Say No, To Beer Snobbery!

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If you haven't anything nice or constructive to say, say nothing at all. If you have to put others down to make yourself a bigger person, are you really any bigger?

My first aim when taking up this homebrewing caper was to make a beer close to Toohey's New, well after tasting my first brew I thought screw the Tooheys I can do better!!!

But it was about my taste, not some holier than though opinion, on some website, that made me change.

I suppose what I'm getting at is we all started somewhere, no-one here was breastfed AG from birth, so we all started on so called mega swill.

So if someone new comes on the site asking to clone their favourite beer of the moment, how about trying to teach them how to or how to do better rather than slap them in the face and make them feel insignifigant and stupid. I know first hand because it happened to me on here when I first started.

Thankfully, I learnt to wade through the ******** on this site and value the opinions of the people on this site, who actually love brewing enough to want to teach and pass the craft onto others.

Making fun of people doesn't make you a better brewer, it just shows your true character.

If you haven't anything nice or constructive to say, say nothing at all. If you have to put others down to make yourself a bigger person, are you really any bigger?
So if someone new comes on the site asking to clone their favourite beer of the moment, how about trying to teach them how to or how to do better rather than slap them in the face and make them feel insignifigant and stupid

+1 here here!
I am a snob when it comes to beer that I am drinking. I will even suggest a change of pub because I get sick of the beer after a couple, but it is only tendering a vote. I will drink VB/New at christmas or a wedding, but will happily fork over beans that I have busted my balls for to get a better beer (preferably in an anonymous glass too).

That said if someone promised loads of VB and a kicking party, I will happily leave my snooty tastebuds at the door... The first beer I enjoyed was at 14 or 15 years old. It was a VB after I had helped pull up a 200m or so bore pump in mid summer... it was then that I understood why people drink beer.
+100 Guilty.

Life is too short to drink sh!t beer. :icon_cheers:

Ha ha. I use this line all the time too when I have to purchase beer. I'd rather pay the extra few dollars for quality. But of course I prefer my own, well now that I'm getting better at brewing... :lol:
So if someone new comes on the site asking to clone their favourite beer of the moment, how about trying to teach them how to or how to do better rather than slap them in the face and make them feel insignifigant and stupid. I know first hand because it happened to me on here when I first started.

Thank you finners that was the point I was trying (and failed) to get at. For what I consider to be hands down the most pleasant and funniest forum I've ever been apart of, sometimes we forget what its like to be new to this forum and not knowing when someone is just having a friendly poke.

Thanks everyone for your comments :icon_cheers:
Mind you i do have a beer on tap ATM made with just ale malt and POR. Its nice too and i bet youd all drink it.

It is better than Tooheys red though i must say.

Opps........ snobery alert!

I think I know this brew and have made it myself (Tonys recipe). Craps all over any megaswill from carlton etc.
Hey and anything craps over Tooheys Red :icon_vomit:

I am guilty of pushing my homebrew over megaswill but it falls on deaf ears so , meh

Guilty as charged :icon_chickcheers:
Guilty.. and proud of it..

I don't drink cheap wine or eat macdonalds, why would I drink crap beer?

what's wrong with macca's? Had lunch there yesterday with the 3 kids, much easier there than anywhere else when you have 3 chaos machines in tow.

I won't drink cheap wine tho', life's too short for that.
deciding not to drink beer from VIC or QLD is not snobbery... its just common sense :D
deciding not to drink beer from VIC or QLD is not snobbery... its just common sense :D

More good beer for the rest of us! Heh heh! I'll have a few of these then since you're not drinkin'....!!!



2 Brothers Brewery
3 Ravens Brewing Company
Artic Fox Brewing
Beechworth Brewery
Bells Hotel and Brewery
Bintara Brewery
Boatrocker Brewing Company
Bridge Road Brewers
Bright Brewery
Buckleys Beer
Buffalo Brewery
Boynton's Brewery
Coldstream Brewery
Emerald Hill Brewery
Grand Ridge Brewery
Hargreaves Hill Brewing Company
Holgate Brewhouse
Jamieson Brewery
Kooinda Boutique Brewery
Lone Hand Brewery
Mercs Own Brewing Company
Mildura Brewery
Mountain Goat Brewery
Nischwitz Cole Brewing
O'Brien Brewing
Otway Estate Brewery
Portland Hotel Brewery
Red Duck Beer
Red Hill Brewery
Southern Bay Brewing Company
Sweet Water Brewing Company
Temple Brewing Company
True South Beer
Three Troupers
What's Brewing Company
White Rabbit Brewery - Healesville

And QLD:

Burleigh Brewing Company
Preservation Brewery - Eumundi Markets 124 Memorial Drive Eumundi
The Sunshine Coast Brewery
The Brew House
Townsville Brewing Company
Oxford 152
I was at a function on the weekend and they were offering Crown or Cascade light. I had a crown when we got there and couldn't bring myself to have another. 6 hours later I had drunk a **** load of water. And for this I was called a beer snob. But I am sure the same person would not have drunk wine they didn't enjoy. Beverage prejudice pisses me off...

I have been slagged off for not drinking mainstream beers more than I have bagged out drinkers of these beers. I have been known to bag the beers seperate of the drinkers though. Some people have just never drunk anything else as that is all they have known. I can't really blame them for that...
More good beer for the rest of us! Heh heh! I'll have a few of these then since you're not drinkin'....!!!



2 Brothers Brewery
3 Ravens Brewing Company
Artic Fox Brewing
Beechworth Brewery
Bells Hotel and Brewery
Bintara Brewery
Boatrocker Brewing Company
Bridge Road Brewers
Bright Brewery
Buckleys Beer
Buffalo Brewery
Boynton's Brewery
Coldstream Brewery
Emerald Hill Brewery
Grand Ridge Brewery
Hargreaves Hill Brewing Company
Holgate Brewhouse
Jamieson Brewery
Kooinda Boutique Brewery
Lone Hand Brewery
Mercs Own Brewing Company
Mildura Brewery
Mountain Goat Brewery
Nischwitz Cole Brewing
O'Brien Brewing
Otway Estate Brewery
Portland Hotel Brewery
Red Duck Beer
Red Hill Brewery
Southern Bay Brewing Company
Sweet Water Brewing Company
Temple Brewing Company
True South Beer
Three Troupers
What's Brewing Company
White Rabbit Brewery - Healesville

And QLD:

Burleigh Brewing Company
Preservation Brewery - Eumundi Markets 124 Memorial Drive Eumundi
The Sunshine Coast Brewery
The Brew House
Townsville Brewing Company
Oxford 152

ok ok kooinda is awesome :icon_drunk:
but seriously though i was at rosehill races on saturday and i was peeved that the only beer they sold was tooheys new or tooheys extra dry, actually stomached two extra dry's as the lesser of two evils, before i decided i was better off paying the $10 a can for the jim beam
I wouldn't call myself a beer snob.

My favourite beers are usually 'fancy' small brewery type beers such as trappists, German wheat beers or Eastern European lagers but I can drink pints and jugs of Carlton Draught after work without complaint or happily sink cans of Melbourne Bitter at a mate's bbq.

What ***** me to tears though is when fairly average beer is touted as premium or any of the other rucbbish marketting shebang. Carlton Draught is good because it fulfils a niche (thirst quenching, refreshing working man's beer) which it is. Crown lager is essesentially the same beer with a hint of egg but marketted as an upmarket, discerning beer drinker's beer - which it isn't. Rubbish marketting and closemindedness (eg friends who won't drink anything darker than Melboure or think you're a pooooove because you buy a westmalle dubbel [incidentally twice as strong as your lager there chief] are the things that annoy me the most.

Otherwise the diversity of beer is one of the most attractive things about it and the basic supposed megaswill brews (not the 8 million lo carbed mid strength premium draught cold filtered ice beer versions of said brews) have their place
What ***** me to tears though is when fairly average beer is touted as premium or any of the other rucbbish marketting shebang. Carlton Draught is good because it fulfils a niche (thirst quenching, refreshing working man's beer) which it is. Crown lager is essesentially the same beer with a hint of egg but marketted as an upmarket, discerning beer drinker's beer - which it isn't. Rubbish marketting and closemindedness (eg friends who won't drink anything darker than Melboure or think you're a pooooove because you buy a westmalle dubbel [incidentally twice as strong as your lager there chief] are the things that annoy me the most.

I was at a music festival last year where CUB must have scored the exclusive bar contract. Besides the usual over-priced super sugary premixes all they had was 375ml cans of Carlton Draught for $7 or 250ml aluminium bottles of Crown Lager for $9. So much variety, I was overwhelmed with choice. Me and my brother got one of each simultaneously and both agreed that the Draught actually tasted better than the Crown, not that either of them tasted great after paying those prices.
Went to a wedding at the weekend and had to drink UK crap. Really pissed me off as I expected the venue to have good beers so maybe I`m guilty. Definitely a whisky snob, only drink aged malts.
A while back in a local bottlo, a bloke was buying his after work sixpack of XXXX Gold. He was behind me at the checkout and saw that I had paid $17.80 for a sixpack of James Squire IPA. The bloke says "seventeen bucks for a sixpack a beer mate, you'd have to be some sort a dick head"

Is that reverse beer snobbery??

I said yes mate yours is $2 per bottle and mine is nearly $3 but mine has more than one and a half times the alcohol of yours, so you're paying good money for more water! Should have seen the look on his face, looked like he was still trying to do the math in his head as he wandered off.

Like 99.9% of Aussie beer drinkers I was brought up on megaswill. But, you know I never really liked it, to me Castlemaine Fourex was the best of a bad bunch, over the years I drank it with a dash of Sarsparilla, a dash of Lemonade and even a dash of Green Ginger Wine. Occasionally I would swap brands and when available would buy Coopers Sparkling. Subliminally I had been searching for a better beer all of my beer drinking life. For a long time I swapped to drinking a wine at night, I found complexity and flavour in wine. But still I would rather a beer. When the International Beer Festivals where a big thing in the seventies I went along, tried beers from all over the world, and hated most more than our own Aussie Beers. Trouble was the beers on offer were imported megaswill lagers, really not all that different to our own.

The day I discovered a small boutique brewery and craft beer was a revelation, I had been searching all my life for a satisfying beer, a beer with colour, flavour and aroma, a beer with complexity, similar to good wine. When out I will choose an ale, whatever is available, depending on availability, usually a Coopers or a James Squire as they're available about the place now. If I'm asked why I am drinking that particular beer, say "because I like beer with colour, flavour and aroma, not the pale weak stuff" thats all. You would be amazed how many times you see the person who asked drinking one of the same later on. The beer spoke to me, now I let the beer speak to others. Having lots of tradies around lately at the house I always put a few on when they finish of an afternoon. Nothing is said, I ask which beer they want today, they are all homing in on a favourite and a couple like my IPA at 60 IBU. They even talk about the flavour of the beers, have never heard that being discussed when sitting around a carton of XXXX.

You want to put me in a box labelled Beer Snob, go right ahead. I have always appreciated diversity in food and drink and believe I have a right to choice. Never make fun of other beer drinkers for their choice in beer, they may well be on the same journey as I was all those years ago. But do provide every opportunity for them to try something different, without personal marketing, let the beer speak to them.

As for saying no to beer snobbery..............Fook Off

I am a beer snob and I cannot help it.
When I had to drink Pure Blond, like I did this weekend, I cringed.
It was peer preassure :rolleyes: and to appear sociable and wash down the smoothest home made Arrak
from a Macedonian friend.
He also brews clean beer from Malt and Dextrose, they are a little plain and no real hops.

I once gave him an APA as he was curious what beers I brew.
He has never asked for more :huh:

before I was introduce to Homebrew through the M.A.L.E I was a mega swill snob.

People are generally weary to treading on foreign soil or drink strange beers.
Went to a wedding at the weekend and had to drink UK crap. Really pissed me off as I expected the venue to have good beers so maybe I`m guilty. Definitely a whisky snob, only drink aged malts.
So what was the UK crap? I remember lots of lagers over there, but please explain?
A while back in a local bottlo, a bloke was buying his after work sixpack of XXXX Gold. He was behind me at the checkout and saw that I had paid $17.80 for a sixpack of James Squire IPA. The bloke says "seventeen bucks for a sixpack a beer mate, you'd have to be some sort a dick head"

Is that reverse beer snobbery??

I said yes mate yours is $2 per bottle and mine is nearly $3 but mine has more than one and a half times the alcohol of yours, so you're paying good money for more water! Should have seen the look on his face, looked like he was still trying to do the math in his head as he wandered off.

Like 99.9% of Aussie beer drinkers I was brought up on megaswill. But, you know I never really liked it, to me Castlemaine Fourex was the best of a bad bunch, over the years I drank it with a dash of Sarsparilla, a dash of Lemonade and even a dash of Green Ginger Wine. Occasionally I would swap brands and when available would buy Coopers Sparkling. Subliminally I had been searching for a better beer all of my beer drinking life. For a long time I swapped to drinking a wine at night, I found complexity and flavour in wine. But still I would rather a beer. When the International Beer Festivals where a big thing in the seventies I went along, tried beers from all over the world, and hated most more than our own Aussie Beers. Trouble was the beers on offer were imported megaswill lagers, really not all that different to our own.

The day I discovered a small boutique brewery and craft beer was a revelation, I had been searching all my life for a satisfying beer, a beer with colour, flavour and aroma, a beer with complexity, similar to good wine. When out I will choose an ale, whatever is available, depending on availability, usually a Coopers or a James Squire as they're available about the place now. If I'm asked why I am drinking that particular beer, say "because I like beer with colour, flavour and aroma, not the pale weak stuff" thats all. You would be amazed how many times you see the person who asked drinking one of the same later on. The beer spoke to me, now I let the beer speak to others. Having lots of tradies around lately at the house I always put a few on when they finish of an afternoon. Nothing is said, I ask which beer they want today, they are all homing in on a favourite and a couple like my IPA at 60 IBU. They even talk about the flavour of the beers, have never heard that being discussed when sitting around a carton of XXXX.

You want to put me in a box labelled Beer Snob, go right ahead. I have always appreciated diversity in food and drink and believe I have a right to choice. Never make fun of other beer drinkers for their choice in beer, they may well be on the same journey as I was all those years ago. But do provide every opportunity for them to try something different, without personal marketing, let the beer speak to them.

As for saying no to beer snobbery..............Fook Off


I enjoyed reading that very much Screwy! :)
A while back in a local bottlo, a bloke was buying his after work sixpack of XXXX Gold. He was behind me at the checkout and saw that I had paid $17.80 for a sixpack of James Squire IPA. The bloke says "seventeen bucks for a sixpack a beer mate, you'd have to be some sort a dick head"

Is that reverse beer snobbery??

I said yes mate yours is $2 per bottle and mine is nearly $3 but mine has more than one and a half times the alcohol of yours, so you're paying good money for more water! Should have seen the look on his face, looked like he was still trying to do the math in his head as he wandered off.
I'm going to have to remember that for when I get similar comments by ******s at the bottle shop.

Thanks for the story.

Like 99.9% of Aussie beer drinkers I was brought up on megaswill. But, you know I never really liked it, to me Castlemaine Fourex was the best of a bad bunch
Same here. I never found the attraction to mass-market Australian lager that most do. Then I found Ale. Then I found the attraction.
