Robbed - The Bastards...

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^ +1 something big, scary and vicious.

I hope they find em and give them a good few cases of police brutality you hear from not in this country. Hope ur brews are fine.
The ****** thing is they now have had a look at your stuff and may come back.
Houses that have been done over once are likely to get another going over.
Lock it all up mate, and buy a dog.

Or a shot gun! baseball bat, whatever makes you feel good.
They deserve whats coming.

Sorry to hear that mate.
Bloody hell mate, that really sux
Hate these "people" who cant keep their hands to themselves
Go & work for it if you want it .....

Hope they didn't get any of my beer labels :icon_chickcheers:

Lock it all up mate, and buy a dog.

My oath, I give anyone jumping our fence full marks for bravery .....
(Don't call it Cranky Cattledog Brewing for no reason)
they knew what was there and what they wanted to take. you may know the pricks that did this.
Man, this ***** the **** out of me.
Nothing more satisfying after a hard days work than returing home to discover some fucken oxygen thief has helped themselvs to your ****.
My old address saw me relieved of two motorcycles and a ute full of tools.

Oh well, at, it's just ****** and that's that.

Get yourself good and drunk.
Hope the cops do more then when some chick hit our car and drove off. We gave them the number plate and they looked it up rang the house and said she doesnt live there any more and they cant do anything but flag the number plate. Even when we said she goes back to that hall every sat they didnt do anything and if I would go do something id be the one that they will fine pricks!!

I witnessed a bottle shop robbery a couple of years ago. Two pricks ran from the shop, just a meter in front of me, across the street to a getaway car that wasn't running! The driver tried to turn it over, and it wouldn't start. Within maybe 2 minutes, there were at least a dozen witnesses watching these morons who eventually exited the vehicle and ran up side streets carrying grog, cigarettes and cash. The police were rang, and on the scene in maybe 10 minutes. They took a few statements and despite a vehicle being right there to be impounded or otherwise, told us there was nothing they (the cops) could do. They even went so far to tell us they had no proof that the vehicle belonged to the robbers, and if they were to tow it, could just be taking some poor person's vehicle. I reminded them at least 10 of us watched the crims try to start the vehicle, etc. Mate, it was a piece of **** commodore on a street full of Audis, BMWs, RR's etc. Yeah, like anyone on that street owned it <_<

And the cops just left like that. Within 10 minutes the robbers returned with a ******* toolbox, opened the hood, made a few adjustments probably hit the carb with starting fluid, got it going and took off. All still right in front of the shaken shop owners, witnesses still on scene, etc. Amazing.

It's a joke here, mate. Sorry, the cops and law is a joke here. Can't defend yourself in your own home, either. I'm not talking make my day kill some bastard, but just smack a *unt. Can't lay a finger on another person as deranged and threatening as they may be. I know I'd wallop a douch, hey free foxtel, internet and slippers.

Sorry to hear you got rolled. Probably kids. If you have your serial numbers recorded, you can at least hit local pawn shops to compare and if matched, notify management who I do think is required to work with cops (referencing police report, etc.) to get your gear back.
Sorry to hear you got robbed. It sux. I've also come home from work before and found the front door kicked in and 10 grands worth of mountain bike and gear stolen plus the house turned over a bit.
Thats ****** man...for choice of dog...american bulldog. People cross the road to avoid mine but he would be the freindliest dog around...or steroids for the cat.
hope these theiving gutless ***** get whats coming to them. an irish wolf hound would be good prevention from it happening again. the dog could swallow them in one go!
Sorry to hear about your robbery,least no-one got hurt... :icon_cheers: i had my car stolen from my driveway and the cop's found it dumped,smashed beyond repair....
Prob the same little pricks who knocked over another ahb member in ur area, ask they t tiok was tv games etc, which points to kids. They didn't even look at the almosy 1k worth of beer engines sutting there.
They fufnt even look

Aye. anna cranen tuik tha's eventide. Hoot's toots.

I'm not going to wish violence on people I don't know Yob but you do have my sympathies. Been robbed before: the invasion of privacy is a big one, as is the pain in the arse of trying to replace all your stuff.

Hope you keep the enthusiam you have for your new home nonetheless.
That really sux dude. I'm with ReVox on this, too soft here. Sure I wouldn't shoot to kill, but I'd be making damn sure they wouldn't ever walk properly again. Make a get away tougher if they ever thought about it again. doesn't help much if your not there though, go the dog. Another family member to look out for ya!
I remember my shed being broken into years ago, and the bastards drank all my beer, smashed the bottles all over the floor, and broke all my yeast slants. I remember thinking that I was relieved that the brewing equipment went untouched...

God there are some ******* oxygen thieves around aren't there? :angry:
Bastards. Make sure you haven't had spare car keys or house keys taken, I had to spend 900 bucks getting the clubbies barrels re-keyed and a new security box for it as they took my keys. Keep an eye out for dodgy people or unfamiliar cars for the next couple of months too.
The ****** thing is they now have had a look at your stuff and may come back.
Houses that have been done over once are likely to get another going over.
Lock it all up mate, and buy a dog.

inspiration for enthusiastic alarms systems are a go go... Ive not long parted with a much missed Q'ld Blue of 16 years age... Inspiration to do it again, bastards would'nt'a got away with it with her about :super:

Prob the same little pricks who knocked over another ahb member in ur area, ask they t tiok was tv games etc, which points to kids. They didn't even look at the almosy 1k worth of beer engines sutting there.

The boys in blue pretty much know who the guy is, they got to me from a house not to far away with the same gig only he copped it worse, moreso, last friday the next door neighbour got a look at the guy when he knocked on her door, D's will be popping around with a photo.. the guy has history and the same MO... also a matching print hit on another joint last week in the area..

thanks for all the good wishes guys cheers...

Let it not be said that the loss of a few possessions (brew gear excluded) will make a dent in my optimism for life in general.. good and bad...

Life :lol:
Good to hear the coppers know who he is... although it'll be tough for them to stop him doing it again. I once came home after a frantic phonecall from GF (my now wife) saying someone was trying to break in. Found him sitting on the stairs outside my 3rd floor apartment reasonably drunk. He'd been bashing on the door yelling at her to let him in. Got there before the police arrived.

Ended up throwing him down 3 flights of stairs and giving a few size 15s. Unfortunately (probably fortunately for us both) he never fought back. Just sat there on the ground crying... couldn't bring myself to do any more harm. Was soooo frustrating. Coppers knew the guy... some local halfwit... they just walked him back to his mum's. ****.. anything could have happened.

I totally understand wanting to lay the hurt on... Life will sort this ******** out. Either end up in jail or dead from what they stick in themselves. Good to hear it'll be reasonably sorted then.
i feel for you mate, we had our place done over a few years back, the scum took the kids money boxes and the wifes jewellery box amongst other things, here's the ******* killer part though..

the scum drove about 2km from the house to go through the goods, they obviously kept all the good jewellery but chucked our passports, birth certs, kids photos and some inexpensive necklaces from the jewellery box onto the side of a local back road.
My wife and kids found all the passports etc scattered on the side of the road the next afternoon after being reassured by the local cop that he had driven around and searched this area, the necklaces i mentioned were literally hanging in a bush a few metres off the roadside where they had been chucked, so much for the local plod being on his game, what a ******* joke he was <_<

anyway there was an upside, long story short, my wife faxed a drawing of her engagement ring and some other rings to the Rockhampton police station and one of the highway patrol cops recognised it from a car he had stopped that was driving erratically, he searched the car, found the jewellery in the glove box, end result we got all the jewellery back.

it's a bastard knowing some ******* puke has violated your space, I'd go medieval on a bastard if I caught them in my place.
There's some real little pricks out there !

Kinda similar thing happened to us a month or so back now.

A pair of 20 somethings broke into the house, WHILE WE WERE HOME :angry:

They came in through the bedroom window of my two little boys (4yo and 1yo) and started checking the house out. One took a look in my daughter's room who was actually in there at the time. She screamed like a banshee and the little f#@kers took off out the window. Quick they were too. By the time I got outside they were gone. I found them at the top of the street a few minutes later though didn't realise it was them at the time. Got my neighbour (built like a brick *********) and we started looking. When the two little ***** saw us again they legged it on up the street and over a pile of fences. We never caught up with them, luckily for them.

Cops came, did the usual stuff and made the reports. They were actually really good about it. Turns out these little pricks weren't too bright. They parked one's sister's car out the front of our place with a pile of ipods, phones, etc sitting in plain sight. They had tried to open their car using their keys, even though the window was open (obviously didn't want it stolen). We then find out from the cops that the family is well known in the area for this stuff and the whole family gets involved.

Un fortunately not quite enough evidence to nab them though. The cops reckon that, if they ever did come back, that should we catch them and 'something happen to the little pricks before the cops arrived' then 'I feared for my life and family and defended myself as best I could' ;)

Supposedly this type of thing is getting quite common now where places are being turned over whilst people are actually at home. Especially common on nice warm weekends. EVeryone is in the backyard enjoying the weather while they come in the front of the house and clean out the bedrooms. The homeowner doesn't even realise that stuff is missing until several hours later.

I wanna string the little f#@kers up...
