Scb - Beer On Tap At The Elephant & Wheelbarrow Bris

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I'll see you there Michael :)

cheers Ross

Well I'll be at work in Hawthorne until about 9:30 - 10:00. Anyone heading out later to the venue? I'd mighty appreciate a lift (heck, I guess if you guys are still out and about at that time I can taxi on in...should only cost a few bob....!) Guess the getting back to Springfield will be the killer.... Suppose it depends on what I'll be working on Thursday.... I'd love to get together and meet, (in person), the bretheren for a few brews before the big move next week (if you hadn't heard, moving to NOOSA...Yeah!)


Well I'll be at work in Hawthorne until about 9:30 - 10:00. Anyone heading out later to the venue? I'd mighty appreciate a lift (heck, I guess if you guys are still out and about at that time I can taxi on in...should only cost a few bob....!) Guess the getting back to Springfield will be the killer.... Suppose it depends on what I'll be working on Thursday.... I'd love to get together and meet, (in person), the bretheren for a few brews before the big move next week (if you hadn't heard, moving to NOOSA...Yeah!)



Nick. I'm sure some of us will still be going - just give a call when you are ready to head to join us... :party:

cheers ross
Nick. I'm sure some of us will still be going - just give a call when you are ready to head to join us... :party:

cheers ross

Will do mate....... Guess I'd better get the OK from the financial contoller AKA "she who abhors beer and the smell of....." Or maybe I'll just lob up and deal with the consequences.....

Either way, call me 75/25 at the moment. Will let you know at work tomorrow night (god bless the internet at least it relieves me of doing "real work"...ahem...) Really need a night out with the guys.....


PS: You do pretty well Rossco, for someone who doesn't drink! (Can't remember where I read that, but it's almost as good as Sqyre's "Nature's Credit Card" quote...and nearly as funny too :) )
Any casualities?
Well I can say that the Sunshine Coast Brewery Bitter at the E&W must have been great because it was all gone before we got there :(

It was a pretty laid back night at the Bowery, the beers were free and it would have been packed but I reckon half the people couldnt find the place... I wouldnt have if my mate didnt know where to go. My pick of the Goat beers was the Hightail ale but also had my first Hargreaves Porter and will be tracking more of their beers down :chug:
It might have been laid back at the Bowery but it was even more so at Union Jacks, I think there was maybe 5 people.

There were a few at the Brewhouse though...

I'll confess to feeling a little ginger today...
I can confirm that SCB Bitter Ale is now pouring again at the E &W. I saw the keg being hooked up myself.
.... sorry about that guys. But I believe a good night was had by all drinking Mountain Goat :beerbang:

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