RecipeDB - Lord Nelson Citra Cascading out of this Galaxy Pale Ale

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Lord Raja Goomba I

Prisoner of Sobriety
Reaction score
Ferny Grove, Brisbane

Lord Nelson Citra Cascading out of this Galaxy Pale Ale

Ale - American Pale Ale
All Grain
* * * * * 11 Votes

Brewer's Notes

Zeus = Citra
Galena = Galaxy

Bairds Golden Promise = Bairds Perle.

Someone should seriously look at the database.

Malt & Fermentables

% KG Fermentable
5 kg Bairds Golden Promise Pale Ale Malt
0.3 kg Weyermann Caramunich I
0.2 kg TF Pale Rye Malt


Time Grams Variety Form AA
20 g Cascade (Pellet, 5.5AA%, 10mins)
13.4 g Galena (Pellet, 13.0AA%, 10mins)
10 g Nelson Sauvin (Pellet, 12.7AA%, 10mins)
10 g Zeus (Pellet, 14.0AA%, 10mins)
10 g Zeus (Pellet, 14.0AA%, 30mins)


12 g DCL Yeast US-05 - American Ale
23L Batch Size

Brew Details

  • Original Gravity 1.056 (calc)
  • Final Gravity 1.014 (calc)
  • Bitterness 32.8 IBU
  • Efficiency 75%
  • Alcohol 5.46%
  • Colour 15 EBC


  • Primary 7 days
  • Secondary 7 days
  • Conditioning 2 days

Tastes fantastic.

Ironically I don't think it's as hoppy or passionfruity as I would have expected. Having said that, it's a very well balanced beer, just slightly over to the IPA side of APA. I wouldn't call it an AIPA, but it's certainly got the bitterness there, though it doesn't linger as long as it would an IPA.

I actually think Nelson and Galaxy take a backseat to the Cascade and Citra. The cascade mellows the real fruitiness of the other hops and stops it from becoming slightly bitter fruit punch.

The malt is the real winner - I think I'd use the malt combo regardless of the hops. A touch of spiciness from the rye, the Bairds Perle always provides a good malt backbone (and is cheap as chips), and caramunich I provides the colour and the touch of caramel, though I really think it it muted - it certainly isn't the dominant.

It's a different beer from Lord Nelson Citra Pale Ale, no better, no worse, just different. If you asked me to pick between the two I couldn't. I think this is less fruity, more bitter and better balanced, but there's something about the original this was based on, that I really love. A bit like "why do I like S & W PA?" - because I do, even if it is girly.

SWMBO loves this one too.

My Lord

What are your thoughts about increasing the Caramunich bill to 0.5kg and just going with Citra and Cascade hops?

5 eyes
Looks like a gr8 recipe!

To admin..... Surely it can't be that hard to add a couple of new hops to the data base. Hops such as galaxy and citra should have been added over a year ago. I mean really... who here has even heard of Zeus hops?
Good Lord it sounds good. Looks the goods too.
May I ask a question?

I notice your recipe has a short time (minutes) on the hop addition, is that the same for the boil before hop addition, and why a short boil time on the hops, as opposed to say a classic 60 min + boil with the bitter addition?

My apologies to those who've posted questions and I've not realised (not been on AHB/topic disappeared too quick). If you have any qu that you want to place in this topic, please feel free to PM me to alert me and I'll share with all to ensure that the knowledge is out there.

This proportion of ingredients is my basic house APA, and it allows me to tweak.

@4 eyes - absolutely okay to do it this way. The recipe alteration I'm posting below omits Nelson Sauvin and has a change in spec malts (but very yummy)

@fear_n_loath - the main reason for the shorter boil times is that I do want some fruitiness out of my hops. A 60 minute boil will give the required bitterness, but this being an APA, means I really want a hoppy, fruit drive aroma and palate, whilst not overdoing the bitterness. So I go with 30 minutes to add mostly bitterness and a little flavour and a big whack at 10 for the flavour I want.

APA Sans Nelson

Batch size: 23L

Original Gravity (OG): 1.053 (P): 13.1
Final Gravity (FG): 1.013 (P): 3.3
Alcohol (ABV): 5.21 %
Colour (SRM): 10.2 (EBC): 20.1
Bitterness (IBU): 30.4 (Average)

5kg (90.91%) Perle Malt Bairds
.3kg (5.45%) Wheat, Red Briess
.2kg (3.64%) Crystal, Heritage

10g (0.4 g/L) Galaxy (14.3% Alpha) @ 30 Minutes (Boil)
25g (1.1 g/L) Cascade (5.5% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil)
20g (0.9 g/L) Citra (14.1% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil)
10g (0.4 g/L) Galaxy (14.3% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil)

Yeast: US-05

Dry hopped in Keg:

20g Citra
30g Cascade
Single step Infusion at 71C for 60 Minutes. Boil for 60 Minutes

Fermented at 20C with Safale US-05
Hey Goomba,

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Looks like a great beer too mate, I'm becoming a huge fan of Citra and Galaxy right now :icon_drool2:
Thanks bdb.

Citra, Galaxy and a judicious late addition of cascade is seriously good.

It's sad to say, this beer is better without NS. I much prefer NS either with Citra by themselves or as the main hop with something else just supporting it.

Otherwise it ends up trying to compete and it's not a hop that likes to share the limelight.

I'm thinking of doing a barleywine with Nelson at the top, though.

And 50g of hops in the keg and force carbonated means the first 3 days is :icon_drunk: :icon_drool2:

It's sad to say, this beer is better without NS. I much prefer NS either with Citra by themselves or as the main hop with something else just supporting it.

Otherwise it ends up trying to compete and it's not a hop that likes to share the limelight.

Yes, I know what you mean. Hadn't put my finger on it until I read your post above. NS doesn't like to share. I made a beer with even additions of NS and Motueka. Sounds delish, but the blend to my tastes wasn't good at all...
Yes, I know what you mean. Hadn't put my finger on it until I read your post above. NS doesn't like to share. I made a beer with even additions of NS and Motueka. Sounds delish, but the blend to my tastes wasn't good at all...

Old batch tasted great, but I feel like this one shines better and feels better defined.

I think this recipe with Rye and Wheat, and a tiny bit of special B will be a really good alteration.

Noob question alert - what's the advantage of racking this into a secondary after 7 days? Why do we do this and could we just keep it in the same fermenter for the full 14 days instead?

After having just done my first AG the stone and wood clone which turned out bloody marvelous I keen to do another pale using galaxy hops so will be giving this one a try for sure.
Noob question alert - what's the advantage of racking this into a secondary after 7 days? Why do we do this and could we just keep it in the same fermenter for the full 14 days instead?

After having just done my first AG the stone and wood clone which turned out bloody marvelous I keen to do another pale using galaxy hops so will be giving this one a try for sure.

Not much really. :beerbang:
Mainly clarity.

This one was never racked to secondary - I just cold conditioned it. It didn't really increase clarity all that much, but then again, it may be the wheat responsible for that.

APA Sans Nelson

Batch size: 23L

Original Gravity (OG): 1.053 (P): 13.1
Final Gravity (FG): 1.013 (P): 3.3
Alcohol (ABV): 5.21 %
Colour (SRM): 10.2 (EBC): 20.1
Bitterness (IBU): 30.4 (Average)

5kg (90.91%) Perle Malt Bairds
.3kg (5.45%) Wheat, Red Briess
.2kg (3.64%) Crystal, Heritage

10g (0.4 g/L) Galaxy (14.3% Alpha) @ 30 Minutes (Boil)
25g (1.1 g/L) Cascade (5.5% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil)
20g (0.9 g/L) Citra (14.1% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil)
10g (0.4 g/L) Galaxy (14.3% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil)

Yeast: US-05

Dry hopped in Keg:

20g Citra
30g Cascade
Single step Infusion at 71C for 60 Minutes. Boil for 60 Minutes

Fermented at 20C with Safale US-05

I thought this was a nice looking recipe so I put down an extract version of it tonight.

1 can light malt + 1 can wheat malt
500g dry light malt for the boil
250g heritage crystal

15g galaxy @ 30
30g galaxy @ 10
30g cascade @ 10
15g citra @ 10
30g cascade dry
20g citra dry


I increased the hops to reach the target ibu with the smaller boil as per ian's spreadsheet. Also added a handful of dex just to thin the extract out a wee bit.

Yes, I know what you mean. Hadn't put my finger on it until I read your post above. NS doesn't like to share. I made a beer with even additions of NS and Motueka. Sounds delish, but the blend to my tastes wasn't good at all...

Funny you say that, my last brew was nelson 15g @ 30 & 15 + motueka 30g @ 15 & 5 and indeed it was not good. The previous brew using hallertau aroma in place of motueka was better, but still only good for a few weeks before the interesting flavours were lost.

I'd like to brew something that does nelson justice so I might try goomba's LNC next time now that I have the citra. However I'm still keen to do an APA style that is exclusively NZ hops and includes nelson.
Hey Goomba did you chill or no chill this one?

Chilled it, mate.

Having said that, an anomale in my system is that whilst I'm chilling one pot in the sink, the other is still hot (virtually boiling) for the 15 minutes or so it takes to cool my pot in the sink. So you could call my system semi-chill.

I gathered as much, as my perceived bitterness is always a touch above what the calcs would indicate.

@ploto - I would have probably gone one can light malt, one can amber, and then added the wheat grain with the crystal (or maybe replace crystal with a little special B).

You'd have got the real amber hue and aroma that comes with it, which really balances the hops nicely.

As for the Nelson Citra Cascading out of this Galaxy Pale Ale - I'd rate sans-nelson better. For a good nelson brew, I'd probably use the NC Cascade Galaxy recipe, but replace all Galaxy with Nelson and Cascade with Citra.

Alternatively, look for the HECS free celebration ale (of mine) on the DB - my missus loves this one, and it is definitely a recipe that highlights Nelson at the front and centre of the hope regime.

Looks like a gr8 recipe!

To admin..... Surely it can't be that hard to add a couple of new hops to the data base. Hops such as galaxy and citra should have been added over a year ago. I mean really... who here has even heard of Zeus hops?

Zeus = Columbus (or Tomahawk or CTZ) - same hop.

It is a stupid recipe database indeed, I really don't like using it and would prefer to just post a recipe in a thread.
Cheers Goomba & thanks for the suggestons. I've got a few cans of the light & wheat extract to use up and I don't want to buy any more goo so I went with what I had. I'm looking forward to it and will report back when it's in the glass.