Lord Raja Goomba I
Prisoner of Sobriety
Post a picture on this topic - if anyone else reads through it, they'll get an idea of how this works as an extract beer, as well as being a good tasting topic.
Hey Goomba,
How come the mash temp was so high? Wouldn't it make a very thin beer at this temp?
other way round.. higher the mash temp, higher the finishing gravity (all other things being equal) therefore resulting in a fuller beer.
lower the mash temp, lower the finishing gravity giving a drier, thinner beer.
My apologies to those who've posted questions and I've not realised (not been on AHB/topic disappeared too quick). If you have any qu that you want to place in this topic, please feel free to PM me to alert me and I'll share with all to ensure that the knowledge is out there.
This proportion of ingredients is my basic house APA, and it allows me to tweak.
@4 eyes - absolutely okay to do it this way. The recipe alteration I'm posting below omits Nelson Sauvin and has a change in spec malts (but very yummy)
@fear_n_loath - the main reason for the shorter boil times is that I do want some fruitiness out of my hops. A 60 minute boil will give the required bitterness, but this being an APA, means I really want a hoppy, fruit drive aroma and palate, whilst not overdoing the bitterness. So I go with 30 minutes to add mostly bitterness and a little flavour and a big whack at 10 for the flavour I want.
APA Sans Nelson
Batch size: 23L
Original Gravity (OG): 1.053 (P): 13.1
Final Gravity (FG): 1.013 (P): 3.3
Alcohol (ABV): 5.21 %
Colour (SRM): 10.2 (EBC): 20.1
Bitterness (IBU): 30.4 (Average)
5kg (90.91%) Perle Malt Bairds
.3kg (5.45%) Wheat, Red Briess
.2kg (3.64%) Crystal, Heritage
10g (0.4 g/L) Galaxy (14.3% Alpha) @ 30 Minutes (Boil)
25g (1.1 g/L) Cascade (5.5% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil)
20g (0.9 g/L) Citra (14.1% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil)
10g (0.4 g/L) Galaxy (14.3% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil)
Yeast: US-05
Dry hopped in Keg:
20g Citra
30g Cascade
Single step Infusion at 71C for 60 Minutes. Boil for 60 Minutes
Fermented at 20C with Safale US-05
Ive got 29 stubbies of this which are all going into my stockpile for our family xmas party on boxing day, so Im pleased its something thats very drinkable that our family members will love.
Nothing better than family appreciating your beer. Especially at Christmas. You'll have a smile all day :icon_chickcheers: (and hopefully get lucky B) if the mrs likes it too )
I usually get lucky even without the aid of great home brew...![]()
I've also got a Black IPA to bottle and an American Steam beer to brew that I'm serving on Xmas day so plenty of variety for everyones tastes.
Ive done some labels up "Shallas Pale Ale" (The wifes name) and "Trumans black IPA", which the missus is really excited about serving our home brew with nice labels. :icon_cheers:
Show us your labels or it didnt happen !
Shalla or Shallas ? What kind of name is that? Absolutely no offence intended. Hard to get that across on the net. Genuinely interested.
Dude that is a noble comment.
What did she like about the beer so much to put her name on it?
Show us your labels or it didnt happen !
Shalla or Shallas ? What kind of name is that? Absolutely no offence intended. Hard to get that across on the net. Genuinely interested.
Here you go. I did them in labely.com. Simple design, but your limited to only 5 text fields and you cant make the text wrap etc. I have photoshop so hope to revamp them on there one day.
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