Robbed - The Bastards...

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theres a few bad seeds but most hookers are good honest hardworking girls who do an invaluble service. :p :p :p
Thats a cracker of a story Ferg. I can tell you mate cherish every moment with the little bloke. Before you know it he will be driving and then you will never see him except when he wants petrol money.
Ferg thats an 'interesting' story to say the least! LOL

One of the worst things I've heard of about being broken into was dads office at his old factory got broken into and they stole bugger all (pre-computer days there really wasnt much to steal from their office.) but they got pens and scissors and stabbed through the faces on every single photo of mum and all us kids that dad had on his desk/around his office. Being that we were only little tackers at the time he had quite a few.
I understand coming in a rolling a house/office taking valuables and scooting. But to stab photos? I believe pissing on furniture and running tooth brushes around toilet bowls is a favorite thing to do too. One of the girls at work had her house broken into and they plugged all the sinks and left the taps running. WTF? some strange individuals out there.
I must be lucky..

I bought my first house, at 24, and let a few rooms out to some mates. The deal was $60ea + elecric, and we all put in for food...

Was a great deal, basically we lived 100m mtrs from the pub and 200mtrs from the shopping center, and we all had jobs..

Lucky that the guys who rented had "conections" a small way

I remeber waking up one morning to see a patch memeber asking if Steve would be going to work...

I knew the patch member... who was a dick...but worked with steve... " aint here...he didnt come home"

He was actually there in the work truck to pick him up as he was not at the corner...

Thru steve... I got to know the local boys.....

Never had any issues....

I ....when a bit pissed used to call in at the the club house on the way home...and would wake up up on their lounge when the sun came up....

They good thing was, as we where mates, we had a keg on the front verandah for a month, and never had anyone turn up that wasnt invited