Rhizome Give away - Vic

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Ringwood, Melbourne
Starting to have a dig around the garden and re-pot / raise garden beds. First one to be dug up is my 2nd year POR which has largely been grown out of some sort of loyalty to my area.. Im not going to re-pot all of this monster so if someone wants to pick up a portion of it you are more that welcome to.


Still got about another 5 varieties that will be dug up in the coming weeks.

Good on you for giving these away Yob.

You really are cutting your own grass so to speak. I'm glad your business aspirations haven't dampened these contributions to the home-brewing community. Good one.
Ha! See how shit I am at business!!

I'm going to split this one up into 3, will wrap the roots and if no interest by Monday will be going in the green waste.

Next one to be dug up will be the Victoria, cascade, EKG, Canterbury Goldings (100 year old mother plant), tettenanger, Chinook and Fuggles..

Hey Yob. I am close by to you and am interest in a couple, cascade and chinook to be exact. PM me when they are dug up and I will come over to grab them, and also place an order with hopdealz while I'm there mate !
Have you brewer with the cantebury goldings yob?
No I havnt mate, only got the zome quite late in last season, I suspect the zome has grown quite a bit since I got it.
I'll keep an eye on this thread coz I'm keen as for a Cascade 'zome
Good on you Yob, very generous. I just tidied up my backyard and have limited myself to three varieties but sooo want more.
Found a spare hour and have dug up the Smurto Victoria, I think I split this into 4 or 5 to give away (or swap for a bottle of ya finest would be acceptable)

Pickup preferred as I havnt got the time to pack / post etc.

^^^^^^Bump for the evening crew^^^^^

Green waste day is Wednesday, if nobody has them by then, they will be going to the big green hop yard in the sky (5 available)

Hey Yob, very interested in giving growing hops a go.
Where abouts are you located?

I am sure I can contribute one of my "finest" bottles (this means nothing as I only have the one brew at the moment and it could be questionable in quality).
Mardoo said:
Shiz, I'll take 2 then! I'm in Melbourne. Pick up???
Yeah mate, Ringwood East, PM for details or I can take to the GB Tuesday night as I will be there playing pool between 6 and 8?

surly said:
Hey Yob, very interested in giving growing hops a go.
Where abouts are you located?

I am sure I can contribute one of my "finest" bottles (this means nothing as I only have the one brew at the moment and it could be questionable in quality).
Done, as above.. you can get a Victoria and a pride of ringwood at this point as they are the only 2 Ive dug up.

DU99 said:
a Vic sounds good
No worries mate, as per PM will meet you in the city
I'm interesting in knowing what the difference is between EKG and the Canterbury Golding. I have Golding and didn't know there was more than one stain, if that is what you are saying.
I'd be interested in getting some of the Canterbury Golding down the track if it differs from mine. If anyone gets some of it off you and grows it and has rhizome they would be willing to send through the post in the future I'd certainly be interested.
there is some arguments about it, however, this zome was taken from a 100 year old plant that has gone wild from an old dis used Victorian farm, I believe it's growth is quite extensive over a large area... it was for this reason I sought out this plant, it's historical value and interest.

I'll giving to only selected people by written and signed in triplicate agreement. Thanks for the heads up.

by the way, what paperwork did you need to fill out to send zomes overseas Hoppy2B?
Yob said:
there is some arguments about it, however, this zome was taken from a 100 year old plant that has gone wild from an old dis used Victorian farm, I believe it's growth is quite extensive over a large area... it was for this reason I sought out this plant, it's historical value and interest.

I'll giving to only selected people by written and signed in triplicate agreement. Thanks for the heads up.

by the way, what paperwork did you need to fill out to send zomes overseas Hoppy2B?
Wow sounds like an amazing hop plant there. :blink:

Hops overseas? I have no idea what you're talking about. :ph34r:

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