Robbed - The Bastards...

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Ringwood, Melbourne
Just got home to discover the bastards have relieved me of the most precious (2nd most precious)

telly... gone
xbox... gone
games collection... gone

MEMORY CARD!!!! ... gone

getting a visit now from mr plod...

worst ******* friday ever....

first thing I did was run streight out to the brewery... HLT, MT and keggle all safe...

Just got home to discover the bastards have relieved me of the most precious (2nd most precious)

telly... gone
xbox... gone
games collection... gone

MEMORY CARD!!!! ... gone

getting a visit now from mr plod...

worst ******* friday ever....

first thing I did was run streight out to the brewery... HLT, MT and keggle all safe...


That's a shit way to start the weekend mate, hope they get the pricks.

In the mean time have a brew or eight and world will start looking better
Sorry to hear that.

Fuckers! of to pawn it all no doubt, so they can get ON for the weekend.
That sux mate. Glad the brewing gear was safe. My sisters got robbed too this week, they pryed open the security screen. Now I shut all of my windows.
Anyway mate have a few beers to calm the nerves, took the cops a day to check my sisters out. Not sure how quick they are where you are?
That sucks for a Friday.

I remember my shed being broken into years ago, and the bastards drank all my beer, smashed the bottles all over the floor, and broke all my yeast slants. I remember thinking that I was relieved that the brewing equipment went untouched...
that sucks, nothing worse than knowing some lazy c^nt's gone through your stuff.

Their shit attitude will come back to bite them though.
Packacunts!!! Hope there was not too many memories on that memory card... Photos and that. Everything else will hopefully get replaced, but that's shit to have lost that stuff.

Hope they catch a flogging from someone sometime.
That sucks for a Friday.

I remember my shed being broken into years ago, and the bastards drank all my beer, smashed the bottles all over the floor, and broke all my yeast slants. I remember thinking that I was relieved that the brewing equipment went untouched...

bastards!! heads off to check the cellar....
I add my sentiments yob, I hope the cunce get some kind of retribution and I hope this is nothing that you can't bounce back from...
The far king can'ts.
Have a few brewskis tonight. Tomorrow, check all the nearby Cash Converters. eBay might be worth a look too. Some people, especially the thieving prick kind, can be pretty bloody stupid.
E-bay is the go these days. All for some fuckwit to jam some shit up his or her arm.
not good to hear. Hope the cops do more then when some chick hit our car and drove off. We gave them the number plate and they looked it up rang the house and said she doesnt live there any more and they cant do anything but flag the number plate. Even when we said she goes back to that hall every sat they didnt do anything and if I would go do something id be the one that they will fine pricks!!

Oh I hate you to cocko lol
Sucks balls. Getting your stuff stolen actually isnt that bad in the big scheme of things (especially TV etc as you can replace it with the latest and greatest - provided you have contents insurance of course!) its the invasion of privacy - someone uninvited being in your home.
Hope the memory card only contand game files not photos.
best of luck
The fucked thing is they now have had a look at your stuff and may come back.
Houses that have been done over once are likely to get another going over.
Lock it all up mate, and buy a dog.
Glad to hear they were obviously stupid criminals and left the brewery gear. A hollow consolation though...

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