prosecute.

Just DON'T

They are also fairly familiar with most of the amateur ruses people think are so sophisticated and quite willing to prosecute.

Even if I'm just selling glass bottles.. & giving away the contents of said bottle for free?
Video and software piracy is illegal... Doesn't stop traders from openly selling pirated material at the markets.
Thats all we need a few people shooting their mouths off Fing it up for everyone else because they are greedy small mind dicks. plus I thought this was a banned topic on here also
Thats all we need a few people shooting their mouths off Fing it up for everyone else because they are greedy small mind dicks. plus I thought this was a banned topic on here also

yeah murcluf,
i've said the same thing before...the less the mainstream knows about us the better
Video and software piracy is illegal... Doesn't stop traders from openly selling pirated material at the markets.

OK.. what if I sell pirated DVD's which come with a free 6 pack? :unsure:

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