Schnedier Weisse Clone

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Does anyone know if there is a clone for the German Wheat Beer Schnedier Weisse? One that can be made from kit with added hops?
Elissa :beer:
Most home brew shops should have a wheat beer kit. That with some wheat malt extract. No real need for extra hops with this style, as most of the taste will come from the yeast. What you do need though is the right yeast. There are a few different ones, but they're all liquid. White Labs 300 and 380, Wyeast 3068 or 3638. Ferment at 20C if you want lots of banana, more like 16C if you want clove. Ferment for 10-14 days, no need for a secondary. Bottle/keg and drink young.
you might also want to steep a tiny bit of crystal malt as well - Schneider is half-way to a dunkelweisse
A wheat beer brewed with LME is about right for a Schneider clone, IMO, if you add about 250 g of steeped CaraMunich for colour and flavour.

Please use W3638 and noble German hops, say Hallertauer at 90 and 15 minutes for the best result.

Have just brewed an all-grain Schneider clone, from the Classic Euro beers at home book and hope to bottle this weekend. Great esters from that yeast and Protz/Wheeler malt/hop bill.

According to Schneider's Brewmaster there is no crystal in the Schneider original, but a smattering of Rstmalz (Carafa.) The grain bill is 59.3% wheat, 39.6% barley base malt and only about 2 IBU of Hallertauer hops.

The IBU level sounds very low, but that is what they claim.
Otherwise, when I plug those numbers into Beersmith I get OG 1.041, colour 13.4 EBC which looks about right.