Qld Brewers Get Togethers

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Looks like you guys have well and truly cornered the market for meat, so I'll put my hand up and bring a sufficient amount of potato salad and coleslaw.

Browndog, that Duvel clone sounds brilliant. I just had a glass the original, and I'd enjoy a few more if I had any. Are you planning on going the 8.5%? A few glasses of that and I'd be out. :party:


Yes Bonj, it will be as close a clone as possible and hence, 8.5% if everything goes according to plan. I've never tried this beer so I'll be able to get to you be the guinea pig to see if it gets the thumbs up or not. Sounds like there could be some real gastronomic delights from stuffed chillis to smoked fish. Batz, we should just have a list of who is bringing what and leave it at that. If people volunteer to bring something then it should be up to them to do the cooking, leaving the host to man the bar and mingle. What say?


Yes Bonj, it will be as close a clone as possible and hence, 8.5% if everything goes according to plan. I've never tried this beer so I'll be able to get to you be the guinea pig to see if it gets the thumbs up or not. Sounds like there could be some real gastronomic delights from stuffed chillis to smoked fish. Batz, we should just have a list of who is bringing what and leave it at that. If people volunteer to bring something then it should be up to them to do the cooking, leaving the host to man the bar and mingle. What say?



I am pleased you have accepted the roll as 'tucker monitor' browndog,I hope you do a better job than Pat's 'case swap monitor'.
I was a little worried this may all get a bit difficult but sounds like fun now :lol: Lets give it a whirl and see what happens hey?

I'll have a nice vindaloo curry and plenty of eggs for brekky.

Go browndog!! ;)

Hi Guys,
I'm jumping into my role as "Tucker Monitor" with relish haw haw haw. The way I see it, we all want to be enjoying the beer and the company and not to worried about food. I certainly don't want to be chasing blokes for money doing it the "food per head" way. So here is what I propose. The blokes who put their hand up to supply tucker goodonyas. Next time, you can take a back seat and let someone else have a turn, after all, these gatherings are all in the spirit of mateship and I'll be keeping tabs over the future meetings so noone will miss out helping out with the food.
Now, we don't want any of our Brothers taking too much time out of the festivities to prepare fillet mignions and stuff like that. So I propose we fill up on common party fare that requires minimal preparation and cleaning up afterwards and snack on some more gastronomic delights such as Andrews smoked on the premises fish and Inciders butt burning rellenos. If you have a specialty that you would like to offer up, be it bar snacks (I'll be bringing jerky) or some form of unique fingerfood that goes well with a drink then add your name to the list. Batz has a couple of outdoor hotplates so a stew or curry could be an option as you simply need to heat them up.
So it looks like we will be filling up on sausage sangers, snags supplied by me and instead of Bonj bringing coleslaw and potatoe salad, I'll put him down for bread and sauce. Andrew is bringing 1kg of bacon for breakfast but we will need more than that. If you want to put your name to something on the list below or add something of your own great. We will give it a few weeks then I'll take it from there. Remember, I don't want any one person spending more than say $10 or 15 as this is a gratis type thing.

Mrs Batz - Curry
Browndog - Snags - jerky
Bonj - bread and sauce
Incider - rellenos
Andrew - smoked fish - 1kg bacon
more bread and marg
1 kg bacon
1 kg bacon
onions and tomatoes
disposable plates and bowls
disposable knives and forks and servietes
Screwtop - nuts and bolts
chips and nuts
dips and crackers

As Fukusan say's " Let's get it on"
ll be bringing Chilli rellenos, a kilo of Bacon for the A.M. and ...don't laugh... some beer!

IPB Image

And some bread too... and some tomatoes as well. I loved the Cheese slice BBQ's over a tomato for brekky... it was the 300 brekky beers that made me talk more rubbish... beerbang.gif

those things look like some kind of miniature pig de-hoofed and baked!!
Hi Guys,
I'm jumping into my role as "Tucker Monitor" with relish haw haw haw. The way I see it, we all want to be enjoying the beer and the company and not to worried about food. I certainly don't want to be chasing blokes for money doing it the "food per head" way. So here is what I propose. The blokes who put their hand up to supply tucker goodonyas. Next time, you can take a back seat and let someone else have a turn, after all, these gatherings are all in the spirit of mateship and I'll be keeping tabs over the future meetings so noone will miss out helping out with the food.
Now, we don't want any of our Brothers taking too much time out of the festivities to prepare fillet mignions and stuff like that. So I propose we fill up on common party fare that requires minimal preparation and cleaning up afterwards and snack on some more gastronomic delights such as Andrews smoked on the premises fish and Inciders butt burning rellenos. If you have a specialty that you would like to offer up, be it bar snacks (I'll be bringing jerky) or some form of unique fingerfood that goes well with a drink then add your name to the list. Batz has a couple of outdoor hotplates so a stew or curry could be an option as you simply need to heat them up.
So it looks like we will be filling up on sausage sangers, snags supplied by me and instead of Bonj bringing coleslaw and potatoe salad, I'll put him down for bread and sauce. Andrew is bringing 1kg of bacon for breakfast but we will need more than that. If you want to put your name to something on the list below or add something of your own great. We will give it a few weeks then I'll take it from there. Remember, I don't want any one person spending more than say $10 or 15 as this is a gratis type thing.
Mrs Batz - Curry
Browndog - Snags - jerky
Bonj - bread and sauce
Incider - rellenos
Andrew - smoked fish - 1kg bacon
more bread and marg
1 kg bacon
1 kg bacon
onions and tomatoes
disposable plates and bowls
disposable knives and forks and servietes
Screwtop - nuts and bolts
chips and nuts
dips and crackers
TidalPete - 1 kilo bacon - tub margarine - Cajun nuts

As Fukusan say's " Let's get it on"
Almost put your hand up for something then hey Pete? :lol: :lol: :lol:


(must have been too green)
Almost put your hand up for something then hey Pete?

(must have been too green)

Not too overawed by this thing so far so just be happy I'm fronting up. Got a meeting organised with my splinter group on your deck,<_<
Do I get my usual bed?
Changed the pasta for other stuff as it may be hard to heat up on a bar-b-que plate.
I'll put my hand up for a couple of plates of my layered mexican bean dip and some corn chips...
instead of Bonj bringing coleslaw and potatoe salad, I'll put him down for bread and sauce.
Fine by me, mate. That was one of my other options anyway. I'll bring tomato sauce.

I will bring some Blue cheese and crackers as well. Glad to hear you will be there Pete, looking forward to a couple of brews with you :party:


Mrs Batz - Curry
Browndog - Snags - jerky
Bonj - bread and sauce
Incider - rellenos
AndrewQld - smoked fish - 1kg bacon- home made Roquetfort Blue cheese/crackers
more bread and marg
1 kg bacon
1 kg bacon
onions and tomatoes
disposable plates and bowls
disposable knives and forks and servietes
Screwtop - nuts and bolts
chips and nuts
dips and crackers
TIdal Pete-ik bacon-tub of margarine-cajun nuts

As Fukusan say's " Let's get it on"

The results of the logo poll (or pole if you have being drinking too much!) are in, and Chad is the winner with just under 50% of the vote. Congratulations!

I got him to do a high resolution version of the logo, and gave him creative freedom to "fix" it up as he saw fit. Once I had the logo, I designed the webpage to fit - and this is where we are at:

http://www.brewerhood.com/ (hit refresh if you see the old non-graphics version!)

What I need now are some photos of previous gatherings of QLD brewers to chuck on the photo page - email them to me matt at mafudesigns.com

Now back to your scheduled programming....

Glad to hear you will be there Pete, looking forward to a couple of brews with you

As I you, Andrew.

I will bring some Blue cheese and crackers as well. Glad to hear you will be there Pete, looking forward to a couple of brews with you :party:


Andrew, you're already bringing heaps, I'll supply cheese & crackers...

Mrs Batz - Vindaloo curry
Browndog - Snags - jerky
Bonj - bread and sauce
Incider - rellenos
AndrewQld - smoked fish - 1kg bacon- home made Roquetfort Blue cheese/crackers
more bread and marg
1 kg bacon
1 kg bacon
onions and tomatoes
disposable plates and bowls
disposable knives and forks and servietes
Screwtop - nuts and bolts
chips and nuts
dips and crackers
TIdal Pete-ik bacon-tub of margarine-cajun nuts
Ross - Cheese & crackers
As Fukusan say's " Let's get it on"

Cheers Ross
Sometimes I wish I didnt leave Brisbane. You guys are going to have a great time. Good onya Batz for hosting. You should post the pic of that beer on the deck showing the view in "whats in the glass" thread....I'd be putting me swag on the deck.
Sorry guys, my posts #4 #20 and #24 - never said I'd be there, guess everybody assumed, have a family (wife's) do that weekend. Will be missing a great night by the way things are shaping up!
Will any hop growers out there have a harvest ale ready to bring along or is it to early?

Mmmmm wouldn't mind trying a wet hop beer :)
Will any hop growers out there have a harvest ale ready to bring along or is it to early?

Mmmmm wouldn't mind trying a wet hop beer :)

You'd eat a hop sanwich Jye! Maybe I could make you some hop cookies, think I have a recipe around from a mis-spent youth.
The results of the logo poll (or pole if you have being drinking too much!) are in, and Chad is the winner with just under 50% of the vote. Congratulations!

I got him to do a high resolution version of the logo, and gave him creative freedom to "fix" it up as he saw fit. Once I had the logo, I designed the webpage to fit - and this is where we are at:

http://www.brewerhood.com/ (hit refresh if you see the old non-graphics version!)

What I need now are some photos of previous gatherings of QLD brewers to chuck on the photo page - email them to me matt at mafudesigns.com

Now back to your scheduled programming....


Looks great Mobrien, I have sent you some pics of the first Qld Xmas case swap and also a couple from the bat cave, let me know if you don't get them.
