RecipeDB - DrSmurto's Golden Ale

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Hey guys I just realised I accidently pitch 34/70 haven't tasted it yet its been fermenting for nearly 2 weeks. Should I do a diacytle rest? The fermentation has been around 18 degrees.

I'll get back to you guys soon to let you know it tastes.

Fermenting a lager at 18C wont require a lager rest. It will produce quite a few esters i suspect (a guess as i have never used that yeast) so might need some dry hopping to add more hop aroma.
HI Dr Smurto, just brewing your good recipe for the first time but had a major stuff up. I used :

2850 gms Ale malt

250 gms caramalt
850 gms wheat malt

and 750 gms caramunich 1 instead of munich 1.

Batch size aiming for 23 litres into fermenter.

I punched in the numbers and it seems to be quite a bit darker, ive still got 15 minutes of the mash to go , not sure how the taste will be effected but im reluctant to tip it out. How do you think it will turn out, yuk?

I am a naughty silly boy, should have taken a bit more care !
Has anyone tried a 10min version of this drop?

I like the idea of 10min IPAs etc, and was wondering if anyone had used this grain bill and done a big whack with the Amarillo at 10min to get up to around 35IBUs.

Quite keen to try this approach and keen to hear if anyone had done the same.

I have a double batch of this fermenting now. i'll be away for 5 weeks but I was just wondering if the dry hop will be ok when I get home after 5 weeks?
I have a double batch of this fermenting now. i'll be away for 5 weeks but I was just wondering if the dry hop will be ok when I get home after 5 weeks?

Do you mean add the dry hop after 5 weeks or dry hop fro 5 weeks?

No reason why you can't dry hop when you come back. Dry hopping for 5 weeks though is likely to cause vegetal flavours in your beer.
Getting reeady for bottling this tomorrow and would like some opinion on the carbonation;

How carbonation much suits this beer?

I'm thinking about 2.3 volumes. Sound about right?
Do you mean add the dry hop after 5 weeks or dry hop fro 5 weeks?

No reason why you can't dry hop when you come back. Dry hopping for 5 weeks though is likely to cause vegetal flavours in your beer.

Yeah mate I mean dry hop after 5 weeks when cold conditioning.
Mashing this at the moment. I saw in the latest edit on the db file that you adjusted hops to 20 mins and flame out. im doing a 46L batch and my planned hop additions are 90g(2g/l) @ 20mins and 70g(1.5g/l) @ 0 mins

In brewmate this gives me 50.2 IBU with the no chill option selected. and 22.3 with it unselected. Do these addtions sound ok? The way i got to my additions was:

put in the original hop additions from recipe db, multiplied each addtion by 2.3 as im doing 46L.
saw that the predicted IBU was 35IBU with out NC and 53.5 with NC.
So I aimed to get the 53.5IBU with NC selected.

This sound ok? Thanks
I would just like to voice my support for this recipe (grist at least, I don't use amarillo much) with rye in it. Bloody delicious. Dry and spicy on top of the caramunich is a great combo. I only subbed about half of the wheat as I was timid with my first use of rye. Next one will be Argons LFPA with a big chunk of rye in it methinks.
I'm going to knock this one out as my next brew. I have been wanting to have a play with rye so that's going in, I'm not a massive fan of Amarillo so I'm subbing it with Chinook and giving the WY1272 American Ale II a crack as well because I'm a little over us05. This one should be a good drop.
I'm going to knock this one out as my next brew. I have been wanting to have a play with rye so that's going in, I'm not a massive fan of Amarillo so I'm subbing it with Chinook and giving the WY1272 American Ale II a crack as well because I'm a little over us05. This one should be a good drop.
This is why I love brewing ag. Different grain/hops/yeast but still the same vibe!
got me thinkin' has anyone tried this recipe with galaxy or cascade?
might be a good chrissy brew.
got me thinkin' has anyone tried this recipe with galaxy or cascade?
might be a good chrissy brew.

My last version of this was cascade (plus half wheat subbed for rye) - and also to GDAH, I use wy1272 almost exclusively in place of op/1056 and is just as good in this recipe. Great complexity, delicious and I will brew it again.
No but my house Pale Ale is generally (and currently) using Galaxy, Cascade and Citra, if that helps.

Similar grain bill to DSGA, too.

i'm a big fan of galaxy, my s&w pacific ale style brew is fast becoming my fav but would love to try a more meatier recipe in the golden ale style for the cooler nights ,come one then , recipes are for sharing :) . pleasssee!!!!!
My last version of this was cascade (plus half wheat subbed for rye) - and also to GDAH, I use wy1272 almost exclusively in place of op/1056 and is just as good in this recipe. Great complexity, delicious and I will brew it again.
sounds good, does the rye give it a big grainy finish?
If brewing this beer for me I always use rye instead of wheat. EDIT - rye does give it a spicy/earthy flavour.

I've done a galaxy version before (rye and also caraaroma). Also done a galaxy/cascade combination (cascade and chinook work well together too). Both very good. I also regularly sub vienna for the munich.

WY1272 (or the whitelabs equivalent) is my preferred yeast for this.

Rye golden ale on tap at the moment with homegrown victoria hops (now have 3 victoria plants) is going down so well.

I use this grist % in a lot of beers as well as the general hop schedule (great for homegrown chinook, cascade and victoria!). Still call them golden ales even if the only thing it has in common is the water. :p
i'm a big fan of galaxy, my s&w pacific ale style brew is fast becoming my fav but would love to try a more meatier recipe in the golden ale style for the cooler nights ,come one then , recipes are for sharing :) . pleasssee!!!!!

Recipes are absolutely for sharing and I'm more than happy to share:

Viscount is truly dead
American Pale Ale
Recipe Specs
Batch Size (L): 25.0
Total Grain (kg): 5.700
Total Hops (g): 100.00
Colour (SRM): 10.1 (EBC): 19.9
Bitterness (IBU): 35.1 (Average)

Grain Bill
5.000 kg Perle Malt Bairds (87.72%)
0.400 kg Wheat, Red (7.02%)
0.200 kg Carared (3.51%)
0.100 kg Caraaroma (1.75%)

Hop Bill
10.0 g Galaxy Pellet (13.4% Alpha) @ 30 Minutes (Boil) (0.4 g/L)
10.0 g Cascade Pellet (5% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil) (0.4 g/L)
30.0 g Citra Pellet (11.1% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil) (1.2 g/L)
30.0 g Galaxy Pellet (13.4% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil) (1.2 g/L)
20.0 g Cascade Pellet (5% Alpha) @ 0 Days (Dry Hop) (0.8 g/L)

Misc Bill

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