Say No, To Beer Snobbery!

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Had birthday drinks at the Orbit bar up at Summit restaurant last week.
A boags/crownie was $8.90, and a Lord Nelson Old Admiral Strong Ale was $9.50.

One guy summed it up beautifully, "well if I'm gonna be F%%% up against a wall, what's an extra 60cents, hey?"
Common now brewers. Put your hand up if your guilty of being a beer snob. You know the type I mean, giggling at people who say they want to brew a vb or tooheys new. Throwing around the term "megaswill." ;)

I for one will confess to enjoying the odd new or gold during the cricket (even now) and before I began brewing only ever drank new and guiness at my local.

I say we should be more encouraging to people who have different tastes to yourself at this particular point and try to remember back to what you were like before you started the grand old hobby.

So, who's guilty?

I for one will confess to enjoying the odd new or gold during the cricket (even now) and before I began brewing only ever drank new and guiness :excl: at my local.

:excl: Guinness police here.
It is an act of gross sacrilegious indecency to associate Tooheys New and the mighty black stuff. Keep it clean.

One guy summed it up beautifully, "well if I'm gonna be F%%% up against a wall, what's an extra 60cents, hey?"

I like this :D hope he doesn't mind if I use it.

I'd personally consider a beer snob anyone who frowns upon others for drinking "megaswill." Nothing wrong with drinking what you like, whether it be vb or a boutique beer.

+ I don't think there has been a single home brewer who hasn't found his/her palate changing dramatically after starting brewing. I know mine has. Keep encouraging new brewers no matter what they want to brew and they'll eventually come around to our side of things in terms of beer appreciation.

Guilty :ph34r: ....I look down on crownie drinkers
If you acted the same way about wine it wouldn't be called snobbery, but people think wine is sophisticated and beer is not.

My pet hate is restaurants with BYO-wine only. I just take beer along anyway and if questioned I ask them if their beer list is designed to complement their menus and what beer they would suggest to match the dishes on their menus. Then offer to pay corkage or walk out. They always relent. My wife hates it.
If you acted the same way about wine it wouldn't be called snobbery, but people think wine is sophisticated and beer is not.
Aint that the truth. Lets change it from beer snobbery, to beer geeks as we are willing to try lots of different types of beer because we would like to broadedn our appreciation of what is out there and learn from what we taste. We drink the beers we do because they are different and they TASTE of something as compared to corporate crap.

:icon_cheers: to flavour!!
Don't think I'm Guilty.

On a post a while back when Zwickel commented that XXXX was a good beer he loved to drink in Australia he was almost howled down. I backed him up and admitted that when I was in the US caught between a Budweiser and a Coors the XXXX stood up positively well. We do cringe a bit about our mainstream beers, and some can be bad - but I'm the first to admit they're not all 'orrid when you consider some of the liquid turds out there worldwide.

I do drink Carlton Draught a fair bit in Victoria, it's one of the few beers that has enough turnover down south that the the kegs are fresh and as a result the lines get cleaned and maintained. Would prefer to go more exotic stuff but every time I go for a Coopers, an non-BUL imported or a Decent Craft beer on tap, more often than not the lines are bloody well skunked and the kegs are old. You're forced into an unwinnable position - drink the freshest you can taste or pretend that the exotic beer genuinely tastes good when it doesn't.

That said wouldn't try and brew a VB. There's too many other more exciting things out there to make. Does that make me a homebrewing snob? :blink:

Yeah guilty as charged.

I never judge a regular punter who is drinking what they like in a normal pub.

It drives me crazy for example when someone goes to all of the trouble of driving to a great micro like Potters brewery and ask for a New or VB. Holy Jesus Christ on a bike you have come that far, step outside your comfort zone for a minute, you might like it.

Was great to see at the 2008 Sydney AHB pub crawl, 4 blokes fresh from a wedding party walk into the Lord Nelson, push past 50 AHB crew drinking Pale Ales and Robust Porters, then order four News. They were practically laughed out of the building. Not before being told that New was not on tap. Instead they branched out and ordered a round of Coronas.

'slaps forehead'

I try not to pick on others for the choices they make. Just more of the good stuff for me I say.
Getting too old to punish myself by politely grimacing my way through most factory beer, passed up many megaswill offerings for water or a cup of tea.
I wont drink so called beer for beer sake, if thats being a "beer snob" then i'll remember to put it on my CV.

If you acted the same way about wine it wouldn't be called snobbery, but people think wine is sophisticated and beer is not.

My pet hate is restaurants with BYO-wine only. I just take beer along anyway and if questioned I ask them if their beer list is designed to complement their menus and what beer they would suggest to match the dishes on their menus. Then offer to pay corkage or walk out. They always relent. My wife hates it.

Love it! Got to try that sometime.
Listen up guys, I may be guilty of this as a home brewer BUT the megaswill drinkers as most of us were at one time are also beer snobs as well, you see the VB drinkers will be rubbishing the xxxx drinkers; the xxxx drinkers will rubbish the Swan drinkers and so on.
Its just a matter of taste, some have poor taste and never move on and some of us have moved on, but as beer drinkers we all have a little beer snobbery in us, both commercial drinkers and home brew drinkers. Thats the way I see it.
+100 Guilty.

Life is too short to drink sh!t beer. :icon_cheers:
It's not just beer.....ask a group of passionate amateur cooks how to clone a big mac, and what do you think the response would be.... ;)
It's not just beer.....ask a group of passionate amateur cooks how to clone a big mac, and what do you think the response would be.... ;)

True, and most could not do it either, and few home brewers could clone a true Aussie mega swill.

Who would want too ! Easy answer hey?

Im guilty as charged.

But i wont stop someone from trying if they want to and will do my best to ster them in the right direction.

You can lead a horse to water..........................

Mind you i do have a beer on tap ATM made with just ale malt and POR. Its nice too and i bet youd all drink it.

It is better than Tooheys red though i must say.

Opps........ snobery alert!
I don't know if I am a beer snob. When I go out I always like to try some micro beers I haven't tried before. Won't ever touch the mega-swill except for coopers. I don't try and make others drink good beer though, and don't lecture them on how **** mega-swill beer is and how much better craft beer is. Its just a waste and they will end up thinking your a dick if you try and convince them to drink more expensive beer - because in the end to them, its just beer.

At a bbq, if someone offers me a beer and its a megaswill, I'll drink it. Letting them know your opinions about beer in such a situation would insulte their hospitality IMHO, and make you more of a ******** than a beer snob or beer connesseur.
Tell you what's one of the worst things for me, going to a function and you have the choice of iiicy cold VB or Tooheys New and that's all there is and the function drags on for hours.
I'm no beer snob, don't get me wrong VB and other mega swills have their place, I for example loved VB icy cold coming out of the snap freezer working (actually during breaks, you drink it like water up there) on a prawn trawler in the Gulf of Carpentaria in 40c + heat, but now I rather drink my own or that of my fellow home brewers of the Northern Beaches or spend a few more bucks to get a good beer. Maybe it's my German origin?
I've found the aussie public have a pretty low tolerance for this kind of thing. If I tell people I don't like a type of beer because it's boring and I prefer another type of beer because it has flavour and balance they accuse me of being a 'normal beer hater' or a snob.

I think because of how saturated the aussie market is with pale lagers, people think there isn't very much variety within beers in general, so if you think one's better than another you must be a ********.