Rice And Extract/partial Lager?

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hi guys, i hope you can help.

I'm planning a brew for an upcoming birthday party and at the moment on hand (due to a recent financial punch up the arse) i have:

2kgs BB ale malt
3kg's of extra pale extract
S189 slurry from a previous brew.......

I have got a butt-load of bits'n'pieces hops, thats not an issue.

The issue is that i want to stretch this brew out to 60L...... :eek: and ATM according to beersmith this will end up around 2.2% ABV (no adjuncts or dext/sugaz). I want to know how much rice i could mash with the measly 2kgs of grain and how much dext/sugaz i could add with out my beer turning out something like something i wouldn't feed to my 3YO son Dog :icon_cheers: .

If i could end up with with a drinkable beer around the 3.5-4.0% margin i will be more than happy!


(a funds-stricken) _wallace_ <_<
Give me a while and I'll hop onto a couple of sites and work out how much rice BB ale is capable of chewing.
I wouldn't be confident using more than a kilo of rice with that 2k of ale malt, but if you also toss in a couple of kilos of da sugaz:

El cheapo lager

Recipe Specs
Batch Size (L): 60.0
Total Grain (kg): 8.000
Total Hops (g): 0.00
Original Gravity (OG): 1.039 (P): 9.8
Final Gravity (FG): 1.007 (P): 1.8
Alcohol by Volume (ABV): 4.25 %
Colour (SRM): 3.3 (EBC): 6.5
Bitterness (IBU): 0.0 (Average)
Brewhouse Efficiency (%): 70
Boil Time (Minutes): 60

Grain Bill
3.000 kg Liquid Malt Extract - Light (37.5%)
2.000 kg Cane Sugar (25%)
2.000 kg Pale Malt Barrett Burston (25%)
1.000 kg Rice (12.5%)

Hop Bill

Misc Bill

Single step Infusion at 66C for 60 Minutes.
Fermented at 20C with

Recipe Generated with BrewMate

Now if you mash fairly high, say around 68 degrees, you'll get some body from the rice as it's going to throw dextrins etc. So the beer shouldn't end up too thin, will probably have more flavour than say Pure Blonde, and you can pimp it up with some hops to give a nice aroma and a reasonable bitterness.
I wouldn't be confident using more than a kilo of rice with that 2k of ale malt, but if you also toss in a couple of kilos of da sugaz:

Now if you mash fairly high, say around 68 degrees, you'll get some body from the rice as it's going to throw dextrins etc. So the beer shouldn't end up too thin, will probably have more flavour than say Pure Blonde, and you can pimp it up with some hops to give a nice aroma and a reasonable bitterness.

Spot-on Bribes.......... :icon_cheers:

I also thought high mash temp and a wang-load of sugaz (but it was only a guess though, kinda re-assuring i was on the right page though....).

The rice will be interesting..... i have never mashed with such a high grain-rice ratio. Hops will be NB and POR for bittering and Hallertauer and a touch of saaz for flavour and aroma (90g's of hallertauer from CB's "Deal of the Moment" deal.. ;) )

Seriously, thanks for the help! Really Appreciated!

SWMBO is Screaming now......... Time to attend to the little bloody money drainers............ :rolleyes: LOL
shall i stick to the 15-20 IBU's and a butt-load of late hops to finish it off?
Depends, if you are no chillin I'd be careful of late isomerisation. As it's for a function of Pure Blonde drinkers, I'd stick with the NB for bittering and a moderate amount of late hops but not over the top as they might find that to be a bit challenging :rolleyes:

did you get my PM? check box. :icon_cheers:

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