Recipe For A Carlton Draught Replica

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Hi All

Does any one have a recipy for a Carlton Draft Replica as it is the beer that I enjoy the most of the shelf. I would like to be able to brew some thing the same or as close as. Any advice would be great!
Hi All

Does any one have a recipy for a Carlton Draft Replica as it is the beer that I enjoy the most of the shelf. I would like to be able to brew some thing the same or as close as. Any advice would be great!

I find this AG recipe come pretty close to most OZ lagers but always ends up turning out much better than the stuff off the shelf. B)

Aussie Lager:

Yeast: Wyeast 2124

4000g Pilsner Malt

75g Crystal Malt

15g Pride of Ringwood Hops for bittering.

15g Hallertau dry hopped in secondary fermentor.

1/2 tab of irish moss (last 10 min of boil)

Ferment at 8 - 13 degree C

Strike in at 71c then mash at 66c for 90 mins.

Sparge at 77 degree C.

makes a 23ltr batch.
Beermakers Draught with saflager yeast according to my look-a-like list some Hb shop, which i dont go to anymore gave me.

Could dry hop with some PoR?

I would sudgest adding urine instead of water also to get that genuine taste ;)
Macka - have a read of

Should give you some ideas.
Thanks Guys.
Devo your recipy is a bit beyond me as I am still an aprenitce as im finding out on this site very quickly. I will keep it for a later date. Finite - have herd of the healing properties of urine although I might give it a miss on Friday night in the next batch.
Could dry hop with some PoR?

Defiantly not !
result would be disgusting,POR is a bittering hop,little in later additions but not for dry hopping B)

too right Bats....
But if any of you mash brewers are looking for an interesting POR flavour try FWH'ing with it... I used this technoque in my Mash PAddle Aussie Ale a few years back.... was quite tasty....
too right Bats....
But if any of you mash brewers are looking for an interesting POR flavour try FWH'ing with it... I used this technoque in my Mash PAddle Aussie Ale a few years back.... was quite tasty....

I do the same with my Aussie Ales
Late addition of Cluster instead of POR is very nice as well
Still in the Aussie Ale style,good beer to start those "I don't like homebrew" people out on.

Macka, If your looking for a simple kit I'd say your best bet would be the E.S.B Australian Draught 3kg tin seems to rate very well here:

On a side note: was wondering if I was to do an AG version of this could I use ale malt over the pilsner malt? The aussie lagers seem to have a lot more colour then the euro ones and I was thinking this might be the case?
Carlton Draught has a very bready sort of a flavour, so I suspect a fair whack of Traditional Ale Malt plus some Pilsner, at least 15% sugar/dextrose, a yeast that promotes bready flavours (if you can find one), and no more than about 22 IBUs of Pride of Ringwood would get you close.

Or maybe that should be 70% megalager malt (Schooner or whatever), 30% hydrolised corn starch and 20 IBUs of isohop. Brew it as a high gravity batch then dilute with deoxygenated water at kegging time.
Or maybe that should be 70% megalager malt (Schooner or whatever), 30% hydrolised corn starch and 20 IBUs of isohop. Brew it as a high gravity batch then dilute with deoxygenated water at kegging time.

I see you are going for a very authentic recipe.

Maybe you should commission a big-budget ad to get your mates to drink it? :D
Or maybe that should be 70% megalager malt (Schooner or whatever), 30% hydrolised corn starch and 20 IBUs of isohop. Brew it as a high gravity batch then dilute with deoxygenated water at kegging time.

I see you are going for a very authentic recipe.

Maybe you should commission a big-budget ad to get your mates to drink it? :D
A REALLY BIG AD! I can't believe its so freaking huge!

Incidentally, the closest I've gotten to something that tasted like an Aussie megalager was actually brewed as an ale with Nottingham Ale Yeast.
I thought that Carlton Draught was "made from BEER!!" :ph34r:

Cheers ;) ,

You need to add some dishwater to get that pure and unmistaking chemical treated taste to the brew. I agree with you JS, WTF is with the promo, made from beer? We all know it isnt beer, so what is it?

For my 2 cents i think its effluent from ICI chemicals in Yarraville Melbourne.

You need to add some dishwater to get that pure and unmistaking chemical treated taste to the brew. I agree with you JS, WTF is with the promo, made from beer? We all know it isnt beer, so what is it?

For my 2 cents i think its effluent from ICI chemicals in Yarraville Melbourne.


Hang on a tick hey? Macka enjoys it and hes after a recipe to clone it. Macka go with the ESB Traditional Draught using dry US56 yeast at 18 degrees and she'll be great :beer:
I don't mind a drop of draught - if you get it on tap and get it really fresh it does have a nice freshness to it with a nice bicuity bready thing which isn't so bad - once its a bit older though - the sink is too good for it.
AGraham and James Squire
It IS made from beer, hence adding deoxygenated water at kegging time. You are taking beer, and making something else out of it! :blink: And no, I am not trying to take the mickey out of Macka, I am pretty sure that is how it is made (as per colinw's recipe), so it wil be a little difficult to replicate exactly on a home brew scale. Best of luck, though Macka, I am sure you will find some good hints in this thread, and be pretty happy with the beer you make.
All the best
Macka asked for a recipe for a beer he likes,not everyone has the same tastes.
We are craft brewers here,that means we will brew beers to our liking be it Calton or whatever.
I am sure Macka's new at brewing and brewing to a style you enjoy is the only way to learn.
Sorry I can't help you Macka,I only do AG brews these days but good luck with it.


Regarding my previous post... I was not intending to sound as though I was taking the mickey mate. Just expressing my confusion on the company slogan (made from beer), of which Trent has cleared up for me!

As for a recipe, you'll find that on the Carlton website they refer to their own Aussie grown special "Pride" hops. So Pride of Ringwood is definately the go...

As for malts it definately has the bready tastes in there so I'd say Ale malt is along with some pilsener malt.

And it's cool fermented using Carltons own yeast culture that heralds from a (????) famous variety of yeast dating back to 1898 according to their write up... Not sure on this one but others will be able to help im sure.

As for a recipe for an up and coming brewer like yourself Id go with steve's tip for the ESB Draught Kit and US56 combo. Won't be 'the same' but im sure it will make you pretty happy...

Good luck,


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