Well-Known Member
FS – Northern Suburbs Melbourne 3043 – Full setup – Everything to go
Hi All,
Unfortunately I haven’t been able to use my homebrew gear for the last few years due to life getting in the way, and now that I need to move houses I no longer have the room to keep my equipment.
Hoping to sell as a complete package @ $2k but I am also open to offers to get the equipment to a new home.
Keezer will need a good clean as it has been in storage.
10 x Ball lock kegs (all holding pressure) could do with a clean.
Lots of ball lock keg spare parts.
1 x 35L BrewZilla Gen 3.1 – Comes with Smart Pid installed Info HERE
1 x 2 roller grain mill
1 x clarence water filers beer filter housing
1 x bottle filler
1 x stirplate plus multiple Erlenmeyer flasks .5l to 5l
1 x oxygen kit
1 x keg washer (KL Bucket Blaster)
1 x Mashmaster plate chiller
Clacium Chloride, calcium sulphate, lactic acid
Too much stuff to list, refer to photos.
Cheers, Tate
Hi All,
Unfortunately I haven’t been able to use my homebrew gear for the last few years due to life getting in the way, and now that I need to move houses I no longer have the room to keep my equipment.
Hoping to sell as a complete package @ $2k but I am also open to offers to get the equipment to a new home.
Keezer will need a good clean as it has been in storage.
- 1 x 300 litre chest freezer with Hard wood collar (Can fit 7 kegs)
- 4 x Perlick 650SS flow control faucet (stainless steel)
- 1 x 6kg Gas Bottle
- 1 x 2.7kg Gas Bottle
- 2 x Micromatic Regulators
- 1 x 8 way manifold
- 1 x KegKing Temp controller
- 4 Tap Andale Font and drip tray included
- Extra ball lock disconnects and beer / Gas lines
10 x Ball lock kegs (all holding pressure) could do with a clean.
Lots of ball lock keg spare parts.
1 x 35L BrewZilla Gen 3.1 – Comes with Smart Pid installed Info HERE
- Original controller also supplied
- Extra hop spiders.
- SS Mash paddle
- Muliple Hop Bags
- Jacket
1 x 2 roller grain mill
1 x clarence water filers beer filter housing
1 x bottle filler
1 x stirplate plus multiple Erlenmeyer flasks .5l to 5l
1 x oxygen kit
1 x keg washer (KL Bucket Blaster)
1 x Mashmaster plate chiller
Clacium Chloride, calcium sulphate, lactic acid
Too much stuff to list, refer to photos.
Cheers, Tate