Sandgropers, Case, 2008, Yada Yada

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I have some news that will shock: I've broken my drought and have a brew merrily bubbling away.

Less shocking is that it's dark, strong(ish) and Belgian

Well done! :)
Come on then Simon, stick yer name on the list, your contributions have always been good in the past. The case will probably close somewhere near the end of Nov so people know how many to bottle. Unless I decide differently.
Hmmm.... I wanna, but 99.99% sure it would be a commercial contribution.... and I'll probably not be there for the divy-up (new job, working Sat's) which kinda takes all the fun out of it, tho I would have some tasty brews for chrissy.
Deep fry what you will, i'll bring along some kind of mock animal to add to the pot.

I'm going to swap a lager!
Anyone looking for bottles?

This in yesterday's Quokka:

Beer bottles 60 king browns, 60 stubbies. FREE! Phone Grant 0415 764 354.

(I too have broken the drought and have a (lager) yeast building up to pitch this weekend. Do you actually have to lager lagers? **** you learn some good stuff on these forums...)
Checked my roster and it's looking good for the 20th, soooo.... I'm in.
Now gotta get to Roy's before next weekend, then, what to brew?
I like deebee's idea of a lager, will a Doppelbock be ready in four weeks? :D

1 Guest Lurker
2 Doogiechap
3 kukulkan
4 Mika
5 clay
6 Goat
7 Asher
8 Randyrob
9 Recharge
10 Ausdb
11 Sinkas
12 Vlad The Pale Aler
13 barfridge
14 brendanos
15 Roger Mellie
16 Malty Cultural
17 Mesa
18 Tony M
19 deebee's latest kayenkay
20 Mikeb
21 Simo

I bumped into Chillamagilla yesterday in town and told him to get his case sorted too...

Anyone looking for bottles?

This in yesterday's Quokka:

Beer bottles 60 king browns, 60 stubbies. FREE! Phone Grant 0415 764 354.

(I too have broken the drought and have a (lager) yeast building up to pitch this weekend. Do you actually have to lager lagers? **** you learn some good stuff on these forums...)

Well that depends. Are your olfactory glands excited by the candy bar at the movies? Do you secretly savour your own flatus after an eggy feast? If yes, I'd say forget the lagering. In fact ferment high gravity at ale temperatures for 5 days, then water down, throw in some tetra for bitterness, and bottle (preferably in clear glass).
Bottled my humble offering this morning and ended up with 25 tallies exactly. So if numbers do increase someone will miss out (not that you'll be missing out on much)


Sometimes I think it would be nice to be allowed to talk just a little about our christmas case. Not that I am a malcontent or grumbler. I fully support the current regime and think it serves our interests best and that Chairman Sensible is a wonderful man who truly cares about us and that the jibber jabberers are just looking for attention and want to spoil it for the rest of us and... hang on there's a knock at the door, I'd better go see who it could be at this hour...
Yes, its me at the door, and you are banned from all future case swaps. You and your blow up goat. Perhaps you would be happier attending the Queensland function.
Sorry for the unnecessary jibber-jabber, but I'll be getting sinkas to bring along some goodies from the US for the case swap. All sourced this week from fresh shipments brewed in October or November (unless otherwise noted), and recommended drinking in the following order:
Dogfish Head 60 Min IPA
Dogfish Head 90 Min IPA
SN Bigfoot (last years release, it needs a year or two's age on it)
Dogfish Head 120 Min IPA (released Jan 08, this beer cellars for 10+ years... at 21%...)
Stone Ruination

or maybe Ruination before the 120 Minute, but you'll need to cleanse your palate to get the aggressive hoppiness out.

Merry Chrissy boys from H-town. That is all... sorry GL...