Qld Lexmark Indy - Invite To All Ahb Brewers

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OK boys, where are the pics and posts, are you all still hung over :D Come on, are you suffering too much from all the "Brewers Start Your - Thirst" :p

Thought Ross would have posted some pics by now!
LOL - Well on checking my camera this evening it appears I didn't get a single picture of a car B)
Pat did manage to squeeze his mug shot into a couple though...






Had a great weekend watching the girls I mean cars :party: ... Thanks Pat for your great hospitallity as always.

cheers Ross
Do you have any pics of pat... I couldnt find him in any of them :D
Bugger..... :(

Wish I was there......... and saying that, anyone want to go see Rodger Waters in February ?


Eeek... what are you drinking Pat?

Did you see any ****s on balconies? There are usually some lass' willing to bare all.

Shame I couldn't make it up, bloody weather had me trapped.

I also cut my finger and needed 4 stitches yesterday... (had some blood gushing and passed out like a big sook, which got Yo in a panic)... anyway would have impeded my drinking ability.
Ended up in NSW yesterday and have to head for work now so no report from me until tonight. I'm ashamed to say though that I was all fired up to disgrace and embarrass myself for your amusement but failed dismally. Ross managed to crash a Holden Racing Team function though!

How'd you go Brad and Damien?
Sorry I diden't get down that way guys , but things fell into place very well on saturday arvo and I was home on the banks of the river by 20:30. After driving straight through from here back to briz I was in no shape to go out and deal with a crowd of 1000's who had been drinking all day and managed to retrun the truck at 15:45 and get on a plane at 16:05.

Thanks for the invite Pat . Hope to get the chance to have one more sesh with you befor you go west.

Looks like you had a great couple of days .. a bit sad I missed it but that s life..
Bunyip, we needed you but am wrapped to see you are making it to the swap. That is top news!

OK - Indy Report....

I failed to embarrass myself this weekend and can only redeem myself by recounting my last memory of my prior Indy where I ended up in a flash bar/restaurant pashing and groping like a true bogan. That was the start of a fulfilling two-week relationship which could have possibly been consumated under the table of that restaurant - can't remember. After two weeks I thought I better get back to work though.

(Pretty much all of that story is actually true.)

This weekend I feel as though I let the Brisbane AHB team down (Ross and sjc.) Most of the Gold Coast guys ended up not being able to make it through no fault of their own which was a real shame. We got to see Frogman who got a ride around the track at 180kph - cool!

Old_Dog's son busted his collar bone. Zizzle was keen as but the rain made transport on his bike a little unwise! vjval was all up to join us midnight Friday when he finsihed work but we knocked him back, saving ourselves for Saturday. (Hope you had a good one yesterday Brad.)

It wasn't the introduction to Indy I had hoped for Ross and sjc and I'm dissapointed - didn't even take them to Hollywood Showgirls! Tony, a local mate of mine who joined us Saturday thought it was a bit flat too though he nor I had ever been to Indy without being in an apartment. Maybe the hot weather needs to be there as well?

Anyway, I flaked both nights early - too tired after a long week.

Ross however is the true party animal. He left sjc and myself for dead - nothing held him back. He still needs to account for his whereabouts most of Saturday night!!!!

Anyway, no one can say you don't get a boody good breakfast at my place - even comes with sjc home-baked bread!

;) Pat
It's all true and I can definitely confirm a good feed for breakfast at Pat's. A great host.

Saved having to waste money on lunch, apart from malt sandwiches!
No wonder you flaked it early pat, when i rang Ross at 9:30am on Friday morning he was just arriving at your place and i believe you were going to crack a beer... :beer: :chug: :beerbang:

rook ( one jealous Bastard )
Looks like it was a top weekend...

i'm now sorry i decided not to go..

(would have been a VERY expensive weekend with beers at $7 a pop)

But im with Zizzle... where's the Balcony Action???

The boys who went with work..(my work sponcers a V8 supercar) recon the REAL action was on the balcony's. :beerbang:
on saturday when Will Power scored the pole position, I nearly packed up my gear and went down, alas I decided not to. You playboys would have sent me broke and convinced my intoxicated self to do debaucherous things for your amusement.
'Scuse my non-reply guys. I've been flat out writing garbage in Sqyres swap thread - lol.

Have been chatting to some other guys who were at the track. Those, like us, without an apartment thought it was a lot quieter than previous years too though there was plenty of balcony action - not that we saw much from our locations. Those in apartments had a ball though.

Zizzle, that's a bloody Carlton Mid-Strength in my hand and Ross's VB - both cans!!! The only other choice of beer was Cascade Premium Light in the can. Not really inspiring stuff.

If anyone wants to do this next year, get an apartment on the track and bring a heap of kegs. While apartments are at least $1500 if you split it 8 or so ways (you need at least this many people to live it up a bit), that gives you a few passes and you can drink your own beer, watch the race on TV and live plus the balconies. It's the only way to really do it. Helps if you're about 20 years old and can drink for 4 days straight too.

By the way, you are probably wondering about those pictures Ross posted. Unfortuantely there was a rumour that Brad Pitt was on track so of course I was mistakenly accosted time and time again with girls wanting to have their picture taken with me.

At some stages, as you can see in the first two pics, the girls were actually lining up and screaming, 'Pick me Brad! Pick me!' (He was a bit pissed when he took that third one - must have dropped the camera or something).

I didn't tell them I wasn't Brad and I really think it made their day. Good on me!

This is all true isn't it sjc ;)